King of Entertainment

Chapter 747 Cars and Small New

In the expectation of everyone, a small child with face fat appears on TV.

This child is called "small new". He has a mother called beautiful, and a father is called Guangzhi.

This is a family of three stories.

Yes, Xiao Chong's animation is "Crayon Xiaoxin", which is definitely an anime!

Xiaoxin is a premature child, like beauty.

Beauty is a housewife, good face, temper, not admitted, but is kind.

There is a special footer, very afraid of your wife, let the Meiyu drive, and the company is also a matter of resentment.

The first episode, the naughty and good little new new new is always constantly troublesome, and the mother can't make a mess in the house when the mother is not at home.

Subsequently, he also went to the department store and loved a beautiful big sister. When he went to the seaside to swim, in order to fight the good feelings of the big sister, and took the mother's swimwear to take off, and the mother is ugly.

Finally, in the Kindergarten to Japan, even the appearance of the appearance of the bad guy can't escape the small new magic.

The audience was very unscientized to this anime, but after seeing it, he couldn't help but laugh, twenty minutes of the plot, not let people feel bored, see that everyone still feels it.

People in an anime industry are also focusing on the new anime of Tianyu Technology.

Honestly, seeing the new anime of Tianyu Technology is actually positioned as a child class, they all laugh, they didn't take serious events, and they thought that Xiao Ye had done it.

But after I saw it, the people in these animation were all silent.

Although it is just the first episode, it is very clear, this is definitely possible to become a god!

The artists of the entertainment circle are also paying attention to this anime.

On the other side, these artists laughed, really be moving the little new to the circle powder.

"It is said that" Crayon Xiaoxin "story is Xiao Teacher."

"This role that Xiao Teacher shaped is too great."

"Haha, this role is really funny, how can there be such a cute, and a colored little child."

"The three people of the new home are very funny."

"Just, this is a wonderful family."

Many artists were originally to support Xiao Chong, but now it is really dynamic.

At the same time, there are many authors in the literary world are also watching anime.

Despite their age, it is really less suitable for children's programs, but in order to support Xiao Chong, they still have to see.

After I saw it, they all shocked.

"Awesome! The ability of Xiao Chong's shape is still so good."

"Do you think? Xiao Teacher Xiao, the first person in Huaxia Literature."

"This animation, I feel fire."

"Xiao Yu is really doing anything, invincible."


On the other side of Yang, the Yanglyman looked after "Crayon Xiaoxin", it was all small new circles.

"Kawaii! I love to die."

"The architecture in the story is really beautiful, when I have to go to Huaxia."

"Love, love, I will chase this anime later."

"It's really hard to believe that the author and company of this anime are from China. When did they make an anime? When is it so high?"

Many Yanggang also likes "Crayon Shinchan" very much.

Xiao Chong puts the story of "Crayon Xiaoxin" in China, natural architectural style, etc. also has changed.

Even so, this phenomenon is anime, still in this world.

At this time, the second episode of "Crayon Shinchan" has also begun.

Xiaoxin learned his father's tone to talk to his mother, naturally, no more than a mother.

A little new mother taught him a way to wipe the ass, the result is the toilet toilet ...

Love to the bookstore to see the beautiful woman's photo, when you encounter the store manager and the female clerk, still get everyone's horses ...

The marathon contest held by the dynamic kindergarten is finally coming. Xiaoxin can say that this time can be said to be stepped up, but go to the day of the game, Xiaoxin actually take off the team, run in the opposite direction ...

Every little plot is a laugh, and people can not help.

Many people are attracted by "Crayon Xiaoxin".

"I am very curious now, how much will the ratings of" Crayon Xiaoxin "will go."

"The words should be small in China, but it is not good to say there."

"Yeah, can you enter the top 30?"

"I know the results tomorrow, it is really anxious."

Many people can't wait to know about the rate of ratings.

On the other side of Yang, an anime association came to the office of Liu Sheng Qiandao.

Liu Sheng Qiandao smiled and asked, "Shiyuan brother, what is so anxious to do?"

The man known as the stone original said, "You look at the new animation of the Chinese people."

Liu Sheng Qiand Island disdain, "A Huaxian's work, what is good."

He really didn't take Xiao Chong as an end.

Shiyuan said, "Please let you have to take a look."

Liu Sheng Tiandao is slightly smile, "said that since the stone original brother said, then I will see it."

He looked out "Crayon Xiaoxin".

After reading the first episode, his face changed.

He has been in an anime industry for so many years, and an anime is good, he can see it at a glance.

"Crayon Shinchan" is definitely an extremely excellent work.

Whether it is a storyline, or other aspects.

This is definitely not a simple childclass!

Shiyuan Summer said, "must block this anime."

Liu Shengqi is shaking his head, "can't blocked, this is playing our own face."

Shiyuan said, "But if this movement has entered the top 30, what should I do before the first twenty?"

Liu Sheng Qiandao is laughing, "Are you not confident on our Yang Lang's anime?"

When Shiyuan didn't know what to say, he was really worried.

Liu Sheng Qiandao leaned against a chair, "" It will be said tomorrow. "

Shiyuan said, "What should I do if it's the top twenty?"

Liu Sheng Qiand Island said, "As long as you don't enter the first ten."

Shiyuan no longer said.



Brilliant media.

Dou Wenzhao and Wang Shun did heard that "Crayon Xiaoxin" is a fire, and suddenly stunned.

"Children's animation can also fire?"

"Didn't you make a mistake?"

They feel that they are dreaming.

"Maybe it is rumored, I can't help it, I have to look at tomorrow's anime ranking." Wang Shunng said.

Dou Wenzhao did not speak, and I don't know what I think.

Red Japanese media.

Wu Iviao did not expect Xiao Central to really have the possibility of turning over.

Fish Mo said, "It seems that this Liu Yisheng may lose."

Wu Teng static said, "If he wins, the lost will be lost, but it is our Yanggang Animation."

Fish Mo does.

Wu Ziyu said, "But he can't win, because the best animation family is in our big Yang State."

The next day, domestic ratings were first released.

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