King of Entertainment

Chapter 735 Supreme School

Zhao Xueyi stunned, he did not expect Xiao Chong, did not take the "Besieged City" to participate, he couldn't help but say, "Is it" ghost blow light "?"

Xiao Chong: "..."

This is really taken to participate in the competition, and it is estimated that it will be killed.

"Ghost Blow" is better in the domestic evaluation, it is just a network.

Xiao Chong said, "Go back, I will send you the original."

Zhao Xueyi is very surprised, "You ... do you have new work?"

Xiao Caote head.

Zhao Xueyi said that he actually wants to say, can you write a prize? Is it too big?


The system suddenly tips: "Congratulations to host the temporary task. In the ten days, the live broadcast platform always maintains the top ten, and has always maintained the first ratio first, excess the task. Reward the senior tennis skill package, please Receive a skill package within ten days. "

Xiao Jiang is somewhat, your fucking is a tennis skill package to give me what? I don't go to the tennis player.

Depressed, the plane is falling.

Rozl is always waiting at the airport. He saw Xiao He. He sent it up. "Teacher, I have arranged the hotel for you, let's go to the hotel first."

Although Xiao Jiang confiscated him as a disciple, he has always called Xiao Cu for the teacher, it seems that iron is to worship Xiao Coal.

A group of people immediately went to the hotel.

Rozil smiled and asked, "Teacher, there is a activity in the afternoon, is the Supreme School of Literature, do you have time to participate?"

Xiao Chong said, "Yes."

Rozil exposed the highlights, "I will pick you up in the afternoon."

Xiao Caote head.

After Rozil, Zhao Xueyi said, "The Supreme School is the Swedish literary holy place, and it is also the holy place of the world's house. The first thing to win the literary award is difficult than the day."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Zhao Ge is quite understanding here."

Zhao Xueyi smiled, "I am also a Wenqing that year, but I have a pity that there is no boss."

Xiao Chong did not see that Zhao Xueyi is actually a passion.

Zhao Xueyi said, "Han Jingming should have come."

Xiao Chong said, "Don't worry about them."

Zhao Xueyi laughed, "He is now the people of Huaxia Literature."

It is very uncomfortable for Xiao Ca.

Xiao Cong said, "Let's take a break, go to those people in the highest literary school in the afternoon."


in the afternoon.

Rozil came to a tennis court with Xiao Chong and Zhao Xueyi.

Xiao Jiang did not expect Rozil's activities to be in tennis courts, can't help but surprises.

Tennis court someone is playing.

A middle-aged man is fighting with a thirty man.

There are many people next to them.

"Xiao Chong?"

At this time, there was a voice from the rear.

Xiao Chong turned and saw it, actually Han Jing Ming and Li Aijia.

Han Jingmin is really Xiao Li, can't help but hold.

Other members of Huaxia Literature delegation also shocked.

How will Xiao Chong here?

Han Jingming laughed, "You can't participate in the World Literature Award, you can come and see it is also good."

Xiao Jiang did not pay attention to Han Jingming.

Li Vijia smiled slightly, "Xiao Chong, it is a pity, you have not recommended it this time."

Zhao Xueyi said that this woman is really false.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Nothing, I don't care about their recommendation."

Han Jingming laughed, "Is it still helpless?"

Zhao Xueyi can't help but say, "Do you have a disease? How is it like a scorpion dog?"

Han Jingming bruises, "I am angry with anger?"

Zhao Xueyi is pleasing, this is really like a mad dog, I really don't know how he wrote "hurting the city".

Several people in the literary group said that ghosts believe that you don't care, you don't care, will you make the live broadcast? You don't care, will you ran to Sweden?

What to do!

Han Jing Ming laughed, "Here, the delegation of all countries can come to the place, have you invited a letter? Actually, don't ask?"

People who come to participate in the event today are people who are all Chinese literature groups. Even if they have no money, they are not qualified, let alone a star of a Huaxia Entertainment Circle in the Xiao Central District.

Xiao Yang's eyebrows, "It seems that your ears have problems, you didn't hear someone just said that you are like a scorpion dog?"

Han Jingming laughs, "The skin is you? No invitation is still here."

Rozl looked at Xiao Cang to say in French, "Teacher, is these people are your friend?"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Not."

Roce said: "Do you need me to deal?"

Xiao Ye said, "No, let's go."

After all, they were invited by the organizing committee. He didn't want Rozil to be difficult.

Moreover, he is really too lazy to pay attention to Han Jingming.

Rozil smiled and said, "Teacher, our position is in the first row, you come with me."

Talking about him in front.

Xiao Jiang and Zhao Xueyi have followed the past.

I saw Xiao Chong, I still walked inside, Han Jingming, "the drama is a drama, there is no rule, he will definitely be taken out."

Li Aijia scared, "He wants to use this opportunity to give himself gold, and then go back and also say that he will participate in this high-level event. There is also light on his face."

Other people can't help but laugh.

When they speaking, they have reached the third row of seats.

At this time, Rozil has brought a dip, they came to the first row of seats, ready to enter.

Han Jingming looked at the Xiao Yang, opposite the tennis court, "The area is the deputy professor and professor of the Supreme School of Literature, he actually dare to pass, he will be too simple to be driven out."

Li Aijia scare, "It seems that he does not think about experiencing the fun of advanced activities, but also wants to experience the Treat Professor Level Level of the Supreme School."

Just then, the representative of Yangguo also came, and the lead is Liu Sheng Qian.

Seeing Liu Sheng Snow, Li Vijia and others have become so awkward.

Han Jingming is cold, "" With any of the Yangren's seats, it is better than us? "

He did not accept the gas.

Li Aijia also frowned.

Not cool, they don't dare to say anything.

Liu Sheng Snow and others entered the seat, and some people saw the opposite Xiao Chong.

"Isn't that Huaxia Xiao Chong? Isn't he did not qualify for the competition? How can he come? What is he doing? There is no seat."

"Hey, it is estimated that he came over, I don't know what he got there, actually found the event site arranged by the organizing committee."

"What is found? He will be driven immediately."

"Huaxia is really funny."

The Yanggang Dynasty is a look at the show.

Han Jingming bruises, "The shame is lost abroad."

Li Aijia said, "I don't say we know him when we come."

Other people nodded.

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