King of Entertainment

Chapter 857 Topics

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "taking a pen."

Liao Van is a hurry, hurriedly said: "Teacher Xiao, Mr. Fan is just a joke."

Fan Jian said, "I haven't joked."

He does not believe that Xiao Chong can write the theme song now.

Xiao Chong looked at Liao Van, "Nothing, you will take a pen."

Liao Fan famed Fan Jian, let people take a paper pen.

Xiao Chong is written on the spot.

Wu Zongsheng looked at Mei Nen, "Xiao He is too fierce?"

Mei Mei Yusheng, "Xiao Xiao wrote the ability, it is absolutely not to say."

Bai Su said, "When the song at the East China Sea Celebration Party, it seems to be written in one or two weeks of the boss."

Wu Zongsheng is somewhat, this is still a person?

The three-dimensional song of the sculpture, Tianlong Babu, the five of the lakes, Xiao Chong, don't want to think, classic songs are in his brain.

The first "shooting hero pass", Xiao Chong intends to use " ", this is Cantonese song.

The second "God Carving Heroes", Xiao Chong intends to use "mythical love", this is Mandarin song.

The third part of "Eternal Tu Dragon", Xiao Chong intends to use "Love Jiangshan more love beauty", this is Mandarin song.

The fourth "Tianlong Babu", Xiao Chong intends to use "difficult experience", this is Cantonese song.

The fifth "Swordsman", Xiao Chong intends to use "the sea laugh," this is also Cantonese song.

How long does Xiao Chong have been written by all the songs.

Everyone was shocked, especially Fan Jian.

Let's see the first "iron blood Dan Xin".

It is like a dream like a dream.

Throwing the world, complaining, accompanied by the sky.


The body is also in the heart, and it is difficult to break.

At the same time as looking at the lyrics, everyone also snorted with the song.

Liao Van even sings, then admired: "This song is simply a song that is tailored to" shooting heroes "."

Fan Jian face is ugly, he has to admit that this song is better than him.

Fan Jian is glanced.

Fan Jian took a look at the second song "Mythical Love".

Love is a pleasant is sad, it is intoxicated is emotion.

Or as a legend in the future.



You have you have a fire in my snow.


To you, you will never have a good time.

After reading this "Mythical Love", Fan Jian is again silent.

Pure life admire: "Perfect!"

Fan Jian's face was twitched, then look at the third song "Love Jiangshan more loves beauty".

Not a red dust

Not satisfactory


Life is a few autumn

Not stop drunk

Where is my beauty in the east?

Western Yellow River


Not stop drunk

Farming, don't worry

Fan Jian was once again hit, almost fainted.

Three hits, he didn't dare to continue to look down.

But he still bite his teeth.

Seeing "difficult experience", he was completely desperate.

He finally understood that he was not a presence of a diploma with Xiao Chong.

He looked at the last "The Sea Laughing" and was once again stunned again.

It is true that it is true.

Pure life said, "Xiao Gui, I didn't admire someone, but I was admired by you."

He is really satisfied.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "" Eternal Tudon "and" God Carving Heroes "I will write two Cantonese theme songs. The other three, I will give you three Chinese songs."


Liao San said and said: "How to get more than 5 million songs, I will notify the finance to play the money into the account of the DreamWorks."

Although Xiao Jiang does not make money, it does not lack this money, but she should still do it.

Cantonese and Mandarin add up to 10 songs, a total of 50 million.

Wu Zongsheng couldn't help but hit, "Xiao Gui, your speed is too fast."

Xiao Jiang smiled: "Angkor, you can try it."

Wu Zongsheng smiled, "I can not be able to resist it."

Fan Jian suddenly opened, "Mr. Xiao is talented, admire! Erlin says it is right, you are really suitable for the theme song of these five TV series, just I am charging."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "That's because these five are written."

Fan Jian smiles, "Mr. Xiao did not lift me."

He is really embarrassed to stay, find an excuse to leave.

Pure life asked, "Xiao Gui, do you have a specified singer?"

Xiao Chong said, "Mandarin songs are, Cantonese songs are looking at it."

Pure life nodded and immediately found a song to record the song.

Liao San smiled and said, "Teacher Xiao, time is early, we are not as good as visiting the film and television city."

Mei Nen said, "Xiao Xiao, this Xiangjiang Film City can go see."

Xiao Caote head.

A group went to Xiangjiang Film City.

Although Xiangjiang Film City is not big, the architecture of the past generation has.

In the past few decades, Xiangjiang's costume dramas were taken in this film and television city.

There is a mountain behind the film and television city, and many war play are taken on the mountain.

Many netizens are interested in Xiangjiang TV series, the war is always a mountain, and the costume is always that there are several sets.

Just when I visited the film and television city, I have come to a few people, and I have a few people who know.

Wang Jing, Xie Zhenqi, Shao Bing.

Shao Bing is also a person in the entertainment circle, but he has been behind the scenes, he founded "Xiangjiang Entertainment Weekly", using his old people, he mixed in the entertainment industry.

See Xiao Li, Shao Bing Light smile, "Xiao Chong, do you read the pre-sale of the box office" untrusted "? For pre-sale of this box office, you actually dare to praise the Haikou to win the Tang guide."

Xie Zhenzhen said yin and yang strangely said that "people have a king of counterattacks, maybe they can be released after the movie."

Xiao Chong looked at Shao Bing, "Your father didn't ask you not to bite people?"

Bai Su and others can't help but laugh.

Shao Bing's face sink.

Diagrading left.

Xie Zhenzhi whispered, "Shao Ge, I heard that this child was very colorful when I was in the Mainland. He took so beautiful an actress and absolutely problematic."

Shao Bing's eyes flashed, many of his hands under his hand, maybe you can find something.

Xie Zhentu whispered in his ear, "Shao Ge, here is in Xiangjiang, our site, we can use some other means."

Shao Bingyou, "What do you do if he is with the surname?"

Xie Zhenzi smiled, "White we can also say it is black, things are people, I don't believe that the actress didn't want to have something to happen to Xiao Chong."

Shao Bing couldn't help but laughed.

Even if it is the relationship between Qing and White?

Sometimes, as long as everyone says you are black, then you can only be black.

In the evening, when Bai Su returned to the room, suddenly found a house card in the room.

She remembers that Xiao Chong's room number is like this.


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