King of Entertainment

Chapter 731 I am ugly, I am very gentle

Just when the "Snow Princess" began to broadcast live, Huang Jiaer has begun to sing.

Huang Jiaer sang is the song of the artist of the DreamWorks, which is the song of Dong Ji's song, and the songs of Tang Wenzhao and Xu Wenjun.

To say singing, Huang Jiaer must have no Dong Ji to sing well, so she can only select some of the right songs and sing their own characteristics.

In addition, Xiao Chong took Dong Ji and Xu Wenjun to help out.

Huang Jiaer's live broadcast is equally high, and live singing is one of the most popular types of live broadcast platforms.

However, Huang Jiaer wants to really hold up the live broadcast, but also a little help, that is, Xiao Chong to her song.

After singing a few Dong Ji's songs, she said slightly nervous to the audience. "The song below is that Xiao Teacher is created in person, I hope everyone can like it."

Everyone heard that Huang Jiaer's song was actually written by Xiao Yicheng, all of them were shocked.

"I am going! Xiao Chong actually gives a net red writing song?"

"It's too envious, this Huang Jiaer is in general, and it can be favored by Xiao Cong."

"Xiao Yu is really generous, actually to give the song to a net red."

"This is just to give a net red singer, Xiao Chong estimates will not write seriously."

The singer of the entertainment circle also eyes.

"I know that I will go to the beast live broadcast."

"I also want to go, maybe you can get a song of Xiaoyang."

"I have already put your resume!"

A three-line singer said.

"! The action is too fast!"

Soon, there is an artist called the customer service called the beast live broadcast, consult the recruitment.

The customer service called the beast is not much more than a year. I suddenly took a few calls this evening, and I actually all the stars, suddenly let her hands play.


The live room of Huang Jiaer, the name of the song appeared.

Song: "I am ugly, but I am very gentle"

Words: Xiao Chong.

Queue: Xiao Chong.

Singing: Huang Jiaer.

At this moment, her live broadcast is even surpassed, and the live broadcast of Damo is reached.

The audience is expected to look forward to the new songs of Xiao Zhi, and the wonderful things happen, and those who pay attention to new songs are more than those who pay attention to Xiao Bi himself.

"I am ugly, but I am very gentle? Is this song?"

"Smile! Xiao Cheng will give people a song, Huang Jiaer is indeed the low value in all the anchors."

"Hey, it seems that Xiao Ye personally appreciates the gentleness of Huang Jiaer, otherwise this song can not be written."

"Lying, upstairs, your brain is really big!"

Among the gods of everyone, the song sounded.

Every night,

In the wilderness of dreams,

I am a proud giant,

Every morning,

Before the mirror in the bathroom,

But I find that I am living in the edge of squeeze ...

The audience heard the heart, it was both funny, there was an inexplicable bitter, and the melody of this song was really very good.

The song is still going on.

In the jungle of the reinforced cement,

In his career,

Calculate the gap between dreams and reality,

I'm really ugly,

But I am very gentle.

The appearance is indifferent,


that's me,

But I have music and beer,

A little horrible, weaker,

But never retreat,

At the edge of the city,

I am a lonely france,

In the wilderness of music,

But becomes a fanatic giant,

On the inactive stage,

Not known as the other side,

Emit life and self-dignity,

Dark during the day,

Night immortal,


Sometimes low,

Very good at waiting ...

Singing in the end, Huang Jiaer was touched by himself, and he hiped out, and his own feelings.

she cried!

At this moment, she became a fanatic giant in the wilderness of music! !

The emotions of the audience are also ignited by her, follow her! !

Live room, one is mediocre, but it is not willing to ordinary people, at this moment, I will give Huang Jiaer brush gift!

Many singers in the entertainment circle are also listening to this song.

After listening, they can't help but feel their emotions, Xiao Chong is Xiao Chong, the ability to write songs is really not covered, they can foresee, this net red will absolutely fire.

Don't say that Huang Jiaer can not fire, in short, "I am ugly, but I am very gentle" This song is already fire.

Online is reprinted on this song, everyone's evaluation of this song is quite high.

The comprehensive ratio of the beast live broadcast is the third!

As long as you surpass the live bird live and touch the fish live, you can go to the top!

The task of the system is that the top ten in a row of 10 consecutive days, but Xiao Chong will be willing to 10. He must not only have ten consecutive days ago, but also on the top ten!

When Jiang Shan, Tian Si and Huang Jiaer's live broadcast fire, Zhou Mo's offshore show has begun!

Many people have already raised the five live broadcasts of the beast live broadcast, and the most unexpected live broadcast is Zhou Mom.

Because everyone watched the live introduction, this is very similar to the singularity, you said it directly said that the single mouth is not going to have, say anything to show, do you get so much?

Everyone feels deceived, so I gave the "Mid Show tonight" one most unlikely.

Zhou Mo's pressure is huge.

Especially thinking of Jiang Shan's performance is so good, her pressure is larger.

Now the rankings are ranked now. The first is that the second is the aquatic "Big Bird", the second is Huang Jiaer, the third bucket, the fourth is the anchor of the fish "silently", the fifth is Jiangshan ... ... ninth is Tian Si.

The anchor of the beast live broadcast is going ten.

Zhou Mo was arranged in the end of the day, in order to let her breathabbited, show the audience's charm.

Zhou Mo, of course, knows this, she deeply sucks, let her mood calm.

She is absolutely can't live up to Xiao Chu's hopes of her!


Everyone is hot discussion on "Snow Princess", "Shuk and Beta", "Mountain Village," I am ugly, but I am very gentle ".

Almost all are praised.

For the show show, everyone is really not much.

Many people don't understand, why this time is the Dao Dong arranged in the end.

If you change a live type, the comprehensive ratio of the beast live broadcast is completely hopeful.

Now ...

This off-mouth show is a single mouth, and Zhou Mo is a newcomer. She can't lead the beast live broadcast.

"I believe that Xiao Cong can talk to the single-mouth cross voice of the improvement version, but I don't believe in Zhou Mom."

"I am also, I have to listen to Xiao Chong, the cross talk of others is general."

"Unfortunately, this time Xiao He is busy talking about" Shushi and Beta ", there is no time to say."

Many people don't believe that Zhou Mom can say that "freak show", and many people think this is the revision of single-mouth, really don't mean.


Zhou Mo has adjusted his emotions.

Live start.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhou Mom! I mention the weekend, I am very distressed ..."

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