King of Entertainment

Chapter 850 Xiao Chong's answer

Xiao Chong looked at the question, "I want the artist to give you an answer."

Whoena can't help but laugh.

That person is not inappropriate.

Tang Tian's eyebrows, "Xiangjiang also has a bad drama, and the TV drama of the rice is not all good."

The man laughed, "But the mainland is the first market of the drama, Xiao Gui as the old general, the director, is an actor, do you want to say something?"

Su Mu Yao is waiting for someone to laugh, this person is obvious to find trouble.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "What kind of bad drama you should talk first."

That person said, "" I have a date with zombies "is a rotten."

The scenery in front of the audience and the TV in front of the TV can't help but hold, this brother is coming to find it.

"I have a date with zombies" Isn't Xiao Central starring? You simply say that Xiao Yizhi is a bad breath.

Xiao Yang smiled and asked: "What do you think of a good TV series?"

That person said, "Many TV dramas in Xiangjiang are good TV series."

Xiao Chong looked at this person, "What?"

That person said, "Too much, can't finish."

Xiao Co said, "Nothing, I have more time, you can say slowly."

The man is cold and said, "" In addition to violence "is a good TV series."

This is one of the TV series of China's viewing rate.

Tang Tian said, "" "I have a date with zombies" is sophisticated, not better than our TV. "

That person looked at Tang Tian, ​​"Tang Dynasty, you can't work hard because Dream Factory is now working with Down, so the dream factory will never progress."

Su Mu Naki and others were all pleasant.

Tang Tian looked at Xiao Yang smiled, "Haha, your brother, DreamWorks need me?"

Looking at the person under the stage, Xiao Chong will then say, "It seems that you like the TV drama of the Chinese view."

That person said, "That is of course."

Xiao Central, "Only seriously see that it can distinguish between TV series."

That person said, "That is of course, I have seen more TV dramas in China."

Xiao Chu asked, "" I have a date with zombies ", have you seen this TV series?"

That person said, "How can I see this kind of fade."

Xiao Cu is curious, "Since you haven't seen, how do you know that this TV series is good?"

The face is slightly changed, "everyone said so."

Xiao Yang laughed, "Who is everyone?"

The man is knew: "Do you not access the Internet?"

Xiao Chu asked, "Which website is you? Tell me, I will go see how they evaluate my TV series."

The person's face is slightly changed, where did he know what website.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "How? Can you say it?"

That person said, "Many websites say this."

Xiao Bao suddenly, "It seems that you have a lot of websites you browse."

The man is cold: "That is."

Xiao Chong looked at others. "I told everyone that I didn't necessarily, I didn't necessarily use my own eyes. Everyone must don't learn this brother. This habit is not good."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

The man's face is blue.

Su Musan is waiting for a smile, and Xiao Chong's counterattack is too beautiful.

Xiao Chong said, "Don't have a free video website in the future, this website is not to be poisonous is where the spray is, it is easy to be misleaded."

"Haha ..."

Everyone is happy.

The man can't help but say, "Even if I have never seen your TV series, you can't prove your TV series is good."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "I have today's achievements, what need to be proved to you?"

That person: "..."

Everyone is happy, Xiao Zhi, although it is mad, but it is true, Xiao Chong needs to prove to others?

Box office?

Is it?

Sorry, these are already the first.

The man biting his teeth, "" There is no truth "is about to be released, and the" untroven "box office will be more than" black and white "."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "That is not to lose face, I am watching Tang Gui's movie, he is my idol."

The man suddenly speakers.

Liao Fan can no longer let this person go back, she suddenly opened, "Who else wants to ask?"

Some people asked: "Xiao Gui, you have cooperation with Bai Su in the" ghost light ", this time she is in the movie is your partner?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Although it can't spoiler, I still can clearly tell you, not."

Bai Su smiled and said, "Everyone will know when they go to the cinema."

Just asked the person to ask: "Miss Bai Su, I heard that you are the starring" White Snake ". You now have a schedule to shoot" there is no truth ", is your" White Snake "has been filled?"

The Antouniang is also a big market in Xiangjiang, and many Xiangjiang people have seen her.

"White Snake Biography" and "Gui Zigge" are two works of the "transformation" of Shen Ranwei, plus the cooperation with Xiao Co, is not small.

Therefore, after these two have been adapted into a TV series, there are many people concerned.

Bai Su smiled and said, "I am running on both sides."

"White Snake" has already started shooting, but it did not finish it.

But it is fast, it can be killed in the last month.

Then, the people under the stage have asked a lot of questions.

Xiao Chong and Mei Mei have to answer.

The people who have previously found it seem unwilling, open again: "Mr. Wu, I heard that you are running in Xiangjiang."

Wu Zongsheng looked at this person, "Yes, no one ran through the dragon set."

The man laughed, "Mr. Wu is really inspirational, and has become a super-election of the mainland from a dragon set. If you continue to stay in Xiangjiang, maybe there is no such a good opportunity, after all, the inland artist has a little longer "

Tang Tian faces.

If it is not a scruple, he has already put this.

Wu Zongsheng's face is also sinking.

Xiao Chong suddenly laughed. "You just said that the artist of the Mainland is low?"

The man looked at Xiao Chong, "Isn't it? Is it? The artist in the Mainland went to Guli and other places, is there any artist in Xiangjiang? What is this explanation?

Xiao Yang smiled and asked: "Why is the self-reliant box office, but not?"

The human striker is married, "that is because of Sophie in your movie."

Xiao Chong is eyebrow, "Have you not seen my work?"

The man suddenly speakers.

Wu Zong Sheng laughed.

The man bites his teeth, "The artist's list should change the rules of the artist, the artist in the Mainland should all down one."

Su Mu Yae is very unhappy.

That person looked at Xiao Chong, "International" is too many in the artists in the Mainland. "

Many people say that "this person is bad, he actually wants Xiao Chong to the enemy with the whole Xiangjiang."

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