King of Entertainment

Chapter 817, Miss Chu

French restaurant.

Xiao Chong and Dong Yu have taken a restaurant to get into the restaurant, and Xie Zhenqi also got off the bus.

Miss Dong. "

Xie Zhenzhi said with a smile, "it's really clever."

Dong Qing's eyebrows, this person is really annoying.

Xiao Jiang looked at Xie Zhenqi and did not speak.

Xie Zhen laughed, "should this friend be the artist of the entertainment circle?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Yes."

Xie Zhenqi curious, "actor?"

Xiao Chong said, "Moderator."

Xie Shi Zhen flashed unencupient, a host, is the second line of art.

The host of the first line is too rare, but there are several.

Xiao Chong looked at Dong Qing, "Let's go."

Dong Yu is a head.

Xie Shi Shi said, "Since it is so clever, I am pleased today."

Xiao Chong said, "No."

Xie Zhenti smiled, "Don't misunderstand, I am talking about Miss Dong."

Dong Yu is a sink, "Do I miss a meal?"

Xie Zhenqi, laugh, "Where is it."

He looked at the restaurant's waiter said, "Take us to the best private room here."

That waiter said, "Sorry, Mr., we have only the best members here to go in."

Xie Zhen said, "How much can you become your e-member member?"

That waiter said, "Sorry, Mr., our Supreme Member Quota is not sold out."

Xie Zhen's face is very ugly.

Xiao Chong can't help but laugh. "Sometimes, do not have you have money, you can buy everything."

Xie Zhenti laughed, "I can't enter, are you going?"

Xiao Chong looked at the waiter, "Otto?"

The waiter's face is slightly changed, "the boss is not there today."

Xiao Chong took out the phone and called Otto, but did not play.

Xie Zhenwei couldn't help but laugh, "I am really like a while."

Dong Jiyue hates you Zhen Zhenqi. Today, her mood is very good, but it is gotten by Xie Zhenshen.

Xiao Jiang didn't pay attention to Xie Zhen, he took out a card to the waiter.

The waiter's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Mr. please come with me."

That is the Supreme Card.

Xiao Chong looked at Xie Zhenzhen, "I almost forgot, I brought the East."

Xie Zhenshen's face has become more ugly than pig liver.

Xiao Chong and Dong Xijin took a restaurant.

Xie Zhenzhi's gloomy standing outside the restaurant.

He called Chen Chuhe.

Chen Chuhe later asked: "Thank you, how is it so embarrassed me?"

Xie Zhenti asked, "DreamWorks do the Dream factory?"

Chen Chuhe slightly, "Know it."

Dong Qing is now red.

Xie Zhentu asked, "Have she have a boyfriend?"

Chen Chuhe smaked, "Thank you, I don't know, I only heard that she has a gossip with Xiao Chong."

Xie Zhenzhi's face, "I just entered the restaurant with a host."

Chen Chuhe is very unexpected, "Moderator?"

Xie Zhenti nodded, "Yes, he said herself is the host."

Chen Chuhe is strange, "she can't see a host."

Suddenly, his face changed, "will the person will be Xiao Chong?"

Thank you, "Xiao Chong?"

Chen Chuhe said, "In addition to Xiao Chong, I can't think of other people, and this is the most like to say that I am a host."

Xie Zhenti reveals the color, "Dong Yuo is really talking to him?"

Chen Chuhe said, "Thank you, it seems that you like Dong Qing."

Xie Zhenzi smiled, "I hope you help me a busy."

Chen Chuhe said, "I said,"

Xie Zhen said, "I want Dong Qing to know, I am best for her."

Chen Chuhe: "..."

How can this Laozi help you?

Xie Zhenti smiled, "Is Xiao Central to sing?"

Chen Chuhe didn't understand what he wanted to do.



Restaurant, top floor.

Dong Ji and Xiao Zhi are going to dinner.

"What about your gift?" Dong Qing looked up at Xiao Chong.

"Gift?" Xiao Chong doubts, "What gift?"

Dong Wei bowed his head to eat, no longer resort.

Xiao Jiang smiled.

At this time, the waiter took the guitar in.

Xiao Chong took a guitar.

Dong Yu is happy to look at Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong looked at Dong Wei smiled, "this song is dedicated to Miss Dong."

Dong Yuoto looked at Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong sang.

He sang is "Miss Dong".

Miss Dong,

You never forget your smile,

Even if you are like me,

I am eager to be aging,

Miss Dong,

It is beautiful when your mouth is down.

Just like the And and the bridge,

Clear water,

Miss Dong,

I am also a complex animal.

The mouth has been brought together,

I have been repeated in my heart.

Miss Dong,

You are not a female classmate without a story,

Fall in love with a wild horse,

But there is no grassland in my home,

This makes me feel despair,

Miss Dong,

You said the first half of your life,

There is also tomorrow,

Miss Dong,

You can know that I said enough to see,

In May of May,

Finally lost sleep,

So those may not be true,

Miss Dong,

You are not a female classmate without a story,

Fall in love with a wild horse,

But there is no grassland in my home,

This makes me feel despair,

Miss Dong,

So those that may be true,

Miss Dong,

Who will comfort the ignorant teenager who will not be annoying.

I want to be like you,

If you don't care,

follow me

Miss Dong,

Miss Dong ...

Xiao Chong succeeded, looked at Dong Wei and said, "Miss Dong, I wish you a happy birthday."

Dong Ji played a wine to the downtown.

Xiao Chong took wine.

Dong Wei came to his ear, "Do you sing songs for other women?"

Xiao Central said, "Of course, Miss Dong is only you."

Dong Wei is , "that may not be."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Is this birthday gift?"

Dong Qingzhen is a child, "This is the best gift I received."



When Xiao Chong and Dong Xi went downstairs, music suddenly sounded.

There is a guitar to laugh on the bar, "I am good, I am Xie Zhen."

"Thank you?"

"Isn't he the big star of the Xiangjiang?"

"It is him, just in his mask, I didn't recognize it. Now he takes the mask, I will recognize it at a glance."

"How can Xie Zhenshen appear here? Is it a boss to come? The boss is really worthy of money."

Everyone is excited.

This is a big star.

Xie Zhenzhi looked at Xiao Chong and Dong Ji. "I wrote a song, give it to the opposite Miss Dong."

Everyone looked at Dong Qing.

Although Dong Ji also wears a mask, everyone can see that Dong Ji should be a beauty.

Staplened, not a beautiful woman, is it a good time?

Miss Dong?

Miss Dong is also a star?

Xie Zhenzhi, in order to pursue a female star, actually ran to a French restaurant in Beijing, which is too bad.

Some people quickly sent the video to the Internet.

The whole network is hot here.

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