King of Entertainment

Chapter 777 Hai Domo's new song

Xiao Chong shook his head, "No, I am just the second."

Wu Teng Heroes laugh, "Huaxia has blows you first."

Xiao Cong said, "They are all lifted, I am in the second."

Wu Teng hero loudly, "Who is that is the first?"

Others are also curious.

Duoyi is also very curious to look at Xiao Chong, she didn't expect China, there is still more talented people than Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central said, "I have a self-denial of the second, natural no one dares to recognize the first."

The martial arts hero face is ugly, and this is reacted and is played by Xiao Jiang!

Guozi Kissile.

Wu Teng Heroes flashed, "Since your creation is so strong, why not write a Yang national anthem for your partner."

The artists in Yangkang looked at Xiao Chong. If the Chinese people refuse, it can only explain that this Chinese people have their own table, and the famous arrogance is blown out in China.

Xiao Chong looked at the Kuo Koi, "Guizi's song, I will certainly write, but not now."

Playing long lines can catch big fish, Xiao Ya is not intended to write songs to Koi's kids now.

The Kuo Kui smiled and said, "I am looking forward to Xiao Jun's song."

Wu Teng Hero laughs, "You can't write it."

There are many Yang Guo people next to them, they can't help but laugh.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Guan you fart."

Wu Teng hero is clear, "" Huaxia people are really vulgar! "

Everyone haha ​​smiled.

At this moment, the Holy Sacred clothes came out.

Many men and artists were shocked. The Holy Saint cloth did not appear in front of the public for more than three years. Everyone thought she was old, I didn't want to see people.

But now, people are really good, and they can't see women with a fifty-year-old.

"She must have eaten long life."

"Just, when I was fifty years old, she was very clear in half a year!"

"How did the teacher maintained it in the most teacher, and he will ask her."

Many female artists envy and hate.

Such a whole of the Yanggang Entertainment Circle can be used in the entire Yanggang Entertainment Circle.

The Holy Saint Cloth smiled and said, "I greeted the face, I brought you a new song."

The face is slightly changed, and the Holy Shengyi actually has a new song.

Kuiko applause.

Everyone also applauded.

The music rang.

Hatano has passed the microphone and sang the emotions.


(Continuously extended shadow in red bricks)

At the eve of the night,

(Walk along the night to walk side by side)


(Always holding hands as long as you can be by your side)

Everyone has changed again. The melody of this song is too beautiful. I only listened to the beginning. Everyone can feel the peak song that is not lost.

The song is still going on.



(I pray that this day will be forever)


(Window window shakes the night)



(I don't know why snow has stopped our street dyeing)

Who is

(I want to do something for someone)


(It turned out that this is love)


(If I lost you)


(I will turn into the stars "

(I will always be next to you by smiling or wet, I am wet.

" ..."

Everyone applauded.

Even the Wu Teng hero also applauded, this song did write too well, the top of the top.

The Holy Sacred clothes are really the treasure knife is not old.

"Hatano, what is the name of this song?"

"Yeah, the teacher, this song is too nice, what is the name?"

Everyone is asking.

The Holy Saint Cloth smiled and said, "This song is called the snow."

Wu Teng Heroes smiled and said, "The song written by the Pondoe teacher is too good, even if you look at the whole Yangki, you can write this kind of good song."

Others also clamped.

"It is, if this song is released, it will definitely take the first in the Mount Fuji list."

The Mount Fuji is a music list of Yangki, which is equivalent to the Gold Magins of Huaxia. In the past two years, the song of Wu Teng hero is the usual visitor.

The Holy Saint Cloth has not been over the list for three years, because she has not had a national anthem in the last three years, and it is already in a state of semi-incontain.

Kui Teng is amazed, "" This song is really beautiful, and there is only a wave of teachers to write such a beautiful song. "

Wu Teng Heroes said, "Pondoe Teacher, I have a suggestion. I am a male and female protagonist of your MV with Miss Miss. We are very willing to help you return to the peak."

Despite the unwillingness to go out with Wu Teng hero, she is really not good, so I can only have a lot of money, "Yes, Puertoo teacher."

Everyone didn't think that Wu Teng hero actually helped the wave of saints.

The Holy Saint Wear shook his head, "I don't plan to release this song."

Everyone was stunned.

Wu Teng hero is also very strange, "said the teacher, do you really want to quit the entertainment circle?"

The Holy Saint Cloth smiled slightly, "I am planning to give someone in the song."

Everyone has changed, and it can not help but feel excited.

Who is this lucky?

Wu Teng Heroes praised, "The Pondoe teacher is worthy of the four days of my Yang country."

He said in his heart, what is installed.

The Holy Sacred clothes looked at the Kuo Koi, "Guizi, I am going to give it to you."

Duoyi is stunned, "I ... give me?"

The Holy Sacred is smiled and said, "This song is given to you."

Everyone is bright, and the Yang Guo, written in the guest, is so good, it seems that we are in Yang.

If you can make him, let him help write a song that is better?

In Yang Ling, a powerful liking can write songs easily.

This is, such as Sino Island Taro, etc.

Even if there is a thousand gold for a song.

Can write this song, but also the VIP of the Holy Sacred Teacher, is definitely a very powerful person.

If you can make it with him, leave a good impression, I can get a song in the future.

Everyone is very eager to see the VIP.

Wu Teng Hero smiled and said, "The teacher, where is the Gourn? If he is willing, I want to invite him to visit him."

Everyone is dark, this martial art hero is too embarrassed, and it is strong first.

Wu Zhao hero looked at Wu Zijia, and it did not want to give others chance.

The Holy Santa opened.

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