King of Entertainment

Chapter 728 4 major anchors

On the following day, the DreamWork will be opened in five live broadcasts at the same time tonight, mainly singing and story classes.

"Singer and story class? That is to say, Xiao Chong will sing today?"

"There are five live broadcasts today, and Xiao Ya is estimated to continue to say his" Shuk and Beta "."

"Shuk and Beta" have only a feeling of Xiao Central, suddenly changed someone else, there will be many people without buying. "

"The other four live broadcasts sing?"

"Do you want to let other four anchors sing the song of the factory?"

"It is definitely like this, where did he go to find so many fairy tale."

"Xiao Chong did not say to live fairy tales, maybe it is a ghost story."

"Ghost Story? If this is this, since" ghost blowing light "and" Liao Zhai ", Xiao He has not had a new ghost story for a long time."

Many people are looking forward to the live broadcast of this evening.

Fatful live broadcast.

The little white rabbit is very depressed. She lost her bleak yesterday, she is really unwilling, she has to pull back a game anyway.

If you are not willing to be them, the top ten live broadcast platform is not willing. Despite the first line of artists, it is a new world that will be broadcast live, and they will be willing to give Xiao Chong.

"Xiao Chong opened five rooms at the same time, is the first comprehensive ratio, we absolutely can't succeed."

"Yes, the live broadcast market is so big, it is absolutely unable to make Xiao Chong to divide the market."

"Xiao Chong mixed so good in the entertainment industry, why also come to the live market to cross a foot? Isn't he not enough?"

The bosses of the live platforms such as the fighting bird gathered together, and everyone gave a sense of crisis to Xiao Chong into the live broadcast market.

Before they were somewhat, they didn't keep calm when they were born in the "Shuk and Beta" yesterday.

"Shuk and Beta" are just a fairy tale. It has been fired. If Xiao Chong wrote something more fire, then they still play a fart.

"Today, you must block the bleak!"

"We don't believe in Xiao Chan, we don't believe in Xiao Cheng."

"This event plan, do you have any opinion?"

"If you have no opinions, you will follow this plan."

Soon, the top ten live broadcasts this evening will spread all the nets.

The audience of the live broadcast platform is excited. This event is too big, and people are eye.



Calling live broadcast.

All net red is waiting for the results of Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong looked at the public network, "Zhou Mo."

Although Zhou Muc already knows that he can be selected, it is still very excited, he said, "Thank you Teacher!"

Several nets are very embarrassed, but they don't dare to say anything.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Jiang Shan, Tian Si, Huang Jiaer!"

These three nets have heard their names, excited, and they are squatting: "Thank you Teacher Xiao!"

They really didn't think they would be selected.

Xiao Central said, "You come four to me."

Zhou Mo left the Xiaozhou left.

Some people can't help but laugh, "I can't see it, they can actually stand out."

Many net red also reveals the color of ridicule, and they do not believe that these four people are selected by truth.



Xiaoyang's office.

Zhou Mom is sitting Qi Qi, waiting for Xiao Chong to talk.

Xiao Cong said, "You have a characterful of four people, according to your characteristics, your division will be different this evening."

"Tian Si, you are responsible for live fairy tale."

"Jiang Shan, you are responsible for live ghost stories."

"Huang Jiaer, you are responsible for singing."

"Zhou Mo, you are responsible for the liveth!"

After listening to the depression, others are still good, Zhou Mo is very embarrassed, what is the show show?

Other people in the office are also confused, out of mouth show? Is this a new type of live broadcast? Have you heard that?

Xiao Jiang did not explain, looked at Tian Si, "This is a fairy story you have to say this evening."

He handed a manuscript of Tian Si.

Tian Si is very busy picking up the manuscript.

Xiao Central said, "The manuscript is my temporary written last night, you only have a time practice one afternoon."

Tian Si is very nervous, hurriedly nodd, "Teacher Xiao is relieved, I will do it all right. Never let you down."

Xiao Chong looked at Jiang Shan, and he also handed it to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan hurriedly took the manuscript. "Teacher Xiao is rest assured, I must do it!"

She dares not to do her, this opportunity is not the average person.

Xiao Chong looked at Huang Jiaer, "You are the best in the four people, so I decided to let you sing."

Huang Jiaer's long phase can only say a general, but she is really good, although it is not as good as professional singers, but there is a good voice of SSI.

Xiao Cong said, "This is the song list tonight, you are familiar with it."

Huang Jiaer hurriedly took the song list, she swept a song list, and she was very tight, and she was very familiar.

However, when I saw the last song, she couldn't help but stop, and trembled and looked up and looked up Xiao Chong. "Teacher Xiao, this song ...?"

Zhou Momi looked at Huang Jiaer.

Xiao Central said, "This song is what I wrote, and it is also your axial song tonight."

Huang Jiaer trembled, she didn't expect this kind of good faith to himself.

This is the song written by Xiao Lao.

This is the song that you want to get along the first line, or even a super-unlined singer.

Since the depression of Xiao Cu, in addition to a few friends around, only gives the big wrists, and there is a lot of money.

No, you should say that Xiao Chong's song is no market!

Huang Jiaer knows that with this song, she is estimated to get rid of the net red identity, becoming a real artist!

She really didn't know what to say, only to say unparalleled, "Teacher Xiao, I ... I ... Thank you ..."

Xiao Cang put his hand, "Go to practice, Dong Qing should come, if you will ask her,"

Huang Jiaer took a hurry.

Jiang Shan and Tian Si have envyed, but they are not awkward, because they know how much Huang Jiaer has worked hard, she sometimes practicing songs at night.

Xiao Chong finally looked at Zhou Mo. "Tonight, you come to the live show, this is a new program."

New show?

Zhou Mo is shocked by other three women.

After a short surprise, Zhou Mor didn't help but ask, "This ... this is the program you created by Xiao Teacher?"

Xiao Yang's face does not jump, "This is my original program."

I first commented in this world, of course, original.

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