King of Entertainment

Chapter 938, Article List

When Xiao Chong and Stephen have returned to China, the box office of "Resident Evil" has exceeded 500 million.

Now, the record office record of rice in the country is 1 billion meters, which is more than 6 billion yuan.

"Resident Evil" despite unable to break this record, it is already a present box office champion.

Tang Yimou's eyes, envy.

He worked hard for so many years, and did not expect to be done by Tian Zhen.

Envy is not only him, and Jiang Hua, who is shooting "The Tomb Raidth" is also envious.

No one thought that Tian Zhen first won the overseas box office champion.

Of course, the most popular is the protagonist of the "Resident Evil" Chen Ruolin.

Domestic, Chen Ruolin is already the first place, she really didn't pursue.

But foreign countries, Chen Ruolin's popularity is not particularly high.

After the "Resident Evil" released, many foreigners remembered Chen Ruolin's heroic image. Her popularity rose, and finally entered the ranks of Asian King.

International entertainment organizations gave the artists around the world a standard.

World-class king, Wuzhou King, super line, first-line.

There are only four artists.

Before, Chen Ruolin did the first, but the ranking in the world is just a top level.

Now, Chen Ruolin finally successfully entered the ranks of Asian King.

The ranking of the King of Huaxia in the world is all super.

Now, Chen Ruolin finally made zero breakthroughs.

"Chen Ruolin is worthy of Chen Ruolin, the first person in the domestic artist."

"Unfortunately, a" biochemical crisis "is not enough to make her a world-class king."

"Don't say a part, even if the biochemical crisis is three songs, she is also difficult to become a world-class king."

"Indeed, the world's king is six people."

There are only six people on the world-class king list announced by the entertainment organization.

For these six people, all people around the world have no views.

Among these six people, one is Jackson.

Chen Ruolin wants to be the seventh person, it is indeed a bit bare.

"Chen Ruolin is still young, if she continues to cooperate with Xiao Cong, sooner or later, there will be a chance to become a world-class king."

DreamWork is now too strong, and there is almost invincible in China. If you continue to explode similar to the "biochemical crisis", you will definitely take Chen Ruolin to the world-class king.

Just when Chen Ruolin became the Asian King, the domestic artist list was also updated.

The most concerned artist is Xiao Chong.

Xiao He is already the first person, and then further is the king.

This time, Xiao Chong will become a king?

"I will definitely, Xiao Jiang is not a king, who is equipped with the day?"

"It is, with the current achievements of Xiao Chong, absolutely worthy of the title of the king."

"There is still a week, and the results will be announced."

Although the artist has not been updated, many people guess Xiao Chong is likely to become new Kings.

Of course, the brilliant media and the Red Japanese media are not very hoped to become a king.

Nowadays, DreamWork is already strong enough. If Xiao Chong has become a king, it has already gone.

What's more, now Stephen is signing the DreamWork.



Dream factory.

Xiao Bi is back with Stephen.

Tian Zhen and others have arrived in the DreamWorks in advance.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Stephen, I will introduce you to the director of the dream factory."

Stephen nodded.

Xiao Chong introduced.

Tian Zhen, Liu Xing, Shen Xiake, Qin Ge, Saturday.

Jiang Hua is making a movie and did not come back.

Tang Yimou learned in Madison and has seen Stephen.

Stephen's most familiar is of course a field.

Although there is no Tianzheng, the "Resident Evil" beat his "Mo".

Xiao Central said, "From today, Mr. Stephen will be in DreamWorks, you can communicate with each other."

Liu Xing nodded with a smile, which is really a rare opportunity.

"Magic" they have seen it, although the plot is some pull, but Stephen's ability is not said, they have learned a lot of things.

One of the purposes of the Xiao Bark Stephen is to let Stephen and Tianzheng exchange with each other.

Next, Qin Ge and others, Xiao Chong will also push it.

Stephen said, "Mr. Xiao, have a dream factory recently filmed? I want to go to the crew."

Xiao Central, "I have passed tomorrow morning."

The next day, Xiao Zhi took Stephen to the "Tomb Raise" crew.

Stephen, he saw Chen Ruolin.

Xiao Chong said, "The heroine of this movie is Chen Ruolin. Today, this movie will kill."

Stephen is curious, "Is this a type of movie?"

Xiao Chong said, "Adventure."

He told the story tenth to Stephen listening.

Stephen is filled after heard, "Mr. Xiao, the more you contact you, the more you feel that you can't measure."

Xiao Chong's creation is too horrible.

"Mr. Stephen, how many box rooms can you think of" The Tomb Raidth "?" Xiao Chong asked with a smile.

"There is no problem in the native native land in rice." Stephen said.

It is also a top movie that can be taken more than 400 million boxes in Miki.

What's more, DreamWorks have a huge market in China, absolutely will not lose money.

At this time, Jiang Hua came over.

Xiao Central said, "Jiang Hua," Dawn Buji "is his shoot."

Stephen has learned a dream factory in detail before the summer, and naturally knows this movie.

Seeing the "Overlifestine" won the Cannes Golden Palm Award, he also specialized to look at the movie.

At a glance, he knew that he was alive in the past few years, actually missed such a good movie.

"Overlord Bes" This film is world-class.

Therefore, Stephen remembered the people of Jiang Hua.

What didn't think of Stephen is that the new film that DreamWork is shooting actually from Jiang Hua's hand.

Jiang Hua, of course, also known Stephen, he smiled and reached out, "Mr. Stephen, Fortunately."

Stephen also laughed out.

The two talked.

Chen Ruolin came to Xiao Chong, "You really have to resist, actually signed Stephen."

Xiao Central said, "Do you remember our gambling?"

Chen Ruolin: "..."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "The contract is ready, take a time to put the word."

Chen Ruolin: "..."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "If you don't, gambling the" Tomb Raidth "box office?"

Chen Ruolin is white, "I am relieved, I will sign."

She still worried before, now there is no time.

Dream factory is worth adding.

She may become a world-class day before 35 years old.

Before this, she didn't want to think about it.

She must admit that she can be more fire with Xiao Yang!

At this moment, Xiao Chong received a phone call from Luo Dabo.


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