King of Entertainment

Chapter 733 Rejected outside the door

"The body is Xiao Chong's work" Besieged City ", because the surrounding city is buried, it is not willing, so it is going to revenge."

"Yes, this is the symbolic meaning of" the old corpse of the village "."

"In addition," I am ugly, but I am very gentle ", the same symbolizes Xiao Chong's unwillingness. The spirit of this song represents the resistance, representing the shout of the bottom of the genus."

"Two stories, a song, a detachment show, symbolizes the determination of Xiao Chong chasing the World Literature Award, symbolizing Xiao Chong's desire to the World Literature Award."

Many people are interpreting the real purpose of the DISCO live broadcast tonight.

In the end, everyone has drawn this conclusion.

"Fast, the comprehensive ratings called the beast live broadcast first!"

"This also symbolizes the meaning, it symbolizes Xiao Chong, and will ultimately board the world of world literature!"

"Yes, it must be like this!"

Many people are excited about their own accurate interpretation.

When Xiao Chong saw these conclusions, the whole person was .

Can you explain this?

and many more.

You really misunderstood, I really didn't want to participate in what World Literature Award.

Xiao Jiang's face out of the live broadcast.

Outside the live broadcast, Zhao Xueyi and others looked at Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong finds that the eyes of each of them are somewhat.

Zhao Xueyi is full of face, "the boss, I didn't understand the true purpose of these five live broadcasts before,"

Xiao Chong: "..."

Forget it, it is too lazy to explain.

Just then, a staff came in, "the boss, there is someone who wants to find you."

Xiao Jiang looked at her, "Who?"

That staff said, "If I have not mistaken, he should be Chen Chuhe."

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "tell him, I don't have time."

The voice of Chen Chuhe came from the outside: "How is the boss?"

He came in himself.

Xiao Cong said, "Sorry, I am really not familiar with you."

Chen Chuhe is not angry, smiling and saying: "How is it?"

He wanted to save his brother, but he found that the Liu Bureau did not seem to buy his account.

So he went to see him unmarried wife, but he didn't use it for his unmarried wife.

He knows that the people behind Xiao Chong are estimated very uns, so he personally came over.

Xiao Central said, "What is your brother? Need me to let him?"

Chen Chuhe is a strong, "Xiao Boss, I know you want to participate in the World Literature Award."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Chen Chuhe said, "Maybe I can help it."

Zhao Xueyi and others, this kid can help? What is he relying on?

Xiao Chong also watched Chen Chuhe's curious.

Chen Chuhe smiled, "You may not know who I am not married wife."

Xiao Yang smiled, "I don't want to know."

The Chen Chuhe said that "Grandpa I am not married wife is one of the members of the World Literature Award Organizing Committee, he has recommended rights."

Zhao Xueyi and others were surprised, this Chen Chuhe's fiancee is very powerful, the family background is really not general.

If the boss really can get this recommendation, then it will definitely bypass the work of the work, go directly to the game.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Is it finished?"

Chen Chuhe stunned.

Xiao Cong said, "If you finish it, you can leave."

Chen Chuhe is pleasing, "You have to think about it, Hao President, even if you appreciate you, but sometimes he may not be the master."

Xiao Cong said, "Don't you hear what I said?"

Chen Chuhe is clear, "You will come to me."

He lost this sentence, turned and left.

Zhao Xueyi said: "The boss, lost this opportunity, you can't participate."

Xiao Central said, "Who said I am going?"

Zhao Xueyi and others said, is this not what you said? You are a story, but also a detachment show, isn't it to tell us that you must go to the game?

We really didn't expect that you actually wanted to win the World Literature Award.

Xiao Chong: "..."

Don't make your brain, I don't want to participate in?

Just then, Zhou Mo said, "The boss, Chen Chuhe sent Weibo, he said ..."

Xiao Chong looked at her, "said."

Zhou Mo said: "He said that the people of the World Literary Awards Committee can't let the artists of an entertainment circle to participate, this is a kind of ."

Zhao Xueyi and others were toned, and it was? Among the winners of the Last World Literature Award, there is a strange, even the long running athletes, this is not a literary?

Zhou Mo said, "He forwarded the latest provisions of the World Literature Organizing Committee, one of which is the election of the artists who do not recommend the entertainment circle to the literary award."

Zhao Xueyi and others have changed, this guy's hands and feet are too fast, the boss refuses him. He is behind him to make his grandfather.

In other words, the grandfather of his unmarried wife really likes this kid? Is it so obligent?


Many people have been associated with the Association, but did not expect that the news that Chen Chuhe forwarded.

"I am going, is it true? How can I suddenly have this provision? Who is it?"

"I don't know, there is no such provision in previous years, this is definitely new."

"This is too embarrassing, waiting for the hope of Xiao Teacher."

"Yeah, Teacher Xiao is so eager to participate in literature, the result ..."

"Teacher Xiao must be very disappointed."

"Can you not be disappointed? We feel more from the work of Xiao Chong, let alone . Now he can't go, he is definitely more sad than anyone."

"Hey, unfortunately."

"Yeah, Teacher Xiao went to say that they can win."

Many people are unfortunately.

"That is not necessarily, Liu Shengqiao, Yang, is the biggest award-winning."

"Just, you can't think that he will definitely get a prize because of Xiao Chong, we have to ask for it."

"It is, Liu Sheng Qiao Snow Works I have seen, epic work, bigger than" Besie "."

"Indeed, even though she is a female author, but the pen should be poor than the male man."

"I will thrive, she is really the best writer in the East, no one."

Many Liu Sheng Snow readers have come out.

"That's because Xiao Teacher can't participate, otherwise who will lose who will win it yet."

"It is."

"Why can't Xiao Chong can't participate?"

The fans between the two sides began to mutual.

At the same time, Chen Chuhe didn't know that from there, Chen Li's mobile phone number was there, and he called Xiao Chong, and he was very laughing: "How? I regret it now?"

Xiao He I didn't want to participate in this literary award, but now he changed his mind.

Because he is very uncomfortable.

Especially the Chen Chuhe is very unhappy.

He smiled and said, "Do you really don't participate without you?"

Chen Chuhe laughed: "Then I will wait and see."

He is appointed to hang up.

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