King of Entertainment

Chapter 887 Recording Program

Everyone is drawing a group.

The opponent smoked by salted fish is a little ghost, and they finally played.

The little ghost didn't expect to encounter salted fish, but he didn't feel that he would lose, and people who can soar to win him are sitting on the judges.

Of course, there is a plan for the program - Xiao Chong.

At this time, the audience is playing salted fish and others, and they have repeated.

"Can you guess their identity?"

"Who can guess it, I am in arrested to teeth!"

"If they sing, maybe I can listen, now I have no matter."

"Haha, yes, when they sing, we will definitely hear."

"I don't believe that they can arrested."

The audience is looking forward to.

The first group of PK, swordsman VS small fairy!

Everyone saw the word "swordsman" and couldn't help but laugh. This big is definitely a live treasure.

The Swordsman's mask consists of two swords of "X", and the shape is wonderful.

At the beginning of the game, the first thing to appear is a little fairy, and she sang is "kiss".

Everyone is bright, and the "kiss" of the female voice version? This is interesting.

On the judge, Wu Mei looked at Zhang Yonglin, "Zhang Ge, it seems to be your fan."

Zhang Yonglin couldn't help but enjoy, "Singing my song is not that my fan is."

Cui Yang hit, "said that it is Xiaoyang's fans."

Qing Ruo, "If you kiss this song, if you sing, if you sing, you may not be more than the male voice. But the difficulty of singing is not small, especially our original singer."

Indeed, Xiaoxian dares to choose this song, really courageous, original singing, Zhang Yonglin.

The sword is also very unexpected, and he did not expect Xiaoxian to dare to challenge this song.

Music sounds.

The beautiful melody is intoxicated.

"Kiss" This song has been in the world of the original world, and it has been in the charm of its charm.

In this world, this song is also very fire, and the audience has heard this song.

"Xiaoxian is self-confidence, or is still alone? Can she sing this song?"

"Her first appearance, the choice is definitely the song of his most hand, I think she should be able to sing this song."

The front dust spread into a cloud smoke.

Dissipate each other,

I have said something goodbye.

I can't see you some sadness,


Xiao Xianwu opens the audience and judges.

The kissed lyrics, the endless love, the endlessness, and the entanglement.

When you sing this song, you need to inject this feelings into in and infectiousness.

After the song begins, the singing person and the audience will follow the songs of the song with the words, step into the "trap" that the composer digs, and gives a special sympathy for the lost lovers hidden in the song.

Everyone has a different feelings every time, so every time I listen to this song will have different feelings.

The small fairy's singing mode and Zhang Yonglin's somewhat is somewhat different, but it is like a joy, and it is also moved.

From the expression of Zhang Yonglin, you can see that they enjoy the singing of the little fairy.

I have kissed you in the unmanned street.

I can't refuse,

I have kissed you in the mad night,

My heart ... I am waiting to meet the sadness ...

Xiaoxianship holds the microphone and slowly sing the last lyrics.

" ..."

The audience applauded.

The swordsman feel pressure, the strength of the little fairy is very strong, and the state is also terrible. He is now really confident that you can defeat the little fairy.

Salted fish looked at the little fairy and didn't know what I was thinking.

"Xiaoxian is super god! Her first appearance is still so good, the strength is really strong!"

"Indeed, she sang this one. I didn't say that this style can't be said to be the best, but it is best for women to sing, and it is really really good!"

"I feel that she will win the first champion!"

"I am so curious that she is, I can't hear her voice and which kind of singer."

"I am also, I can't hear it, and she may be a fake sound."

"Too cow, if she does the best singing?"

"If she does their best to sing, we can guess her identity."

"Just, she will never reveal that he is really a chamber."

"If she exposes, it is estimated that the champion is his!"

"She is the first to play, is the person you really have a newcomer? Can you have an ordinary person who is invited by Xiaozhou Teacher."

Many fairy have blown out, causing dissatisfaction with many people.

Indeed, there are still 7 big men who have not played.

Dong Wei said, "There is a teacher to ask the Swordsman."

Everyone was amused.

The sword came to the stage to sing a grand song - "Not as good as you."

This song is alternately used, and it is difficult to sing, and people who sing mers can't control this song.

As the swords are singing, many people can't help but take the palm.

The swordsman sang too well.

After sang, the sword passed away.

Teacher comment.

Zhang Yonglin looked at Cui Yang.

Cui Yang said, "Yonglin, come back first, after all, is your song."

Zhang Yonglin did not pay, looked at Xiaoxian, "There is no problem with singing, the feelings are no problem, the only problem is ..."

Everyone has a slight change, and there is such a good question?

Zhang Yonglin said with a smile. "The only problem is that it has already surpassed me, I have a big pressure."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Yonglin looked at the sword. "You sing the same very good, especially your true sound conversion, no flaws, the only one may have a slap, your treble is slightly different."

The swordsman nodded, "Thank you teacher."

Zhang Yonglin looked at Cui Yang.

Cui Yangren commented, "I don't think of so many years old, I didn't expect to emerge, you are very excellent, but if I make me vote, I will give a small fairy because her voice touched me."

Xiao Xian said, "Thank you teacher."

Qing smiled slightly, "except Wu Mei, you are the female singer I have ever seen."

Xiao Xian hurriedly said that "Qingjie, don't hold me, don't you have it here?"

Wu Muan, "Qingjie said that it is right, just in the performance, you are perfect."

The result is already obvious.

"Sword is estimated to be cold."

"Indeed, he sang very well, but he couldn't hold a super-god of small fairy."

"The first PK is estimated to be a small fairy, if the sword is lost, will he choose to open?"

"Maybe it will not, after all, this is very shameful."

"If you don't reveal, isn't that you can't afford?"

"Just, it's too irresponsible."

Everyone discuss.

Immediately, the submission link begins.

The viewer's voting and judges have begun to vote.

The judge ticket is equal to the five votes of ordinary tickets, so it is very important.

Soon, the voting result came out.

The final winner of the first round of PK is ...

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