King of Entertainment

Chapter 801 2.5 billion

Online, all people are also evaluating "West Red City".

"The riches of the West Hong City" despite some exaggeration, but it is indeed a good comedy. "

"Yes," West Red City is the richest "rhythm, the whole process can laugh, and finally sublimate the story, it is a very rare comedy."

"Can you imagine this a movie that Xiao Jiang takes ten days? It is too incredible."

"I don't believe in Xiao Cheng, I don't believe what kind of movie can be taken within ten days, but it turns out that I am wrong. Xiao Jiang uses his practical action to prove that only for ten days, he can shoot an excellent s work."

"This matter tells us that don't think that Xiao Chong will only direct the party!"

"Yes, Xiao Co's ability to make a movie is also very strong, who still dares to say that Xiao Chong can't shoot movie, I am anxious."

"You said," Xihong City's richest "yesterday's box office will?"

"At least 100 million!"

"Yes, I also think is at least 100 million!"

"The" Super Police "is more than, but the other movie should be opportunities."

Everyone is very optimistic about the box office of "West Red City".

There are of course many people, such as Longkun, they didn't take "West Red City" as an event.

At 8:30 in the morning, yesterday's box office came out!

See the box office, everyone shocked!

Yesterday, the single-day box office champion actually was "the richest city", the box office is up to 42.31 million yuan!

One day's box office is more than 4 billion!

The second is "Super Police", 40.785 million yuan!

Long Kun was sluggish. Why didn't he expect Xihong City's richest and richest to win the championship of yesterday.

"Is it dreaming? We actually surpassed the rice block!"

"You are not dreaming," West Hong City's first rich "has indeed won the first, and the single-day box office exceeds 400 million!"

"" West Hong City's Rich "created a record, never had the movie to pre-sale of less than 50 million in the case of less than 50 million, and win a single-day box office champion."

"I think" Xihong City's Rich "is completely worthy of this box office, it is really too funny."

"Zhou Xing River also has a combination of Hu Feishhu, plus Huang Continent, three comedy actors teamed up to give us a wonderful performance!"

"The most crucial Xiayang Cao Caves, actually came up with so many wonderful stories."

"The script written by Xiao Chong is really good. This film can be successful, and the script is powerful."

"How about the rating of" West Hong City "?"

"Currently 8.9 points!"

"For the comedians, this is already high!"

Indeed, in the world of Xiao Li, although the box office of "Xihong City" is high, the score can only be said.

Many people think this movie is too noisy, too exaggerated, no depth, so it is a low point.

There are also similar people in this world, and they also hit a low point. Of course, this does not hinder the "West Red City's Rich" box office to sell.

Today, there are still many people to buy "West Red City's Rich" ticket, and I plan to take my family to see it at night.

Many people think that "West Red City's Rich" The next day's box office will fall, but everyone is guess.

The second day of the "West Hong City" The second day of the box office actually reached an amazing 68.81 million.

Everyone is shocked!

This is nearly 7 billion box office!

The box office of the "Super Police" has fallen to 300 million, but "Xihong City's Rich" is strong, but it is almost doubled. The contrast is extremely obvious.

Everyone does not talk.

Everyone has a feeling of feeling that this movie's box office is very likely to create a higher record.

Dream factory.

Everyone has cheers.

"The new movie of the boss has completely burst out, the Spring Festival is first, not running!"

"Now the movie box office has passed 1 billion. There are still five days in the seven-day holidays of the Spring Festival. This five days will make a day billion, the final box office of the movie can also break 1.5 billion!"

"The boss is too powerful, and it is a king, and even the rice is not lost!"

"Who is fucking, the box office of domestic movies is not only Movie movies?"

Everyone is more cool.

In the next five days, everyone once again witnessed the miracle.

On the third day of the Spring Festival, the box office of "Xihong City's Rich" fell, but it was more than 200 million.

On the fourth day of the Spring Festival, the box office of "Xihong City's Rich" once again won more than 200 million.

The fifth day of the Spring Festival, more than 100 million.

The sixth day of the Spring Festival, soared again to more than 200 million!

The seventh day of the Spring Festival, it is 300 million!

Seven days, "West Hong City's richest" box office actually reached 2.5 billion!

Ordinary people are shocked, and the artists of the entertainment circles are even more eye-catching.

7 days of 2.5 billion!

Xiao Chong created a record that almost impossible to break, it is a myth of the movie world.

At the same time, Zhou Xinghe also seals God again!

The box office of "Charlotte trouble" is enough, but "the riches of the West Red" is more horrible.

This is just the king of the box office!

In addition, Zhou Ying was also fired. He played a football star, with a lot of opponents with Zhou Xinghe, everyone remembered your newcomer.

"The final box office of" the richest tomatoes "may break 3 billion!"

"Yeah, it's terrible. Huaxia's historical first box office is afraid to be won by Xiao Chong!"

"It's not afraid, it is certain!"

"The top ten in the box office is almost all the movies of DreamWorks, which is called horror."

Everyone did find it.

"Midnight Merry Bell", "Charlotte trouble", " ", "West Hong City's Rich" These four box office super high movies are DreamWorks.

This is that Hua Sha is not done.

Although DreamWork is now ranked is only eighth, but no one makes it as an eighth.

"Tomorrow morning, the artist is to update. This time Xiao Chong will definitely become a super-line, the only suspense is what he can be superior."

"Absolutely enter the top ten!"

"This person is not too likely."

"Is there any impossible? That super line is better than Xiao Chong?"

"It is, if Xiao Chong is not a super-first, I don't accept it!"

"I don't accept it!"

"The current super-line first is the brilliant media Xie Guan! I think Xie Guanxi is completely less than Xiao Chong!"

"Just, I have my own works? I can't deny that his singing is top, but he can't create it."

Xie Guanxi despite the shadow of the Emperor, the Xiaoyang's movie is about to win the 3 billion box office, and the first throne of the Chinese film. In addition, Xiao Chong directed the Dongda party also created the number of non-spring evening, but 50% of the Spring Festival Evening is also created by Xiao Cang. "

"In addition, Xiao Yang is a master!"

"Yes, compare with Xiao Teacher, Xie Guanxi's only thing can win!"

"But the artist's list can be won by the value, I still think that Teacher Xiao is squeezing, becoming the first person!"

Xie Yuanxi called the first handsome guy in the Huaxia entertainment industry, the popularity is too high.

At this time, his fans were not cool, and they also came out.

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