King of Entertainment

Chapter 861 Signing Tang Yimeng

I saw the first, and the whole crew was excited. This is in Xiangjiang, the opponent is Tang Yimou.

Mei Mei couldn't help but laugh, "I really want to see the look of Old Tang."

Wu Zongsheng said: "He is now estimated that you don't want to see you."

Everyone says, will he go to the cinema?

Tang Yimou is really in the cinema, his left is Liang Chaoyang, and the right is Qing Ruo.

"Undema" started playing.

Tang Yi is not eyeing.

He didn't miss any shot.

He is very calm throughout the process.

He only felt to leave the movie theater: "I am not as good as Xiao Li!"

A generation of Xiangjiang Entertainment, actually took the initiative.

In the next few days, "black and white double male" can no longer turn over, the box office is crushed all the way.

The release of the tenth day, "there is no truth", the 80 million box office has broken the record office record in the last few years, but this record is still rising.

"Black and White Shuangxiong" despite more than 50 million box office, but it is necessary to have a bad gap with "no truth".

Xiangjiang Media has been reporting "no truth" and Xiaozhou news, and even the "Happy Ghost" series is also removed by Xiangjiang people.

At the same time, the news that "untroven" breaking the record office record has also passed back to the country.

"" Undema "won more than 80 million box office?"

"Yes, just yesterday," no truth "broke the box office record."

"Xiao He is too fierce, is he really shooting a police film?"

"Previously, many people said that he took" no trip "to Xiangjiang is released by self-looking road. Now it seems that people are bumbler, and there is confidence to win Tang Yimou."

"The Xiao He is really giving us a long face of the mainland entertainment."

"Yeah, it's not the main battle, actually can take the first, this is too big."

"When is" without a trip ", when is it in the Mainland?"

"It is said to be next week."

"I can't wait, I have to go to Xiangjiang to see" there is no trip "."

Many people actually went to Xiangjiang.




The Lu is very depressed.

This time they didn't have a "no road", let them lose a lot of money.

Of course, the money is a little thing. The most crucial in the Down market has been robbed in many years, plus the boat king is supporting behind, and they can now basically open with Tang.

With the blend of Xiao Chong, they may be very passive.

"The legendary movie has already been taken, I think it should make the 12-year-old movie, no matter how it can be pressed back next month."

"Call the week, ask him to take a good movie within 30 days."

"Okay, boss."

There is only one of Lu's 12th, that is, Saturday.

Saturday is the director of Lu's "Ace". He took the Lu's movie with a grade, called Xiangjiang Ghost Director.

This time, the movie he took was a gambling film.

The gambling film is very popular in the Xiangjiang movie market, but you want to shoot new ideas is not a thing.

Many people only see the hot food of the gambling film, but they have not noticed that there are a lot of gambling streets every month.

However, Saturday dare to shoot gambling cards, naturally have his confidence.


On Saturday, he received the phone from the company, and asked, "Why is it to be released within a month?"

The other party said, "Zhou Guide, no way," no truth "is now too fire, we must have a movie pressure," no truth "."

Saturday is not the kind of person, "no truth" broke the box office record, he immediately went to watch the movie.

After reading it, he had to say that Tang Yimou did not lose. Xiao Chong's "no truth" is really cattle, directly pulls a police film high.

Only thought about Saturday, why did the mainland of the Department take a good police film?

"This Xiaozu is really powerful, but I can also pull the gambling tablet on the gambling tablets." Sunday Far is actually a hard work with Xiao Chong.

If you win Xiao Chu, it is equivalent to winning Tang Yimou, which will explain that he is the first director of Xiangjiang.

"Help me asked, when is the Xiao Cheng left Xiangjiang.

Saturday is said to the assistant, "I want to visit him."

His Assistant is going to contact.



When Saturday, he went to "visit" Xiao Chong, Tang Yimou has already arrived in the hotel.

Tang Yimou said, "Xiao Gui, I hope to lose, I am signed."

Mei Mei Xiao smiled, "Old Tang, there is nothing wrong with the DreamWork, so you will only let you inch."

Tang Yimou looked at Mei Nen, "Do you also join DreamWork?"

Mei Nen said, "I am old, I have been retired."

Xiao Baole, "Mei Lao, I remember that you are only 55 this year."

Mei Mei said, "55 is not small, I also intend to use the remaining years to go everywhere."

He did that he had already wanted to quit the entertainment circle.

Xiao Jiang can't help but feel unfortunately, like Mendi-level actors, if you quit the entertainment circle, it is definitely a lot loss in the entertainment circle.

However, now advised Mei Xiangxun not to see the opportunity after Xiao Chu.

Looking at Tang Yimou, Xiao Yang is saying, "Tang Gui, you can rest assured, after adding DreamWork, you will be free."

Next to it, the staff of the DreamWorks handed the contract to Tang Yimou.

Tang Yimou saw the contract, slightly, this contract is indeed, such as Xiao Chong, is very free to him, in addition to this, he can get movie priorities, all resources will first consider him first.

I am willing to gamble, and the conditions are so beautiful, Tang Yimou has no resistance, signing his name on the contract.

The agreement takes effect, from today, Tang Yimou officially became the director of DreamWorks.

The staff of the Dream Plant immediately sent the signing photo back to the country.

Zhao Xueyi Dadi, immediately started to promote the contract of Tang Yimou and DreamWorks.

Soon, the whole entertainment industry knows this.

"DreamWork Bayby, first signed Zhang Yonglin, and then signed Tang Yimou. Two Kings are in the dream factory, which is definitely in front of it."

"With Tang Yimeng, now the seven entertainment companies have been more than dreams in directors."

"Indeed, the Director of Tang Yimou federate the dream factory, which is absolutely like a tiger for DreamWork."

"That is not necessarily, Xiao Cong can not compress Tang Yimou still may not."

"It is indeed, even Tang Tian can't press Tang Yizhen, let alone Xiao Chong."

"If you follow the dream factory to support Tang Yimou, I think other director is estimated that the heart will be dissatisfied. After all, other director, such as Liu Xing and Tian Zhen, it is in the dream factory."

There are still many people to splaish cold water.

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