King of Entertainment

Chapter 772 goes to Yangki

"White Snake" is very hot.

The horizontal level of the silence is not much to say, it is definitely top-level, plus Xiaoyang's idea, "White Snake" is difficult.

DreamWorks also announced in a timely manner that "White Snake" is about to be film and television, the male and female protagonist, and Xu Xian's player will pick it up.

"To be honest, I think a lot of stars, I didn't think who was more suitable for Xu Xian."

"Yes, Xu Xian's role is really uncomfortable, no wonder Xiao Co is planning to open the arche."

"Bai Suzhen's role is not good, this woman is too immortal, not the general actor can drive."

"Do you forget Bai Su?"

"Yeah, Bai Su! She can definitely play the role of Bai Suzhen, haha, name is also like!"

"We can think that I can estimate that Xiao Ye can be absolutely thinking, but as long as this is not officially announced, everything is possible."

"" Guajie Gege "is said to be taken, don't know who is going."

"Whether" White Snake "is also" returning to Pearl "estimates to wait until the year, it is certainly impossible year ago."

"look forward to!"

"Looking forward to +1."



At this time, Xiao He has departed to rush to Yang Guo, and there is also the executives of Tengda Group, such as Ma Tengda.

"Don't think about other things, let's go for a few days of hot springs." Ma Tengda said, "There are a lot of beauty in our company, you are your fans, you will not be lonely."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Ma Te Tengda said that "When DreamWorks plan to hold an annual meeting, I will give you a game."

Xiao Cong said, "I have not planned you."

Ma Tengda: "..."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Jun, look back if the dream factory also held an annual meeting, absolutely invited you, you are also one of the shareholders of DreamWorks."

Ma Tengda Haha smiled, "I am getting more and more admire myself, seeing people's eyes are really accurate. The dream factory will definitely surpass Huadian in the future, become a leader in the entertainment industry."

Xiao Jiang, is Huaying?

Hua Ying is Huaxia Film and Television Group, ranking first comprehensive entertainment, and the first in the Huaxia Entertainment Industry.

The standards of the artist list are all they have.

Huaying Award is also the first to start.

Mermane is also Hua Ying.

Zhang Yonglin sang songs in Huadian.

Many big directions are also cultivated in Huadian.

Don't watch the Red Day Media, the brilliant media is also seven entertainment, but they have a lot of gaps compared to Hua Xing Group.

The task given by the system is to become the first in the East China Sea. After that he returns from Yang State, the general chamber will announce the latest rankings, and become the first thing in the East China Sea.

The current DreamWorks is already in the past.

However, if you want to surpass Hua Sha, it is too difficult, this is not a one-day.

The plane quickly arrived in Yangki.

Xiao Hei came to a five-star Spa Hotel, luxurious luxury.

All people stay at the hotel.

There are a lot of hot springs in Yang, and the Tenda Group has a largest area, so that Xiao Cang is lying in the hot spring.

At this time, it suddenly came to quarrel.

Xiao Chong heard what the other party said, the other party is insulting the people in China.

The Chinese people here have only their, which is obviously the people of Tengda Group.

Xiao Chu walked over the bath towel. When he arrived, Ma Tengda came again.

"Eight, here is clearly being packaged, why will there be a Chinese man?" A Yanggang fat man angry.

Many people of Tengda Group don't understand Yang Mandarin. In this way, a Tengda Group's translation comment, "Mr., if you have questions, you can go to the front desk, otherwise we will call."

The fat laughs, "I don't need to consult, you are not qualified here, you will be taken here. I hate is that Huaxia is sick. You come here to make hot springs will only pollute our hot springs."

The translation was irritated, "Yang Gong, here is your Yang LAN, but you can't be so arrogant."

The fat launted, "Since you know that it is not Huaxia, you should be some."

Xiao Chong suddenly opened, "If we don't know how to know?"

A Tengda, he didn't expect Xiao Central, actually speak Yanggang.

The other employees of Tengda Group did not expect that Xiao Teacher is really learning Fu five cars.

The Yany-China fat man looked Xiao Chu, "Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Do you know who I am?"

Yang State is laughing, "Who are you?"

Xiao Central said, "I am you!"

Translation let one side translation.

Everyone is all amused.

Yanggang fat is anger, "Do you want to die?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Ok, I am not you, I am your grandfather."

There are several Yangnifang who have passed next to it.

"Yamaguchi, what happened?"

A tall and handsome spring man opening.

"Wu Tengjun, there is nothing, encounter a group of Huaxia doctor, I will immediately let the people drive them away." Yang Guo said.

"Action is coming."

The man named Wuo said, "You can't let Huaxia's sickness pollute the hot spring here."

The translation of the refugees, and he also turned into the Chinese language translation of Wu Teng.

Deceive too much!

The face of Ma Tengda is gloomy and gloomy, "" This group of people are too fucking to make Laozi! "

Xiao Jiang is of course not cool.

At this time, Tengda had a staff suddenly said, "This person seems to be the popular idol of Wu Teng hero, Yang State."

Several other Tengda employees look carefully, they are also shocked. "True Wu Teng Heroes!"

Xiao Yang eyebrows, can an artist be so embarrassed? Is it a person who is a martial art?

At this time, the person in charge of the hotel came over, he smiled, "A few, we re-arranged the hot spring elsewhere, please move, you are free, you are free."

The bodies of the child have a glimpse.

Wu Teng hero looked Xiao He, "You still don't go?"

It is very impatient in tone.

He is most annoying is the Chinese people.

Xiao Chong looked at the head of the hotel, "Do we miss it?"

The person in charge of the hotel "I know that Mr. is not lacking, but I am sorry, here is a place in Wu Zo."

A group of Chinese people, they are sinned, but they must be different, but they know how to wear out of advantage.

Yang State is laughing, "" Huaxia is sick, remember what I just said? Isn't Huaxia here! "

Ma Tengda said coldly, "I will complain you."

The person in charge of the hotel is helpless, "Mr. please complain, you pay the money, according to the provisions of my country, we will return you three times."

The face of Ma Tengda is very ugly.

I was humiliated last time.

He is still humiliated again this time.

He is wronged!

At this moment, the Wu Teng hero has come to a few people, and the person headed, "Are you a Xiao Chong in Huaxia? That comic master?"

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