King of Entertainment

Chapter 904 Ge Wang Dai Night 3

The clown fish smiled slightly, "listening to you."

Since Xiao Jiang is relieved, then it is.

Voting has begun.

Singing of salted fish and clownfish, although it is the best, the ticket is the lowest.

Because the clown fish did not reveal.

Luo Dazuo, "salted fish seem to win their own songs."

Zhang Yonglin said, "But the audience is too crazy, no matter how good you sing,"

Indeed, who is the fan now, who is vote, and the work itself is not important.

Voting is still going on.

Online, many people are calling for salted fish and clown fish.

"Salted fish and clown fish singing is very good, they should be the first, we can't let them be eliminated."

"Just, even if they don't reveal, we have to send them to the third round."

"Salted fish and clownfish are real singer, others are all external forces."

Many people are still willing to support salted fish and clownfish.

Soon, salted fish and clown fish's tickets are rising.

Finally, in the final moment, we won the bull combination with a weak advantage.

Serious cows are somewhat disappointed, but they can accept it. After all, the strength of the other party is really strong. He is now the most curious thing that the other party is.

The second round, the final winning person is a small fairy, big boy, rose, salted fish.

The ultimate champion will be born in their four people.

The first person is a little fairy.

Just when the little fairy appeared, Jackson's concert had reached the high. Tide, Jackson once again.

Although many people feel that Jackson is playing big cards, they still support him still.

Synchronous ratings, still Jackson concert than masked songs.

Almost when the little fairy succeeded, Jackson took place again, he would wait until the last time will be closed.

The synchronous ratings of the masked song king were chasing again.

"Jackson is doing?"

"Just, he still sang?"

"His concert, he is almost half a time, this is not very good?"

"Do you not know that Jackson's body is uncomfortable?"

"It is, the body of the king is uncomfortable, we should be considerate."

"The king even is only on the stage, I also support it."

Jackson's brain powder is too much.

In fact, Jackson has not sick at all, he does not want to go to the stage.

Anyway, some people support, I am so selling.

This is Jackson's current mentality.

Masked song king scene.

The third singer's rose came to stand up.

After she ended, the turn of the boiled salted fish.

Everyone is curious, what song will be sang in salty fish?

Song information is given on the big screen.

Song: exaggerated.

Words: sour vegetarian fish.

Compound: Red - burning fish.

Singing: salted fish.

Everyone, exaggerated?


Salted fish hands sang the topic.

"Someone asked me, I will speak."

The colors changed, actually Cantonese songs.

The song is still going on.

"But no one comes,

I am looking forward to helplessness.

Not loaded,

My mood is like a cover, etc. is unveiled.

The mouth is in navigation,

The people are more quiet, and it becomes unreasonable.

I have to get an accident.

Like suddenly high songs,

Anywhere is also like a four-sided station,

The most flashing shirt is very emotional,

Someone came to take a photo to remember the bag,

You are exaggerated,

Exaggerate only because I am very afraid,

Is it like a stone like a stone?

In fact, I am afraid that I have forgotten to play.

Very uneasy, how to go elegance,

Is it praised in the world?

Not exploding, how do you have a topic?



Dear, do you see,

Is it hidden?

Take the tears,

I just want you to be surprised,

I am like there is no existence,

Grabss crycropolor is also shown,

I know now,

Staring at me, don't look at the sky again.

I am not your cup of tea,

You can also drink it,

Don't forget someone is sanding for you ... "

Salted fish fully put into this song, the kind of hysterical crazy released, infected everyone.

The on-site applause continued.

If you can't help but say, "Is salty fish?"

Indeed, the Cantonese singing of salted fish is too good.

Zhang Yonglin said, "Xiangjiang does not have such a strong Cantonese singer?"

Qing Ruo, "It's really not."

Such a lot of Xiangjiang people singing in Cantonese, but there is no salty fish.

Voting is still going on.

Although the salted fish is good, his ticket is the lowest.

The reason is very simple, everyone probably guess who the other three people are, but I don't know who the salted fish is.

So, after weighing, everyone puts the ticket to the skilled singer.

Salted fish is getting less and behind.

"Salted fish, open it."

"It's, salted fish, you will open it."

Many people can't see it.

In fact, even the little fairy is somewhat guilty, she should not reveal her partner.

Next is the last link of the third round.

Four singers sing with their own partner.

Singing these four songs, today's finals are over.

However, before they played, Zhang Yonglin and Qing have sang a song from the two people, and instantly push the atmosphere to the highest.

The ratings of Masked Kings have skyrocketed.

The chorus of the king and the day is very rare, Zhang Yonglin and Chorus have never been there.

However, this is not finished yet.

After they sang, Luo Dazo joined hands to go to the stage, and cooperated with a song.

This is another cooperation between Kings!

The ratings of the masked song king have risen again and reached 31%.

Now, Jackson's concert, the ratings are only 29%.

However, people around the world know that when Jackson finally settled, the synchronous ratings will soar.

Therefore, the masked song king is not necessarily to hold the first.

Next, the little fairy is singing with your partner.

The little fairy and her partner show are very perfect, and the tickets are also the highest.

Then the big boy and his partner appeared.

The big boy is completely super fascinated, and his partner performance is also very perfect.

The big boy's ticket actually temporarily exceeded the little fairy.

Then it is rose.

The performance of roses is medium in the rules, temporary third.

Finally, to salted fish and clownfish.

Everyone looks at them, what song they will sing?

This is a song that determines the champion.

The lowest in the current ticket is their combination.

On the stage, salted fish and clown fish online.

Clownfish looks salted fish, "Do you have not revealed?"

Salted fish look at clownfish, "Are you losing?"

Clown fish can't help but laugh, "I lost it, what are I am afraid?"

She suddenly, she asked: "Is it him?"

Salted fish is stupid, "Who is he?"

Clown fish said, "Don't be installed, I know it is you."

Salted fish is still stupid.

Clownfish said, "Your song is very good."

Salted fish said, "Thank you, these two songs are giving you."

Clown fish, "You can really save things, these two songs are used by you, I have another."

Salted fish said, "Let's talk about it later, start."

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