King of Entertainment

Chapter 787 Amazing Shooting Speed

Spring Festival Evening program group.

The leader of the program group is watching the post of Xiao Chong.

The more the leadership of the program group, the more shocking, because this program is only used for three days.

After reading the program list, the program group leaders admired, "I just heard that Xiao Gui's program planning ability is very powerful. Today, I am teaching."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Leading award."

The leader of the program group said, "I will submit the program list today to the leadership review."

Xiao Caote head.

The leader of the program group said, "I don't think there is any big problem."

I suddenly said, he suddenly asked: "Are you sure you are busy?"

Xiao Baole, "Spring Festival Evening is a big thing, I can't joking in the spring and evening."

The leaders of the program group are still worried. Xiao He is also directed the Spring Festival Evening, but also moving movies, really have time?

In fact, it is not only what he thinks, many people on the Internet are talking about this.

"Xiao Li is another movie, but also to the Spring Festival Evening, is he busy?"

"Just, is he busy?"

"In fact, he can handle the movie to others. Why do he take himself?"

"Don't you know that the artists list will be updated after the Spring Festival? Xiao Chong is obviously an impact super-line."

"Yes, Xiao Chong's purpose is to impact super-one."

"Now Xiao Ye is the first person, and then further is a super-line. This time, there is a spring and evening to help out, the opportunity of him is too big."

"Yes, if you add" West Hong City's richest "movie, then his super line is more stable."

"But will he do this will affect the Spring Festival Evening?"

"Yeah, I feel that the Spring Festival Evening is the most important, compared with the Spring Festival Evening, and his movie can put it."

"Yes, Xiao Chong should put movies to shoot next year, or give the movie to Liu Xing."

"Don't exercise, the leaders of the Spring Festival Evening must be more urgent, and they are in such an indemnity, they also have a headache."

Everyone is very worried about Xiao Chu, after all, this is the national Spring Festival Evening.

Xiao Jiang didn't have time to pay attention to the discussion of netizens, he has returned to the crew.

"West Hong City's Rich" shooting site is not much, plus Xiao Chong has seen the original movie, so it doesn't take too long.

The first stage of the first play begins.

Wang Dufu, who is playing in Zhou Xing River is laughing.

Take the Xing River's acting, there is no NG at all, and it will pass it directly, Xiao Chong is very satisfied.

Wang Dufu's small partner, Zhuang, is playing through Hu Feihua.

Although just the first partner, Hu Feihua and Zhou Xing River can be very tacit, they are now hot two laughter.

Wang Dufu's hotel, Xiao Jiang directly uses a peninsula hotel, which is several times more luxury than the original version.

As for the luxury car, Xiao Jiang used a luxury car of Zhang Shengfu.

Ban Shijie served as a deputy director. He thought that Xiao Chong was shot quickly, after all, this is only a second film movie, but he is wrong, the speed of Xiao Cang filmed movie is too fast.

The most critical, Xiao Caever has no shot of the shot.

Ban Shijie is shocked, is the boss know which one is the best shot?

You know, many directed are all cut off a lot of unwanted lenses later.

However, Xiao Jiang seems to know that the effect is needed, so there is no waste to waste too much, so that the time to shoot is a lot.

The shock is more than a class of Ban Shijie, and he has never responded yet, and Xiao Ye has let him start.

too fast.

so easy.

Can an effect?

Zhou Xinghe himself is some.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You have to believe in your own acting."

Zhou Xinghe smiled, in fact, he did not believe in Director of Xiaoyang, but he dared to say it.

Just when Xiao Chong took "West Red City Rich", the Spring Festival Gala has passed the audit of the program, and the leaders above have almost no opinions, but they have made some modifications.

The early preparation work, Xiao Jiang directly lost to the program group and deputy director, he took a movie.

Five days later.

Spring Festival Evening program group.

Many people have opinions.

Xiao Gui has put energy into the "West Red City's Rich" in recent days, is he wants to be a handkerchief? "

"Yeah, the deputy director is tired of the dog these days."

"I don't think it is better to give Xiao Gui to the total planning."

"Don't talk."

"Just, be careful to pass it into the ears."

The person in the program group did not dare to continue to discuss, but the heart is very unhappy.

Xiao Jiang is only responsible for the show, it is really no need to hang the title of the total director.

The deputy director of the Spring Festival Evening is the first-line director of Huadian Group, Miao Wei.

As a first-line director of the national first entertainment company, Miao Wei's ability is completely no problem.

Many people think that he came to Xiao Chong to make it a lot.

Especially the artists of the Huabi Group's participation in the Spring Festival Evening, even more.

"If the seedlings are followed by Zhang Da, we have not much opinions. But Xiao Chong is not a director, although the East Sea Spring Festival Evening is very successful, this does not mean that he must succeed the national Spring Festival Evening."

"Just, although this is the decision of the above leaders, I still have to be ignorant of Zhang Dawei."

"Our Huang Gui is grien, he is the top existence of the first-line director, actually gives a singer as a deputy, you said that it is not a laugh?"

"The ability of Xiao Chong's planning program, I am in service, but I think he really should hung up the title of the total plan, not the total director."

"It is, all said that the Director of the Xiao Chong and Entertainment Commission is very familiar. Is this because Li Director wants him to hit the super lead?"

Many people think this behind this.

Xiao Li has become a time point for the total director. It is just the moment when the artist is updated again. Is this not going to make Xiao Chong's impact?

"Don't talk, the seedlings are coming."

A 40-or-right man came.

He has a national character face, and he is full of eyebrows. It is the first-line director of Huadia.

Among the movies of the Spring Festival, one is his director, investing more than 300 million, is a war film.

Miao Wei did a lot of things in the past few days. Many of the pre-school work in the Spring Festival Evening was that he was completed.

In these days, he has established a high prestige.

Moreover, in the artist who participated in the Spring Festival Evening, one-fifth is the artist of Huadian, these artists are all of them.

This time, the artists of the DreamWorks have more than one-fifth, which is more than Hua Xing.

Because of this, there are many artists in Huadia.

How is the eighth entertainment company qualified to arrange so many people enter the Spring Festival Evening program?

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