King of Entertainment

Chapter 893 Peak Dialogue

Xiao Yong said, "His teacher said to him, his previous lyrics are too shallower, the lyrics are beautiful, it sounds very good. But his teacher knows that if he is really at this time, it is absolutely famous, but Act will definitely not too high. "

Donned, Xiao Chu went to say, "So, his teacher made him doubt himself."

The color change.

Xiao Cang said, "His teacher told him that I want to write a song, and become a classic, it is not enough to experience the life. Bao Jianfeng is grinding, the future you will become a master of music."

Luo Dazu took the head to applaud.

The audience can't help but applaud.

This story is too interesting.

Those artists in front of the TV also stunned.

"Yeah, I always feel that my song is, now we are white."

"Thank you Xiao Chong, I know how to write a good song."

Many artists have realized a lot of things after listening to this story.

on site.

Luo Dazo said that "Xiao Cong said what emotions, a person will be too early, if success is too early, it is estimated that it will fall behind."

Jin Wei said that "Teacher Xiao's story does happen deeply, there is something you want to ask, hurry to ask Xiao teacher."

The audience is coming up.

Xiao Chong is very patient answering.

After a long time, Jin Wei shifted the topic to Luo Dazu, so that everyone asked Luo Dabo.

There is no doubt that this time the peak dialogue, Xiao Chong accounts for the wind.

Theory said it is good, everyone can't listen to it is also white.

After the end of the question of Luo Dabo, Jin Wei said, "Everyone must listen to the teacher and Xiao teacher want to say something, hey, Teacher Lu, I think you must also talk to Xiao Teacher."

Luo Dazu smiled slightly, looked at Xiao Li, "I want to ask Xiao's brother, how did he think of Masked songwin's show, although the show has not been broadcast, but think about letting a famous singer masked game, I I feel that this program will be fired. "

I am a person who has almost vomiting blood.

Teacher Luo, don't bring this to the opponent.

on site.

Xiao Bangle, "Mr. Luo n't hold it, I am a singer!"

Everyone can't help but laugh.

Luo Dazzo said, "Xiao Lao, in fact, I want to ask you most, have you had a movie's plan recently."

Xiao Baoyi, "Why is Luo Gong asking?"

Luo Dazo said, "I also want to play a hero, but my acting is really bad."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughs, says that the peak dialogue?

Xiao Bain, "Mr. Luo relieved, when I took a movie next time, I will let you play a hero."

Luo Dazo said, "Reassured, I don't charge your own" "

Xiao Central said, "There is your joining, I think the box office will be ten billions."

The audience in front of the TV can't laugh, when is your two business mutual blowing?

Luo Dazo said, "If there is a meeting, I want to group a band with you."

Everyone stunned, and then all exposed excitement, if Luo Dabu is with the Xiaoyang Group, then how much?

Xiao Yanghaha smiled, "I have no problem, I can always."

Luo Dazo said, "That can be said, wait for me to take the time to contact you."

Xiao Caote head.

The audience in front of the TV is also excited.

This is enough to detonate the news!

There are two big wrists in the songs together, think about people who are excited.

Today's dialogue has skyrocketed.

The next day, the ratings were released, and the annual view record was broken.

The major media is reported that there are things on dialogue yesterday.

"Shock! Luo Dabo and Xiao Chu have built a happy team! "

"Dawu Central Band is about to be released? "

Netizens saw the big Zuo Central band, almost sprayed out.

So, I gave a name to the Dali and Luo Dabo.

"I look at the classics."

"Not good, no culture."

"Cut! How do you talk about how to take it?"

"I should call the invincible band combination."

"This is no culture!"



Dream factory.

Zhang Yonglin found it.

"Well, you actually have to set up a band." Zhang Yonglin smiled, "You owe me the song has not given me yet, you remember to me before you set up a band."

He is coming to the song.

Xiao Chong blinked, "If you join you? I can write a few more, Lao Luo can also write it."

Zhang Yonglin said, "that can't."

Wang No. Wang, he didn't want to be with the Luo Dazuo team.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Old Zhang, the pattern was so small, and the band we formed can go out of the world tour."

"Ha ha……"

"I am serious."

"I am also serious, I will give me the song owe me."

"All programs are all recorded, old Zhang, I still have something, go first."

Xiao He is.

Zhang Yonglin helpless.

He does need a few songs of songs.

The king is also a pressure.


At 7 o'clock in the evening.

"Mongolian Song King" is about to broadcast.

"I am a singer" is also the same.

Yesterday's dialogue once again risen the heat of the two files.

seven thirty.

"Mongolian song king" is broadcast.

Gorgeous stage.

Eight singers strange masks, mysterious identity.

Everyone is attracted.

The first singer is a little fairy.

A "kiss" is amazing the audience.

One party is exposed.

When Jiang Yifan's unveiled moment, the audience all could not keep calm.

"My art is actually eliminated, so sad!"

"It can't be strange, the opponent is too powerful."

Everyone has not returned from the shock.

The second group begins.

The third group is coming again.

Finally, salted fish and little ghosts.

The salty fish and the devil's dowel are equally exciting.

Especially the salted fish "I have been a fish".

Everyone is all laughing in the person who sees the writings.

"Too fun, this fish."

"This is actually original song, this person is really talented."

"My male god is actually eliminated."

"Ah, can't stand it, this issue is actually eliminated six first-line artists!"

The audience loves this show!

This show is really love and hate.

Then, Tan Liming leaked his identity.

Tan Liming's identity is both exciting and regret, because they have known Tan Liming in advance.

"Why do Tan will be eliminated? Is it really insider?"

"Salted fish is not a kernel champion?"

"Yeah, if it is true, then this show doesn't look."

"The salty fish will be played, and I will know."

Many people are doubtful, why have been thrown by everyone who recognizes the identity?

At this time, Tan Liming is almost unbeaten!

Finally, salted fish appeared, and singing is also a Cantonese song - "silence is gold".

Although the song has not yet started singing, everyone has vaguely knows how Tan Liming lost.

Salted fish, this song is absolutely not simple!

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