Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "" Wilderness Survival "in Dream Factory is the first, if you don't understand dream factory, you can go see."

Wilderness life, but now the most popular program, if you say that you have never heard, then others are estimated to joke him.

He huh, "" The show is good, but it does not represent the movie. "

O'Shari said, "DreamWorks' film level, no margin in Madison."

The man suddenly speakers.

Oishali is open, is he still saying that the movie of the dream factory is not?

Stephen said, "O'Shariti, when is Madison's movie levels?"

Everyone in the Taiwan, this celebrity face-to-face is very interesting, Stephen doesn't seem to like this Chinese people.

O'Shari said, "Stephen, is it difficult to recognize others? You should let go of your body to learn some people's strengths."

Stephen haha ​​smiles, "people who can learn from this world are limited to a few people."

Everyone seems to be smelling fire.

Oisha Lee smiles slightly, "failure may let you re-examine yourself."

Stephen snorted, "Do I fail?"

When the box office is not satisfactory, he can take the big prize, can't get a prize, his box office is very high.

He has never failed.

Before the TV.

The audience of the rice country looked at O'Shariti and Stephen in the show, all of them saw the taste of Jinjin, and the celebrities have not been so interesting for many years.

on site.

The host finally opened, "Two teachers, let's drink something first, listen to Mr. Xiao talk about the story created by DreamWorks."

Stephen is a bit impatient, what is the story of a Chinese people to create a company?

Xiao Jiang smiled, "DreamWorks are brought by a variety show. If you have seen" Wilderness Survival ", you should know that DreamWork is good at planning programs."

This is not doubtful, and the "wilderness survival" is too creative.

Xiao Co said, "But everyone may not know, now in China, the box office is all the movies of DreamWorks, and many of these movies are released with Datong Company's movies."

Everyone has a slight change, they really don't know this.

Xiao Central said, "Not long," Winhu Hide Dragon "won a hundred billion box office, I would like to have many people in seats."

There are indeed many people have seen this movie.

Xiao Central said, "Not long ago" change face ", once again, more than 300 million box office, her classmates are movies in DreamWorks."

"" Convert "is a very wonderful movie!"

"I also saw it, people who compiled this story are really a genius!"

"Convey" is a top in the plot and shooting means. "

"Tang Yimou's director, it is really powerful!"

Many people under the stage know "change face" and know Tang Yimou.

Xiao Central said, "DreamWorks still have a director, very good at shooting horror film, this director is called Tian Zhen." Resident Evil "is his shoot, he has a movie called" Midnight "."

"It is actually the director of" Midnight "!"

"I have seen this movie on the website, but unfortunately not be released in China."

"I have also seen, this is the best horror film I have seen."

"Indeed, this film's horror atmosphere is very good."

"Midnight Merry Bell" is still very popular abroad, but when DreamWorks have not been able to release this movie abroad.

Therefore, many foreign people are watching from the website.

They did not expect the "biochemical crisis" actually shooting this.

Stephen's eyes flash, "Midnight Merry Bell", he also seen this movie.

It should be said that his wife has seen, and it is full of this movie, so he also went to see it.

After reading it, he had to admit that this movie is really a bit level.

I didn't expect the "biochemical crisis" actually shooting this.

O'Shali looked at Stephen, "Stephen," Midnight Merry Bell "this movie broke the website to play records, now you still feel that this film's" biochemical crisis "is not?"

Stephen glanced at O'Shali, "Then we will wait and see how many box rooms can be taken in this movie."

Xiao Jiang looked at Stephen, said to everyone, "Tell everyone a thing, I will gamble with Stephen, if the" Resident Evil "box office is lost to" Mo ", then I will lose Mr. Stephen 100 million ! "

Everyone is all shocked.

A billion!

Is this Chinese people not a silly money?

"How can the" Moz "will lose to" Resident Evil "?

Soon, Huaxia Man Xiao Chong and Stephen are spread throughout the country for 1 billion news.

Many rice people can't help but laugh.

Almost no one is optimistic about the "biochemical crisis".

However, the pre-sale of the "Resident Evil" box office has skyrocketed and rushed to the sixth place!

This is definitely what many people have never thought.

Chen Ruolin was also stunned after learning this news, and she didn't think of it.

After Xiao Chong, Xiao Chong yesterday, after the "gambling", Xiao Chong, the pre-sale of the box office for "biochemical crisis" can be improved so much, and it is very incredible.

Looking at Xiao Chong, Chen Ruolin had to admit that Xiao Zuo really had means, since the "Moz" is more fire, the "biochemical crisis" will go to the porcelain "Mo".

The reporter will meet with the reporter, and Xiao Jiang will come out, Chen Ruolin is looking forward to.

The reporter met the scene.

Xiao He is only entered, and there is a reporter who can't help but ask. "Mr. Xiao," Superhero "is so fire, why don't you choose to shoot super hero?"

Xiao Central said, "DreamWork is working with O'Shali, how long will it take long, will launch super hero movies."

Everyone lit up in front of him, and the super hero was already in film and television.

Xiao Central said, "In fact, the biochemical crisis is also a superhero, but I didn't paint it, and I will have a crisis of the crisis. You can take a look at it."

Everyone was shocked, and the biochemical crisis actually belong to the superhero series.

Chen Ruolin said that the rice people like the level of the superhero, even more than those who like their own love, the biochemical crisis is on the relationship with the superhero, and there will be a lot of fans in invisible.

Sure enough, the reporter meeting the next day, the pre-sale of the box office of the biochemical crisis increased, and the third increased.

Finally, Xiao He has to go to World Week to interview!

The influence of World Weekly is very large.

Basically only celebrities can board the world weekly magazine.

The reason why they have to interview Xiao Chu is because Xiao He is on the Everest.

Moreover, Xiao Ye is the first person who mounts Everest as an amateur climber.

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