King of Entertainment

Chapter 908 Tang Wenyi's old friend

The foot of the field is just walking, and Jiang Hua is coming.

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "I have a new script here, you are not interested?"

Jiang Hua is bright, "of course feels interest!"

Xiao Jiang smiled and handed the script to Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua looked at the script.

"Tomb Raising" is an adventure, and it is full of mystery and myth.

The most crucial of this movie is a woman!

This woman's setting is a sexy charm, a hot body, and proficient in fighting skills.

For the moment, the big woman loves love, this is undoubtedly a subversion.

Jiang Huaming's feelings of this movie will fire, such a movie, he certainly has to pick up.

Looking at Xiao Li, he said, "Boss, this movie I will take it."

Xiao Cong said, "This movie will be released abroad, so some foreign actors will be added properly."

Jiang Hua can't help but ask, "Who is the starring?"

Xiao Chong said, "Chen Ruolin!"

Jiang Hua looked, "Chen Ruolin?"

The movie I have to shoot is the starring Chen Ruolin?

He is a little excited, more is worried.

Chen Ruolin's wrist is too big. This movie has so many movements, he is worried that there is no way to shoot.

Xiao Jiang knows his concern, "You rest assured that Chen Ruolin has seen the script, and I told her that this movie will have a lot of action, let her have psychological preparation."

Jiang Hua, "When do you shoot?"

Xiao Central said, "She still has another movie, you have a time for more than a month."

The film shot of "Resident Evil" is almost the same, and you can directly enter the "Tomb Raise".

Jiang Hua said, "Time is full, enough."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Old Tang's" change face "is already in shooting, you and Old Fields can just be used to block."

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Jiang Hua accident, "Old Field's movie will also take foreign countries?"

Xiao Chong said, "His movie is also working with Chen Ruolin."

Jiang Hua Wei, "Horror Movie?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "almost."

Jiang Hua can't help but laugh. "I really want to see what kind of movie is this."

Xiao Chong handed him with his hand.

"resident Evil?"

Jiang Hua slightly, turned over, and the more shocked it.

Yes, this movie's plot shocked him, the T virus setting, similar to the zombie "setting ...

These are unprecedented actions.

Plus an asphyx dangerous atmosphere, tight plot, let the story full of tension.

Jiang Hua even felt that this movie was more than the ancient tombs.

Tian Zhen is really suitable for this movie.

Jiang Hua said, "Boss, this movie is likely to set off the trend of zombie."

Xiao Central said that this is indeed true.



At the time of Tianzheng preparations "Biochemical Crisis", "White Snake" continued to be hot, and the ratings continued to create a new high.

Tiansheng Media.

They are also studying this TV series.

"White Snake" is a boutique production route, and every detail of it is very serious, which is the key to stand out in many TV series. "

"Another reason, that is, this TV series is the dream factory, starring is Bai Su."

"The most critical, the story of White Snake is really attractive."

"Our" Dragon Legend "is not a little in the costumes and props, not the abparation of the white snake."

"In addition, the starring" Long Hao Legend "is also a red artist in Tai Island.

"In terms of story, we are not bad."

"After the white snake spread, we can use the iron," Long Hao Legend "can be broadcast."

Tiansheng Media and Brilliant Media Cooperate a clear palace drama, and they were killed half a month, but they didn't dare to start broadcasting.

They are really afraid.

It turns out that it is better to start broadcasting, otherwise it is really possible to become a white snake.

"" Guide "seems to be killing, in case the dream factory ..."

"The Legend of Longyi" is not better than "Gui Pearl", I don't have to avoid it again. "

"Yes, if the DreamWorks have been broadcast on TV series, is we still breathed?"

The people of Tiansheng Media are silent.

After a while, they decided to broadcast the "Legend of the Dragon" after the end of the white snake.

"White Snake" has a total of 45 episodes, and it will be over three days. The ratings are still rising, surpass the previous "ghost light", becoming a new viewing champion!

There is no margin of Bai's fire.

"Crouching Tiger" has made her fire, "White Snake" also pushed her popularity in a new height.

"Bai Su is absolutely becoming a super-line!"

"it is necessary!"

"Dream factory is simply a stars!"

DreamWorks now have exceeded seven entertainment companies.

"For our own female artists, if you can join DreamWorks, maybe there is a chance to turn over!"

Many older female artists are eager to enter the DreamWorks, and the threshold of the dream factory can now be too high.

Tang Wenyi received the news from his friends - seeking her to help, enter the dream factory!

Her friend has been 40,000, although the maintenance is very good, but after all, the age is already there.

Tang Wenzhen was really refused, so he went to DreamWork.

"Tang Sister!"

The manager of the Personnel Department saw Tang Wenyi, smiled slightly, Tang Wenyi, but the big brand of the company, she could not dare.

"Is the company recruited recently?" Tang Wen asked.

"There is no plan for the time being." The Manager of the Personnel is slightly.

Tang Wen said, "There is a way to tell me in advance."

Personnel Manager nodded.

Tang Wen has just went out of the door.

Xiao Yang smiled, "How? Help relatives to find a job?"

Tang Wenyi is a bit embarrassed, "No, just a friend, she hasn't played for a long time, and it is unemployed."

Xiao Chu asked, "How is she a few lines?"

Tang Wen said, "It used to be second line, now just three lines."

The entertainment circle is like this, the bigger the age of female artists, the more you lose, the ranking of the artists will always fall, and some finally become passers-by.

Evergreen is not there.

Especially a female artist.

Xiao Jiang, of course, clear the status quo of the entertainment circle, this circle is actually very cruel.

Tang Wen said, "Her acting is good, just now, so I can't get a play, I am doing a young woman, after all, she is not old, but she is sprayed by the audience, she can only play some mom now. Mother now. Level of characters. "

Xiao Chong suddenly thought of a show, even though he couldn't change the entire entertainment industry, did not want to change, but he could change a few people.

Looking at Tang Wenyi, "Let your friends come over, after a long dream factory may plan a program."

Tang Wenzhen was shocked again.

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