The next morning.

Xiao Jiangyou accepts evening newspaper interviews.

This evening report actually came to a heavyweight person - Xiangjiang poet, writer Xu Zhipeng.

Liao Fan didn't expect Xu Zhipeng to come over, shouted again, "Teacher Xu, how can you call you before, I will go pick you up!"

Xu Zhipeng smiled slightly, "the mainland poet is coming, how can I miss it."

Speaking of him to introduce yourself: "Xu Zhipeng."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Xiao Chu!"

One of the four talents in Xiangjiang, Xiao Chong, is of course heard.

Xu Zhipeng's modern poem is looking through the whole Huaxia, and there is almost no one.

Of course, that is, Xiao Chu has not appeared before.

Since the birth of Xiao Chong, the first name of Huaxia Poetry has fallen on the Xiao Co.

Xu Zhipeng can only flexion second, the title of the first poet of Huaxia is no longer his.

Of course, in addition to poems, Xu Zhipeng's prose is also very cow, this point he has been proud.

Liao Fan smiles, "I don't know what questions are going to ask today?"

Xu Zhipeng came, the previous normal link, it is estimated that there is no way to continue.

Xu Zhipeng said, "Let me ask them directly."

The expression of Liao Fan is expected early.

Xu Zhipeng did my best, I really didn't care what others saw.

He also made pregnant, he could do together with Xiangjiang Talents, and divorced to the original match. It can be seen that he is "indulging self".

Before the TV set, many people saw Xu Zhipeng, and he has smelled a fire.

"Xu Zhipeng is obviously rushing to Xiao He, I feel very exciting."

"Haha, I also felt. I thought it was a bit dull today. I didn't expect Xu Zhipeng."

In these few days, with the propaganda of Down, Xiao Chong's attention was very high.

Down's propaganda results come out, at least not passive before they haven't come to Xiangjiang.

on site.

Xu Zhipeng looked at Xiao Chong, "Mr. Xiao, I have seen your poem, the style is very different, but it is not a classic."

Everyone's face is slightly changed, the style is different? He is really ...

Xu Zhipeng then said, "I want to ask Mr. Xiao, why can you create so many different style works? A person's style is so varied, it is incredible."

Everyone is happy, this is to ask, this is doubtful, and it is clear that Xiao Jiang is ugly.

Xiao Yang's face is constant, smiled and asked: "Mr. Xu felt hard?"

Bai Su and Su Mu Yam have all couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Zhipeng: "..."


Everyone I expected the wonderful thing I didn't see.

Xu Zhipeng quickly returned to calm, smiled and laughed, "Mr. Xiao is really talented, actually can drive so many kinds of poems at the same time."

Xiao Cong said, "OK, I itself is an artist, poetry is just my business hobby."

Xu Zhipeng: "..."

Everyone couldn't help but laughed again.

Xu Zhipeng really encountered an opponent this time.

"I want to take advantage of it from Xiao Chong, it is too difficult."

"It's really hard, Xiao Jiang, this mouth is ignorant."

"Xu Zhipeng will never give it, see it, he will definitely counterattack."

Sure enough, Xu Zhipeng smiled slightly. "Mr. Xiao's modern poem is very good. This time, there are many feelings compared to Xiangjiang, I don't know if I can write a poem to Xiangjiang people."

He watched Xiao Chong, looked at the crowd, "Do you want the scene to see the poetry of Wakama?"

Although many people know that Xu Zhipeng is in a difficult bleak, it is still followed: "Think!"

Bai Su and Su Musai and other people's faces, this surname is really excessive.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "It's better to be fine, one person is one."

Xu Zhipeng is not willing to show weakness, "Good!"

Before the TV series, Wolong Qingyun, Ni Long and Huang Hu three shook his head.

Xu Zhipeng is too proud of this person.

Wolong Qingyun laughed, "Look, he will suffer."

Ni Long said, "It should not be? Lao Xu's poetry level is very high, even if there is no Xiao Cao written well, it is not to eat a big loss."

Huang Huha haha ​​smiled, "Old Ni, gambling?"

Ni Long , "gamble!"

Wolong Qingyun smiled, "I am a witness!"

on site.

Xiao Cong said, "Let's come first."

Xu Zhipeng did not oppose it.

Others are very unexpected, this is only a few minutes, he actually wants to come out!

Xiao Yang smiled and started to make poems.

When I was a child,

The township is a small stamp.

I am here,

Mother is in that head

When I grow up,

The township is a narrow ticket.

I am here,

The bride is in that head.


The township is a short grave.

I am outside,

Mother is in front.

And now,

The hometown is a red boundary.

I am here,

The mainland is in that head.

Xiao Central is finished, everyone doesn't talk.

Some of the old people in the old river feel the deepest, before Xiangjiang return to the motherland, isn't everyone written in this poem?

The Yinnan filed a pen, and that a red collected numerous families.

Before the TV set, many people have seen this poem, and they all have a saten.

The same is true for Wolong Qingyun and others.

Ni Long sighed, "I lost!"

In order to say, Xu Zhipeng lost, unrestrained!

On the scene, Xu Zhipeng did not make poems, because no matter what is written in this poem, it is garbage.

Xiao Chong said, "This song is famous for the hometown!"

Mei Mei Xiang praises, "a good country!"

Everyone applauded.

Xu Zhipeng can only applaud.

A "hometown", completely crushed his confidence.

This poem that "township" swept in the river.

Many people have been filled with this poem.

"Who is Xiao Bo?"

A more than seventy elderly people look at their son.

His son answered, "an actor in the Mainland, this time, this time, the Xiangjiang promotes his new movie."

That old man said, "I bought a movie ticket for me."

His son stunned, then nodded, "Know, old beans."

Similar situations occurred in all parts of Xiangjiang, many of the old people remembered the name of the Dao Co because of this poem.

Then, their son daughters have to buy movie tickets.

Tang Tian wrote this poem in his own calligraphy, "said that he also said that he also had three brothers when he died."

His father did not forget the hometown of his hometown and went back to see.

Tang Tian suddenly felt that he had a more responsibility.

Even Xiao Li did not expect that the next day, the entire Xiangjiang media reported his "hometown".

At the same time, domestic media also reported this "hometown".

A "hometown" is actually useful than any propaganda.


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