King of Entertainment

Chapter 779, Yangguo

In the afternoon, the Kuo Koi came.

On the car.

Duoyui is very fashionable today, there is a touch of savvh in the car.

Xiao Zhi admires, "You are very beautiful today."

Kuo Kui is happy.

Xiao Chu Q: "Guo, why do you want to enter the entertainment industry?"

Kuo Kui said, "My mother used to be an actor of the entertainment circle."

Xiao He is unexpected, "I didn't expect it."

The Kuo Kui said: "But my mother withdraw from the entertainment circle 23 years old."

Xiao Central said, "It is a pity."

Kuio said, "Yes, if my mother does not quit the entertainment industry, it is totally possible."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I can see it from you."

The Kui's kiss shook his head. "My mother is better than me, I am in the entertainment circle is because of her impact."

Looking at Xiao Yang, she asked: "Xiao Ge, what about you? Why are you going into the entertainment industry?"

Xiao Chong said, "There is no way, forced life."

Kuo's kissic face is slightly changed.

Xiao Central said, "because of the poor, I entered the entertainment circle."

Duoyi's low, "Sorry, Xiao Ge."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Nothing, yes, what should we do?"

Kuo Kui said, "Let's take the first year of the year."

Xiao Chong is somewhat, this world's Yang country actually engages in the conference?

Kui Teng said, "The Songlian Conference, Singer Competition, Animation Festival, the Sakurao will be the four major events in Yangki."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Do you have those content?"

Kui Teng said: "There are three rounds of the conference, all people who arrived in the first round can participate, there are many , every pair, you can get points, and you can enter the second round after the point is required."

"There are hundreds of people who can enter the second round, there are hundreds. This second round is more difficult, and three things can enter the third round, which is the final."

"There are about ten people in the finals, all of which are top players, and the game is mainly taking temporary topics, mutual questions."

"The first place in the Union Competition can get 1 billion bonuses, and can also get people from Mr. Octa."

Yang State Coin and Huaxia Coin Conversation is 16 to 1, and it will be several million Huaxia coins, but it is already huge for ordinary people.

Xiao Cheng is curious, "Who is Mr. Octa?"

Kuio said: "Mr. Octa is Thai, and the President of the Pilot Association."

Xiao Cuzhi, should be similar to the forefront of the dragon.

Duoyi Queo asked, "Xiao Ge, I heard that you are also proficient."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "can't be proficient, it is the second in Huaxia."

Kuioyui is crying.

During speaking, they have arrived at the venue.

The venue is located in a huge square, square

It is a cherry blossom everywhere, and it is beautiful.

Tens of thousands of people around the square or square, three or two two, obviously come to participate in this conference.

This Yangtze Railway conference is really very lively.

Kuo Kui said, "Do you see the red cloth hung on the cherry tree? That is today's topic, everyone can choose it is already good at."

It is said that it is expected to look forward to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Baoyi, "Do you want me to participate?"

The Kuo Zi Zi said that "Please Xiao Jun must participate!"

She is called Xiao Dong Xiaojun, and her face is serious.

Xiao Yang said with a smile, "Yes."

Diguo is revealed.

At the same time, in a high-rise building, Yu Feifei took a telescope to look at the bleak in the crowd, "How do this kid not take the initiative? Do you want me to teach how to pick up the girl? How did he get Yuan Sister?"

"Who are you talking about?" Who are you talking about? "

Yu Feifei said, "from a small friend, I was taken by this kid."

The Holy Sacred clothes laughed, "Your friend is good to see people, Xiao Zhi is really excellent."

Yu Feifei said, "I will write a few songs, and I also wrote also Malays and Tiger."

Holy Sacred clothes said, "He is the winner of the World Literature Award."

Yu Feifei: "..."

Phando wild clothes cough, open the topic, "You don't understand, he is in a desire. Many men like to come to this trick, Xiao Chong is very means."

Yu Feifei said, "If you don't because you, I use it directly, and I need to waste so much time."

Hatano Saint Joy said, "What happens that her mother helped me."

Yu Feifei eyebrows, "How do you think he still takes?"

Holy Sacred clothes said, "I have been tested before, the mouth of the kiss is very strict. But the girl who dropped the is generally easy, it is estimated."

Yu Feifei asked, "Which step do you think Xiao Chong wants to ask what we want?"

The Holy Sacred Cloth thought, "This is not good, you can see Xiao Li yourself."

Yu Feifei headache, "If this kid is bigger, what should I do? When I can't explain the Yuan Sister."

Phando National Saint Cloth: "..."



Xiao Li has continued to go out of ten pairs, and the difficulty is medium, it has obtained a hundred and fifty-fifth points, and one hundred and six points can enter the second round.

Just then, Wu Teng Heroes came over.

"Xiao Li, I didn't expect you to come."

Wu Zhao hero laugue, "Is there interest to gamble?"

Xiao Chong looked at him, "no interest."

Wu Teng hero laughs, "How? Don't you dare?"

Xiao Jiang smiles, "Not interested is not interested, don't hinder me to the couplet."

Wu Teng hero shook his head and looked at the Koi Koi, "Guizi, Huaxia people are very weak, he is a representative."

Kuioyui is eyebrow, "Wu Zo, don't look for things."

Wu Teng Heroes smiled, "I am not looking for things. I just see that he is also in the couplet, so I want to fight with him, gambling him, there is no way to win the first place in the Union of the Conference. Although it is passed from Huaxia, But it has been carried forward in Yangguo, which fully exceeds Huaxia. He must admit it. "

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "Have you heard of Huaxia an idiom?"

Wu Teng hero looked at Xiao Chong, "What idioms?"

Xiao Chong said, "Niang Lang is big!"

Wu Teng Heroes have not heard of this procedure.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You haven't learned all Chinese idioms, and you will be able to say surpassing Huaxia, it is really ridiculous."

Wu Teng hero is laughing, "What is the relationship between China's idioms and?"

Xiao Chong looks at him like it, "Do you know the cow?"

Wu Zi hero still doesn't know.

Xiao Central said, "In our Huaxia, even these don't know what they know."

Wu Teng hero is laughing, "Don't say so much nonsense, do you dare to bet? Don't play your mouth!"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Then you have to see if you have enough gambling."

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