King of Entertainment

Chapter 876: Leather missing

Soon, Saturday's disappeared news spread throughout the river.

"Where is the week?"

"Do he drink alcohol and drink, then did not answer the phone."

"It should be impossible, the police have found his mobile phone."

"Where did he go last?"

"He finally went to the cinema, bought a movie ticket of" gambling "."

"He won't think about it?"

"It's impossible, he is afraid of death."

Many Xiangjiang people have learned the news after the news.

At this time, everyone is detective.

Many people have speculated that Saturday should look at "gambling" and can't think of it, then commit suicide.

Some people have speculated that Saturday is hiding and calm, and they will lose to Xiao Chong twice, and he is estimated that it is getting depressed.

Various speculations have.


Su Musai and others are also talking about Saturday.

"Saturday is not really can't really open?"


"Just, I can't stand this point, what big director he is?"

When everyone discussed, the policeman came.

They are looking for a Xiaoyang talk.

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "If you have any questions, ask."

The policeman asked, "Mr. Xiao, you have the right to keep silent, but everything you said will become a holiday card."

Xiao Caote: "I am very familiar with this sentence."

The person of the police station slightly, then asked: "Are you betting on Saturday?"

Xiao Chong shook his head.

The policeman's people are eyebrows, "according to us ..."

Xiao Cheng interrupted his words. "I mean, I didn't bet with him. It is he came to find me betting, and I didn't agree, I could only agree."

The person of the police said: "What is your betting content?"

Xiao Central said, "We won two wins, I won, he joined the DreamWork, I lost, I am not a director."

The policeman asked: "After the gambling god" is released, have you seen it? "

Xiao Chong shook his head, "no."

The policeman of the police have asked a lot.

Xiao He answered one by one.

The person of the police station finally asked: "Yesterday he went to your movie, then missing."

Xiao Baole, "Then you have to investigate, how many people have died yesterday, and then look at how many people in them have seen my movie."

The policeman said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

I suddenly said, "Mr. Xiao," Mr. Xiao, please don't leave Xiangjiang before the case is clear. "

Xiao Baole, "Do you have to limit my personal freedom?"

The policeman said, "If Mr. Xiao has any questions, you can reflect directly to our superior, I just execute the command."

When he finished, he took someone.

After these people left, Su Mushen couldn't help but say, "the boss, they will not really wait until I find Saturday, let us go?"

Xiao Jiang did not speak.

Mei Mei Yu's eyebrows: "I always feel that this thing has a weird."

Xiao Chong still has not spoken.

Just then, a hotel's waiter came over, "Mr. Xiao, there is a person outside to find you."

Xiao Chong is slight, "Who?"

The hotel staff said, "The man knows if you go out."

Xiao Cu is curious.

At the door of the hotel, Xiao Chong saw a middle-aged man wearing a suit.

The middle-aged people smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao is good, I am a boat king's house."

Xiao He is very unexpected, "smiled and asked:" How can the owner of the boat king come to me? "

Zhong Xu said, "Is the boat king let me find you, he hopes to talk to you."

Xiao Chong said, "Let's take the way."

Zhong Xu said, "Mr. Xiao, please go to the bus."

I got on the car, Xiao Chong closed his eyes.

Zhong Xu saw the depression of the rear in the back of the mirror, and he saw that Xiao He was so calm, he couldn't help but accident.

After a moment, the car stopped.

I took the car, Xiao Chong found himself to a terminal.

In front of the dock, the sea is stopped against a luxury yacht.

Xiao Jiang got on the boat and saw a seventy white-haired old man sitting on the deck fishing.

Zhong Xu went to respect and said: "Boss, Mr. Xiao is coming."

This old man is the boat Wang Guantai.

Guo Tailai looked at Xiao Chong, smiled slightly, "sat."

He is a null stool.

Xiao Chong sits down.

Guo Taizi said, "Mr. Xiao is really a young."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Guo Lao has a prize."

Guo Taizi said, "You are the people who are born to make an entertainment industry. If I have three points of this year, I will not buy all the movie industry."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Guo Lu, you are bored with me, I am embarrassed."

Guo Taizi said, "You let me think of a person."

Xiao Cheng is curious, "Who?"

Guo Taizi said, "Tang Tian."

Xiao Co unexpected.

Guo Taizi said, "When he was 18 years old, he was in the first bucket of gold, and you believe that a 18-year-old child can write a similar thing?"

Xiao Central said, "Some people are born to eat this meal."

Guo Taizi said, "He wrote science fiction, and he earned more than 100 million."

Xiao He heard that.

Guo Taizi said, "Later, he played two years in my unlimited, and then he used this million investment movie, and also self-directed."

Xiao Central said, "It is said that this movie broke the booking record at the time."

Guo Taizi said, "Yes, I knew I looked at it at the time."

Later, Tang Tian stepped into a step, the rise, became the entertainment of Xiangjiang.

In the end, Guo Tailai's entertainment industry was forced to survive.

These stories, Xiao Chu heard.

Therefore, Xiao Ye always said that Tang Tiancai is the real genius of the entertainment industry.

Guo Taizi said, "I found Lu Guanying, this child is also a genius."

Xiao Jiang knows that he is talking about the boss of Lu.

Guo Taizi said, "I want to understand, don't understand, don't take too much, let go, let go."

He couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't expect Lu Guanying, the little son did not look good. In these years, I actually defeated Tang Tian."

Xiao Jiang did not speak.

Guo Taizi said, "But you appear."

Xiao Baole, "Guo Lao, I can't stand around the Xiangjiang Entertainment Circle."

Guo Taizi shook his head, "No, you can."

Xiao Chong smiled, "Guo Lu, what if you have, let's talk."

Guo Taizi said that "DreamWorks and Lu's shares can be exchanged, how much to change, you look at it."

Laughing, he said, "Of course, your eating is not too ugly."

Xiao Cu did not speak.

Guo Taizi said, "I hope that you will end with Down's cooperation, follow the Lu's cooperation."

Xiao Zhi shook his head without hesitation, "impossible."

Guo Taizi said, "Down is given to you, I can give you."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Anyone who has come first, isn't you?"

Guo Tailai haha ​​smiled and made a referring.

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