King of Entertainment

Chapter 824, Die Board

Zhang Ziqi brugged: "Flower fist embroidered legs, actually dare to call me?"

The reporters did not dare to speak.

Today's Zhang Zi has murderous.

No one is now in a hurry.

Zhang Zizhi looked at the pool next to saying, "It is optimistic, what is called true kung fu."

Everyone, what do he want to do?

"Photographer, pay attention to shooting."

"Teacher Zhang wants to perform."

"Today, he wants to show his true effort."

Zhang Zi slammed the swimming pool.

Everyone only saw a vast film brushed from the water, and the water was flooded in a circle.

Then, Zhang Zi Li appeared opposite the pool.

This is a two hundred meters of swimming pool, he actually stepped on the water like a water.

"real Kong Fu!"

"Teacher Zhang is true!"

"so amazing."

"Slow down slow down the lens to show us."

The reporters really put the slow lens came out.

From the slow lens, everyone saw Zhang Zi Li is really a step from the water, but the speed is too fast, so everyone is not seeing.

"Teacher Zhang is too powerful."

"The king of the entertainment industry is the teacher."

"It is, Yuhua Long is purely cheating."

The is too technical, everyone explains, so no one is willing to believe.

Zhang Zi Li is different, this is the real thing that is real, everyone is watching in the eyes.

"Is Yu Zhanlong?"

Zhang Zi Li smiled against the lens. "I heard that you have a movie to be released? I see you simply don't be released, I am shameped for you."

Everyone: "..."

These two are really fire.

Zhang Zi Li then said, "Xiao Chong, I heard that you will work hard, don't deceive the city wells, there is a trip to show your true kung fu. If you won't, don't brag."

Everyone: "..."

Many artists who can't help but hold, Zhang Da Ge is a big brother, it is fierce!

Xie Zhenzhi, "Or Zhang Da Ge has a way, this time Xiao He is finally eaten."



Dream factory.

Yu Zhi Long sat laughs, "Is this difficult?"

Zhao Xueyi can't help but ask, "Do you need to prepare?"

Yu Zhanlong said, "Zhao Ge, you call the reporter, you are ready."

Zhao Xueyi nodded.

Yuhua Long looked Xiao Chu, "Xiao Ge, do you want to reveal both hands?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Let's come first."

Silly ratio is a second-priest competition.

Soon, the reporters are full.

"What about Teacher Yu?"

"Just, where is the teacher?"

"What should he show today?"

"Is it also a leap pool?"

"It should be impossible because there is no swimming pool."

The reporters were confused, they did not see people.

At this time, the wide venue sounded a jailed propeller.

Helicopter flying.

The reporters all looked up at the sky.

"The machine door opened."

"It's a teacher."

"What do he want to do?"

"Yeah, what do he want to do?"

"It's too threatened, the plane is at least more than ten meters away from the ground, what do he open the door?"

At this time, Yu Zhanlong jumped from the plane.

Everyone was scared to have closed his eyes.


Yu Zhanlong can't think of it, actually to commit suicide!

A loud noise.

The reporters drove their courage to open their eyes and then all shocked.

Yu Zhan Long is standing on the ground, and there is no matter what it is.

"! What Kung Fu? Legendary Golden Bell Hood?"

"He is very powerful, and the jumping plane will not die."

"This is true,"

"Just, this is true kung fu."

The reporters are amazed.

Not far away, Chen Jiadong also shocked, he also learned martial arts, knowing that this jump is more dangerous.

"Teacher Yu 's hard work is too powerful." Chen Jiantian took it.

The people of the country were shocked.

"Compared with Yu Zhi Long, Zhang Zi Li is really not bad."

"It's, Yu Zhanlong is called true effort."

"Yeah, this is equivalent to jumping from the fifth floor."

"Yuhua Long is absolutely more powerful than Zhang."

Everyone began to turn back.

"What about Xiao Yang? Why didn't he perform?"

"Got, Xiao Chong will take a flower shelf, you don't have it to be."

"Yes, Xiao Jiang can't really work."



on site.

Yu Zhanlong laughed against the camera, "It's really a clever, my movie is called" Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng ", surname Zhang, your" Taiji Master "is garbage, or not early."

Donned, he said: "Teacher Xiao is my brother, his hard work is ten times, you still don't help him."

Many people were shocked.

"Really fake? Xiao He is actually a brother of Yuhua Long."

"I have never heard of it."

"Yeah, never heard of it."

Everyone is a little less believed in Yuhua.

Zhang Ziyi certainly does not believe it.

He had to admit that Yu Zhanlong did have truth, and it was very strong.

However, what is Xiao Bao, a singer, how can the martial arts better than the ?

Zhang Zi Li smiled against the reporter's lens, "Is Yu Zhanlong? I remember you, you still have a little bit. If your movie can be higher than my box office, I have exited the entertainment circle."

Everyone says that you don't know how to watch the movie of the dream factory, how many people are planted.

Zhang Zi said, "You say that Xiao Chong's martial arts is better than you, let him reveal one hand, don't know how to blow."

He obviously did not have a plan to continue to perform.

Everyone is full, such a wonderful email is ended, it is a pity.

The strangeness is only quilted to be too embarrassed, but they did not dare to reveal.

At this occasion of the email, the "Feng Yun" has skyrocketed and exceeds 4%.

"Dragon Tiger Hero" is also due to Zhang Zi and Yu Zhi Long's email, the ratings have skyrocketed several points.

At the same time, the officials of the official "Taiji Master" were released after three days.

DreamWorks also announced that "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is released on the same day.

Everyone is happy, this is another calendar.

"Yuhua Long's" Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng "is a work of fried rice, it is estimated that it is impossible to surpass" Taiji Master "."

"Yes, Zhang Sanfeng theme's movie has been filled, no new idea."

Indeed, this world's Zhang Sanfeng theme is too much, and many things are filled.

Although, Yu Zhanlong has proven that he has true kung fu, but watching movies only look at the fight, but also look at the plot.

This time, everyone chooses to stand on one side.

"Taiji Zhang Sanfeng" lost in the theme too old. "

"Xiao He didn't know what to think, actually selected this kind of theme, did he have a script?"

Many people think that Xiao Chong has chosen the wrong theme.

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