King of Entertainment

Chapter 897, Long Yu Cool

"Mr. Robert, I hope you have a bit sincerity."

Xiao Cong said, "As far as I know, Cage Comics is only willing to bid 100 million, and it is 51% shares."

Speaking here, Xiao Chong laughed, "This is the highest price."

Roberton smiled, "So I didn't sell."

Xiao Ye got up, "Then please let Mr. Robertson to find someone else, comics is just my interest, not a necessity of DreamWorks."

Robertson's face slight change.

Wang Ye shook his head, "Mr. Roberts, you missed a good opportunity, in fact, in my face, Xiao He is willing to pay."

Robertson, "100 million, 52% shares."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "I seem to have this money, I am willing."

Robertson finally looked up.

The two sides have signed an agreement.

Since then, Veron Anime is Xiaoyang.

Xiao Central said, "Mr. Robertson, I hope that you will take a few comic artists to come over."

Robertson nodded, but some did not think it was, what would Huaxia anime learned?



In the afternoon, the third phase of the masked song was recorded.

Dong Wei announced the rules of revision when the show started recording.

The champion can also take the initiative to challenge the runner-up, the runner-up is lost, and it is directly eliminated.

However, the champion lost it.

In addition, any "way" that is considered by the judges and the host, it will be directly eliminated.

After the new rules come out, the program has become more and more exciting.

Game start.

This game is definitely a fairy fight.

In the end, people who win the champion are very strong, it is a female singer, named "Song".

Next is the challenge.

Three champions, little fairy, singer, salted fish.

Two runners, big boys, dragon feathers.

The first is three championships to challenge.

Xiaoxian laughed looked at Long Yu, "I challenge Long Yu."

Long Yu: "..."

No way, Long Yu can only go to step, this time he is really exhausted.

Xiaoxian also moved true.

However, after all, many people have known Long Yu's identity, plus small fairy singing is old songs, unlike salted fish, so it is finally lost to Long Yu with a weak advantage.

Long Yu is cold, he is almost eliminated.

Then the turn is challenged.

The singer also looked at Long Yu said, "I challenge Long Yu."

Long Yu: "..."

He leaked his identity when he regretted the second phase.

No way, he can only go to step again.

This time, the singer also gave Long Yu with a vote.

No way, many people know his identity after all, so I can't bear to eliminate him.

Long Yu once again got a breath, he also returned a life!

Everyone suddenly looked at salted fish.

The salted fish challenged!

Long Yu is really crying.

He is most afraid of this is this fish!

Salted fish looked at Long Yu, "I challenge Long Yu."

Sure enough, it's still challenged!

Many people can't cry, these three champions have to drive Long Yu to kill.

The big boy is crying, and he did not expect this kind of thing.

At this time, Long Yu bites his teeth, and he took the new song of his own press box.

This song is Mandarin song, named "cold cold".

"Your cold heart is always indifferent."

He sang.

The audience under the stage can't help but applaud.

This song is really good.

Long Yu is really out of this time. This song is his new single. He is not allowed to take it out, but there is no way, his opponent is salty fish.

After singing, the audience is still applauding.

Even Zhang Yonglin had to admit that this song is really high.

Everyone looks at salted fish.

Salted fish came to the stage.

Music sounds.

Everyone stunned, salted fish had long prepared songs?

Song: Cool.

Words: Duobao.

Composition: Crocodile.

Singing: salted fish.

Everyone is crying, I am coming again! Another bunch of fish!

Salted fish sang.

Actually a female voice.

Everyone is shocked.

Salted fish mimic female.

"Entering night is cool,

Flower landing,

You look at the distance,

Take all twilight,

Do not think about it. "

"Lying in the trough, too cattle."

"Today's salty fish is afraid to be a woman dressed?"

"Just, how can a big man can grow such a good girl?"

Everyone was shocked.

But followed by, the salted fish song turns into a male voice.

" ,

How do you go to the past?

This sea is,

Still, don't hurt, don't help,

It's all imagining! "

The Taiwan is entirely screaming.

"so amazing!"

"Is this the real strength of salted fish?"


The audience is all shocked.

Zhang Yonglin and others also widened their eyes.

The sound of salted fish turned again and became a female voice.

"The cool night is missing to the river,

Cut the spring mud care for me. "

The male sound started again.

"Shallow years all over the lover,

The film flask in the water flow. "

The female voice is then coming.

"Cool God 0

Falling into the dust and hurting me. "

It turns into a male voice.

"The robbery is easy to fight,

The depreciation of the heart is still a hate,

There is also a bit. "

Then the chorus of the sky.

"The birth hate ..."

It is more realistic to simulate the symbol simulation.

This is entirely a personal shaped vapor.

"Also Zeng Wei Shuang,

I have also returned to light.

Long years old,

How can you waste time?

Go to wandering ... "



"When and when you are cool, when you will be Spring Festival,

See also a wind in the tree. "

"Falling flowers are interested in water,

Don't let the grievances hate cool. "

"I willing to drew ..."

Salted fish sang.

Long Yu is really cool!

How is this better?

Sure enough, the audience is not waiting for Zhang Yonglin, and all will start voting.

The number of salted fish is directly crushed!

In the end, salty fish wins!

Long Yu is really cold!

The little fairy is not successful, and the song is not.

But salted fish succeeded.

A cool delivery to Long Yu, and sent Long Yu to his home.

Everyone is not convinced.

Salted fish is worthy of salty fish!

Then, the round to the big boy challenged.

He weides the song, chose the singer.

The final winning person is a big boy, he challenges success!

The singer became a runner-up!

However, their competition has no way to let the audience excited.

Because the performance of salted fish is too shocking.

So, although the big boy and the singer are doing their best in the competition, but it is impossible to compare with the game just.

The next night.

After the masked song king broadcast, everyone stunned.

Three major champions turned the dragon feather, thinking about it.

A "cool", instantly fire all over the Internet!

"Salted fish is counterclockwise!"

"I am going, this guy is a male is a woman?"

"Who knows, maybe he is a personal demon."

"Haha, you are the talents of the people."


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