King of Entertainment

Chapter 920 Hua Qing's Invitation

"Wilderness Survival" fire, the name of the dream factory is completely in foreign countries.

Many people remember this company that shoots "Waiting Tihu" and produces "wilderness survival" companies - DreamWorks.

The Chinese entertainment company has only a Down and Hua Xing to enter their eyes, and now also a dream factory.

Seeing the wilderness of survival, Xiao Chong decided to start another model of "Wilderness Survival" - Star Join!

After the original "wilderness survival" fire, all the stars all over the world will participate in this program, but more than the star of the entertainment circle, and sports stars, etc.

Promote the artists of the dream factory through "wilderness survival" to foreign countries, is the real purpose of Xiao Chong.

When I was a list of guests in Xiaoyang, Yuan Ziling called.

"Hua Qing University wants to invite you to go to class." Yuan Ziling said.


Xiao Yang is crying, "I don't matter."

Yuan Ziling said, "But I have promised them."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Yuan Ziling said, "You will do it casually."

Xiao Chong sweat, that is one of the highest academics in Huaxia, how can I speak.

Yuan Ziling said, "Can you report it after tomorrow?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "can, of course, can."

Yuan Ziling smiled slightly, "I will accompany you after the day."

Xiao Cu said, "Who wants to invite me?"

Yuan Ziling said, "I will know if you arrive."

Also sell Guan Chi.

Xiao Chong is crying.

Two days later, Xiao Li and Yuan Ziling arrived in Huaqing University, come out to meet Xiao Yizhang is Tang Lin, Vice President of Huaqing University, a kind of symptomatic beauty.

Although she has been forty years old, I can't see it.

Tang Lin is a teacher of Yuan Ziling.

Xiao Jiang knows why Yuan Ziling has no way to refuse.

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, long-term."

Xiao Cong said, "Tang Deputy, Long Yang."

Tang Lin said with a smile, "Huaqing Literature Department is born by Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Chi Sweating, "Tang Deputy, you overestimated me, I haven't talked lesson."

Tang Lin said, "You are the host, Mr. you don't want to fight, and host the style of humor."

Xiao Chong said, "Can I ask a question?"

Tang Lin said, "You ask."

Xiao Chu asked, "Why do you think of me?"

Tang Lin is fun, "Because you are very famous, I think students will like your class."

Xiao Chong is crying, "Tang Deputy, what do you think I should talk?"

Tang Lin said, "The content follows you, I believe you."

Xiao Chong Pressure Mountain.

What should I tell?

Xiao Bao sins.

tell a story?

Xiao Chong shakes his head, telling stories that you can't do it.

What about what?

Chinese students?

He really didn't grasp the national learning class.

"Right, the class does not necessarily want a class, and the way to class can be innovated."

Xiao He thought of a good idea.

Tang Lin said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, let's go to dinner first, and say it while eating."

Xiao Caote head.

At the time of eating, Tang Lin called the Chairman of the Huade Student Association. It is a student of a temperament, a large three-language department, called Tang Yao.

Xiao Chu He said, is she and Tang Lin be relatives?

Sure enough, Tang Yao said with a smile, "Tang Dou is my little."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Tang family out of talent."

Tang Yao said, "Compared with Xiao Teacher, we can't calculate any talents."

Xiao Birnean, looking at Tang Lin said, "Tang Deputy, I think the content you want, but my class may be some."

Tang Lin and Tang Yao are very curious, what does "alternative" mean?

Yuan Ziling is also so curious.

Xiao Central said, "I intend to combine literature lessons and programs, learn in the program, studying in entertainment."

Tang Lin is slightly, "Do you want to make a program in the class?"

Xiao Cong said, "Accurately, it is studying Chinese culture in the show."

Yuan Zhiling is curious, "Can you specifically?"

Xiao Cong said, "Huaxia's poetry culture is , if we can use the program and classroom, I plan to name Huaqing poetry"! "

Tang Yao can't help but ask, "Teacher Xiao, the poetry will be a specific mode of the classroom."

Xiao Central said, "I haven't thought about it, but I will take the plan. Since Hua Qing University invited me, I will do my best to speak the class lesson."

Tang Lin said, "What is needed to do, you don't speak."

Xiao Caote head.

He started planning poetry in a big class.

He intended to transplant the past poem conference, but not put it on TV, but in the classroom of Huaqing University.

This requires a big change.

The original poetry conference boldly innovates the game mechanism and scoring rules.

Each player at the top can answer up to 10 questions. If there is a mistake, stop the answer, and the player score is superimposed in the number of people in each of the hundreds of people.

Each game, 106 challengers will participate in all parties, divided into two parts: single chase and the main battle.

Single chasing, 5 players came to the same question with the PHS Group. In the last 5 people accumulated the most defeated people, the winner of the season, this person will act as a guardian, in the competition Guarding the cozy, competing, competing for the main seat of the game.

The program group will also be organized, in the PHS Group, sorting the number of topics in the number of questions, the fastest 5 of the answers.

They will become five challengers who mount the stage in the next game.

This is the rule,

As for the setting of the topic, the poetry conference is the topic of China's outstanding traditional culture, covering the rich, graceful, idyllic, worship, sorrow, arms, and history, all the questions in the program almost all from primary and secondary school textbooks .

In order to create a game with visual impact, the program also uses audiovisual means such as dance, animation, music.

The main purpose of the program is "life is self-contained".

All the games of the program are to express this content - the story behind the beauty of poetry and the story of these people who like poetry.

In addition, the program designs the guest interpretation section, review the number of the guests in the guests, telling the story in the poetry, excavating the depth of the program, and adding points.

Xiao Chong analyzes the program of the program, the settings of the topic, and the characteristics of the program, and make the program have changed.

First of all, the stage placed on the platform, the host became a teacher, the teacher is Xiao Li himself.

In addition, there is a squad leader, Xiao Chong decided to let Tang Yao come.

Second, the Hundreds of people is the student of the school literature.

Also, guests are professors of the Department of Literature, Xiao He, even intended to pick up the dragon and others.

Details need to be improved.

Xiao Chong wrote the entire program.

However, after he gave the program to Tang Lin, many professors of Huaqing University put forward against opinions.

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