King of Entertainment

Chapter 902, Song Wang finals Night 1

The next day, the finals of the masked songs are coming soon.

However, the major media is almost all the news of the Nakada Jackson.

Online, in reality, many people are talking about Jackson.

This is the first time Jackson came to China to open a concert, and people look forward to exciting.

The focus of the masked song king is completely unable to compare with Jackson's concert.

However, the dream factory followed the Tang Yimou, Liang Chaoyang, and the Xiangjiang Artists will come to the Song King scene to help out.

Plus Tang Yimou and Liang Chaoyang, the king of the masked song is more.

Then, Luo Dazo actually announced that he would take the judge teacher when he finally.

Masked songs are definitely the largest programs in the history of Huaxia Entertainment Circles.

In an instant, the focus of the masked songs came up.

Now, no one dares to say that Jackson's concert ratio will exceed the masked song king.

At 7 o'clock in the evening.

The Birds Stadium is full of people.

The stage of the Masked Song Wang finals is the first time that the DreamWorks spend huge investment, the effect is absolutely the first in Huaxia.

It can be said that even the stage of the Jackson concert, there is no top stage of the song king.

The judges have arrived.

Luo Dabo is not a signed singer, so he can't stop it.

What's more, he is a king, Tiangheng does not dare to stop him.

The well-deserved judges of Luo Dazu.

Cui Yang despite the age of Balodo, it is really not more than Luo Dazo.

"This is definitely I have seen the most luxurious judges."

"Yeah, the four kings' judges, who can get it up."

"If you think about it, people may not be willing to be willing."

"It is, after the masked song king, it is absolutely impossible to see this grand event."

"I can only say, Xiao Culu ratio."

Indeed, Luo Dazuo, Zhang Yonglin, Qing Ruo, Cui Yang, this combination, it will not be estimated later.

Even if you are Xiao Chong, you may not have to gather these four people again.

Although Jackson is a world-class king superstar, but also to take the first rate of Huaxia tonight.

Because there is a masked song king!

Everyone can understand that Xiao He is in full standing Jackson, wants to fight for the Huaxia Entertainment Circuit.

As for Xiao Chu, it can be successful, no one knows.

After all, Jackson's influence is too big.

At 7:30 in the evening.

Mongolian songwear is ready, Moderator Dong Qing and Zhang Hua Xingtai.

This time, Xiao Chong called Zhang Hua.

With the help of Xiao Chong, now Zhang Hua is already a second-line artist.

In the host, Zhanghua's popularity may only be secondary to the ace host of Seven Entertainment.

However, this time the masked song king is not said, Zhang Hua can not be able to surpass these people.

In addition to the judges, guests are also luxurious lineups.

Tang Yimou, Liang Chaoyang, Xiangjiang's several super-line artists, etc., more than a dozen super-class guests sitting in the town.

This is definitely the most luxurious guest team in history.

Especially Tang Yimou, he is now the first person in China's director world.

Liang Chaoyang is a big coffee in the executive industry, the king, the popularity is very high.

"Xiao Jiang has already invited the king of the entertainment circle."

"Big Hand! It seems that Xiao Li is really trying to pull Jackson."

"I support Xiao Teacher, why is a foreigner be sought after?"

"Masked songs must be able to take the first rate tonight."

Many people still support DreamWorks.

At the same time, another stadium in Beijing is full of seats.

Jackson is already in the background, he is a long-haired white.

"Huaxia's fan is very high." Jackson listened to the sound of mountain floods outside, laughing.

He has not been here, this is the first time.

He is not surprising to Huamia people. He is still very confident about his popularity.

"Yeah, you probably don't know, you will announce that you come to Huaxia to make concerts, your tickets are snapped up." The head of the organizer smiled.

Jackson said, "I will sing five songs later. After singing, the other singers will go to the stage, and finally I will play two two."

The head of the organizer hurriedly licked, "No problem, you are arranged."

Although Jackson is basically singing in many other countries, he only sang five in Huaxia, and some differences have been treated, but in his wrist, he will sing a song today, and the organizer does not dare to say anything.

People do have arrogant qualifications.

However, the head of the organizer is worried.

The lineup of the masked song is too powerful.

At that time, if Jackson's concert rate is lost to the masked song king, it will definitely affect the reputation of Jackson.

He is touched, he must find a chance to talk to Jackson, see if you can add a few songs.



Masked song king scene.

After Dong Ji and Zhang Hua's opening ceremony, the final night officially started.

Eight singers, salted fish, small fairy, big boy, glass, quite cattle, actor, flying brother, rose.

The little fairy, rose, and glazed are women, others are men.

In the eight singers, only the crowd is a rock singer.

As for the actor, many people doubt that he is an actor, but he sang is too good. Everyone thinks his name is actually his obstacle.

Flying brothers sang is folk songs, strength.

In short, eight champions have their own characteristics. The only thing is that singing is very good and impeccable.

The rules of the final night are as follows.

First, eight championships, two or two games, the audience vote.

The first round of points accounted for 50%.

Second, eight champions invited their partners to sing at the stage with themselves, and the audience will vote again.

The second round of 50%.

The first round and the second round of score compared, and the four champions with low score were directly eliminated.

Then the third round, the remaining four champions are again try again.

This time, four champions did not draw, they first sing themselves, then sing with their partners.

After the four champions sang, he handed over to the audience vote, after conversion, accounting for 90% of the total score.

In addition, the judges also have voting rights and converted into 10% proportion.

The highest ticket is the champion of the finals!

A total of three rounds.

The judges have the right to score in the third round.

That is to say, the first round and the second round, the judges cannot intervene.

Between three rounds, guests will come together.

The singer of the Dream Plant has been prepared in the background.

At this time, how the dream factory may miss the opportunity to make his own artist's face.

Game start.


Salted fish VS is quite cattle.

Little fairy vs actor.

Big boy vs glazed.

Flying brother VS rose.

The first thing to play is Fei Ge and Rose.

Their PK also has highly attractive attention.

And they are the first group of singers, representing the face of the final night.

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