King of Entertainment

Chapter 826 Book Office Counter

"Teacher Zhang's" Taiji Master ", the plot is thin, and the martial arts movement is not said."

"Indeed, Teacher Zhang has been very high."

"In fact, Teacher Zhang can work hard, so that the box office" Taiji Master "will definitely be better."

Many self-reliant fans feel that "Taiji Master" is some thin.

To put it bluntly, the script is too general.

The evaluation of "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is high, and it has received 8.9 points, and "Taiji Master" is only 7.3 points.

Seeing this ratings, many people who have never seen "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" are very surprised.

"How can the rating of" Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng "be so high? Who is hit? Such an old suit, actually dare to play such a high point."

"Just, is it a person who scores?"

"Get rid of, you personally go to the movie theater to see the movie and then evaluation, old set? I have never seen a similar Zhang Sanfeng theme movie."

"Remember, Xiao Teacher's script is impossible!"

Many people really don't believe that "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is more novel, so I really have to go to the cinema, and these people have to admit that "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is indeed completely different from the previous boss.

"I have a feeling," Tai Chi Master "may be reversed."

"It's, I have seen two movies," Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng "is obviously more winning."



the next day.

The box office is released.

Yesterday, the tallest "Taiji Master" was "Taiji Master". The box office was 45.567 million yuan.

The second of the box office is "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng", the box office is 41.782 million yuan.

The gap is not very big.

You know, the pre-sale of the box office for both movies can be nearly two hundred million.

Zhang Ziyi saw this result, his face is slightly changed, can't help but have a sense of crisis.

The gap between the two movies is really not big, it is likely to be another result tomorrow.

"How can my movie box be less than a second line of artists!"

Zhang Zi Li quickly resumed calm.

Yuhua Long is just a second-line artist, he is a super-line, he is very confident to himself.

"The box office is not plummeted to laugh at the end."

Zhang Zi Li calmly calmly, "Laughing to the final person must be my self-reliant."

Dream factory.

Yuhua Long saw yesterday's box office, slightly disappointed, if you can exceed "Taiji Master" on the first day.

Xiao Central said, "The" Taiji Master "story is hard-wound, many routines and bridges are used to be used before Zhang Zi, although he has a large number of fan support, but these people cannot go to the cinema to see his movie. "

Zhang Zizhi does have some things, but in recent years, some eating is old, many movies are a template.

at night.

The "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" has a new high, and the last session of "Taiji Master" is not bad, but it has fallen a lot compared to yesterday.

Yu Hua Long was already very famous, so this movie brought to him is not much, but Wang Baohu is completely fire.

Many people are talking about this small child.

"It is said that he is Shaolin Temple."

"Not Shaolin Temple, is a martial school founded in Shaolin Temple!"

"Anyway, it is almost the same."

"This king's kung fu is good, but you can fight with Yuhua Long, who has true kung fu."

"I got it, this is a TV series, you don't really. Ten Wang Baohu can't be the opponent of Yuhua Long."

"Yes, Yu Zhi Long, there is a real job."

"Don't do the king of Wang Baoshu, there is really a trustee, in short, this kid is really famous."

Indeed, Wang Baohu did a gun and red.

Many artists envy.

Wang Baohu is not a lifelong, but it can play against the rival of the drama, this award, even in the DreamWorks.

Xiao Zhi really appreciates Wang Baohu, this kid can bear hardships and hard work, so good, and there is absolute future in the future.

The next day, the book office of the next day was statistically.

The first act of the box office is "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng", yesterday's box office is 290 million.

The box office of "Taiji Master" has dropped to 190 million.

Zhang Zi Li saw the moment of the box office statistics, instant color change.

This is completely hitting his face!

The box office of "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" is not as good as yesterday, but still strong.

However, "Taiji Master" can not work, fell too much.

In the words of Zhang Zi, laughing to the end is the winner.

Obviously, Zhang Zi is estimated that it is not laughing.

Yu Zhanlong smiled and got closed, "finally contracted."

Chen Jiadong and others have congratulations.

The modest of Yuhua Long man.

On the third day.

"Taiji Master" box office is only more than one billion.

"Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" still maintains more than 200 million.

In this way, "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" broke 15 billion is light.

After the "Taiji Master" passed by 1 billion, the box office would continue to continue.

On the fourth day, "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" completely opened "Taiji Master".

Everyone knows that Zhang Zi Li is completely lost to Yuhua Long.

"If Zhang Zi Li does not break through the self, he is likely to be cold."

"That is, he has mixed in the country in the past two years."

"I want to stand in the rice, it is too difficult."

"Zhang Zi Li thought it would be smooth and smooth, in fact, his big mistakes."

"Yeah, how long does Yuhua Long can't use it for a long time, when the Huaxia action film is the world of Yuhua Long."

The action film actor above Huaxia is too small, and the super line is even more.

However, everyone is optimistic about Yuhua Long, Yuhua Long absolutely hopes to become a supercoming action actor.

Zhang Zhanyi was obviously uncomfortable. He began to provoke Yuhua Long, and he actually challenged Yuhua Long in Weibo.

Everyone is happy, it is meaningful, and the two hardfu stars actually open the frame.

Yu Zhanlong saw Zhang Zhan's news and then laughed and replied: "You have to fight, then fight."

Zhang Zi Li said, "Let's go to the strongest one."

The strongest Wu is once sought, the ratings are still quite high.

Not long ago, a martial art made an iron cloth on the ring, and the hard anti-boxing hand had a dozen punches, shocked many people.

Yuhua Long reply: "If you are willing."

Everyone is excited.

"Be sure to go on site."

"Just, you must go to the scene to see."

"They can have people with true kung fu."

Everyone can listen to how to get the last martial art ticket.

The "Last Dance" program group is the most powerful.

Happiness is too sudden.

Not good, their ratings can take the first.

"Fast arrangements, be sure to make this program the best results."

"Guest! Go to invite guests!"

"DreamWorks of Xiao Chong, Lu's Xie Zhizi and others must invite."

"Let the people responsible for publicity to promote the creation!"


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