Everyone saw Xiao Chong, standing up towards the stage, she stunned.

Chen Chuhe can't help but laugh, "What did he think of? Don't you know that it is a award-winning?"

Han Jingming eyebrows, "he is not stupid, you should not do a stupid thing."

Li Aijia's face is slightly changed, with a bad premonition.

Liu Shengzhi, etc.

Xiao Cu came to stand up.

The organizing committee smiled and reached out, "Congratulations! Your" 100 years of loneliness "is one of the best works."

Everyone is shocked, Xiao Chong is unbeaten? He wrote "100 years loneliness"?


Han Jingmun got up and hysterically called.

Killing him, he is not willing to admit that Xiao Cong is unbeaten.

Although Li Vi did not speak, she also looked at her face, she didn't believe it is true.

The people who organized the committee called cold, "Are you questioning our fake?"

Han Jingming bite his teeth said, "This work is too big to have a style of work before him, so I have doubt."

The personnel of the organizing committee said, "Your question is not related to us, please leave the venue!"

Han Jingming's face is ugly, "I am worried that there is a pen!"

Xiao Cu couldn't help but laugh.

The organizing committee said, "Security? Please go out!"

There is security in the security.

Han Jingming's face is ugly, "he did not qualify for the competition!"

Rozil said, "Sorry, I have recommended rights."

Han Jingming's face is gloomy.

Security has approached him.

"I will go!"

Han Jingming left.

Li Vijia and Chen Chuhe and others have not left, but they are also in needles.

Especially Chen Chuhe, just now, he is still laughing Xiao Chu, his face is just like a blood.

Liu Shengqi's face is not good, they really don't think that Xiao Central will be unbeaten.


Everyone is .

"Xiao Chong is unbeaten in the East? Is him wrote" 100 years loneliness "?"

"This ... this is too incredible."

"I have long known that Xiao Co wrote, only Xiao Chong will take this pen name."

"Haha, I also guessed, Xiao Teacher Niu, this is simply playing the face of the Association."

"I have a red dress, and they almost let Huaxia missed the opportunity to log on the world of literature!"

"Teacher Xiao can really give the entertainment industry's long face, which can be the World Literature Award, too bull."

All major media in the country are Xiao Chong's award-winning news, and everyone is talking about this.

"Right, is it a hundred million of brilliant media?"

Someone ran to the official website of brilliant media.

The brilliant media withdrew the previously released news, and said that it was attacked by hackers.

"I am going, really fuck is shameless!"

"One billion, for the brilliant media is just a nine bull, as for? It's really a losing product!"

"They are not the first time!"

Many people are satirical and brilliant media.

In addition to brilliant media, others are basically unlikely.

Everyone smiled and Xiao Cu actually gone up to billion.

"Who says" 100 years of loneliness "is very poor?"

"That is, who said he is in a mountainous written?"

"I have said that Xiao Ye is temporarily created, only ten days."



Ghost believe.

is it possible?




At the end of the award, Xiao Chong and Zhao Xueyi are also planned to return to Huaxia.

A red sports car is waiting at the door, Catherine explores his head from the car: "I will send you to the airport."

Xiao Chong is not good, refuses Catherine, and opened the car on the door.

Zhao Xueyi said with a smile, "Then I will go back to the hotel to pack things."

Xiao Caote head.

Catherine's football door, leaving Xiaozhou.

After a while, Xiao Chong found that the direction she went was not an airport.

"It seems that it is not the direction of the airport." Xiao Chong is somewhat.

"I didn't plan to go to the airport."

Catherine said, "Haven't you come to Sweden yet?"

Xiao Chong said, "No."

Catherine said, "I take you to see the sea."

Soon, Catherine's car came to the beach, and there is still a sea view room.

"Here is my vacation place."

Catherine walked into the sea view room.

Xiao Chong came in.

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, you can see the sea, and the sun can be irradiated without reservations.

Catherine opened the plug-in window and welcomed the sun to breathe fresh air.

The sound of the tide is constantly, it seems to have to flour into the living room.

However, here, it gives people a quiet and quiet.

Catherine took off the coat in the face of Xiao Chong, wearing underwear, and walked toward the sea.

Xiao Chong: "..."

"Xiao, will you swim?" Her voice came from the outside.

"of course."

"What are you waiting for?"

Xiao Zhi did not wait, he also entered the sea.

Catherine looked Xiao Chu, "Now you believe it? Sophie's body is not good."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Catherine smiled slightly, "it's still ... have you seen it?"

Xiao Zhi really doesn't know how to answer Catherine.

Catherine said, "I have been to France before, Sophie, when you have a very wonderful expression, I guess that she will definitely happen to you. I am curious, why does the flower of France will look at an Oriental, now I Know why. "

Xiao Chong looked at her, "Why?"

Catherine said, "Because you are not a general oriental."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am just an ordinary oriental, except for the handsome, there is no advantage."

Catherine: "..."

Xiao Chong said, "The scenery here is really good, you will be able to enjoy."

Catherine smiled slightly: "Is there any beauty?"

Xiao Chong looked at her just wanted to talk, she had already grabbed Xiao Chong.

Oh shit!

I am kissed again by a baby!

Xiao He is not performed in silence, but in silence.

Unfortunately, Catherine finally stopped Xiao Chong, did not let Xiao Coal succeeded, smiled and said: "Time is almost, I should send you to the airport."

It didn't pay attention to Xiao Chong's horror, Catherine walked out of the room.

Xiao Yang depressed.

After half an hour, Xiao Jiang was sent to the airport.

Catherine gave Xiaozhou a kiss in the car and then drove away.

After leaving the airport, Catherine sent a few photos who didn't know when to shoot for Sophie, and attached a sentence: "Your man is mine."

Sophie, who is far away from the French film, is suddenly stunned after the news.

"Catherine!" Sophie is anger.

Others see Sophie suddenly fire, they are very confused.

Sophie is a good temper, what is it today?


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