King of Entertainment

Chapter 960 Movie release

The latest ratings of "jailbreak".

The ratio of "hunter" is%.

The domestic ratings are first, becoming "jailbreak".

Foreign, "jailbreak" ratings have also become the first.

Brilliant media.

Dou Wenhai, he didn't expect "hunter" to lose!

It's been him, many people have never thought of "jailbreak" actually so fierce, actually slaughtered.

"" Jailbreak "has no special effects, all with the plot, this is the most faceful."

"Yeah, the TV series of rice is special effects," jailbreak "is born, and they are estimated to be more effort on the script."

"Domestic company also learns the dream factory, no money to do special effects, use the snacks in the script."

"Haha, advanced black!"

Many people on the Internet are in the domestic TV series.

Just when the ratings were first, the movie version "jailbreak" is killed!

DreamWorks announced the time of "jailbreak" release.

After a week, the movie version "Jailbreak" is released.

"The plot of the movie version" jailbreak "will be the same as TV drama?"

"I have to read it, but I think Xiao Chong will never be fried rice."

"When you release it, you must go see it. Xiao He has not played for a long time, and he really look forward to his performance."

Indeed, Xiao He has not played for a long time.

In the movie version "Jailbreak", Xiao Chu will shape what kind of role is very expected.

"Jailbreak" will sign up at Oscar? "


"Is Xiao Cai shot" jailbreak "is because of the Oscar?"

"It is very likely that I may have to hit the Oscar Emperor."

"He is now impact Oscar, I am afraid that it is a bit reluctant. His actuator has not reached the level of Kings."

"Xiao Cu" is more than one line, but it does not reach the level of Kings. "

"Liang Chaowei and Mei Mei Xiang did not have a way to become an Oscar Emperor, Xiao Chong is more impossible."

"He should not impact Oscar Emperor."

Many people feel impossible, Xiao Chong is a big distance from Oscar.

a week later.

"Jailbreak" is about to be released.

Domestic, "Jailbreak" box office pre-sale is very amazing, high first.

Foreign, "Jailbreak" box office pre-sale has also entered the top five.

This is mainly due to the influence of TV drama "jailbreak".

After Xiao Chang, "Smith Couple" and "Winhu Hidden Dragon", the third movie in foreign countries is about to be released, and there are still many people who are willing to buy.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the movie started.

With the in-depth of the plot, many TV dramas "jailbreak" fans have, this is completely different from the "jailbreak" of TV dramas, is already a new story.

Moreover, this story seems to be simple, but there is a charm that is difficult to say.

When I saw the last, the protagonist climbed out from the dirty sewer, and opened the arms to make heavy rain. Many people were shaken.

Xiao Chong got this role!

Whether it is domestic or foreign audience, they are conquered by Xiaoyang's acting!

"This Chinese actor's actress is already comparable to our shadow."

"God, he acts in this role, I didn't expect that in addition to Chen, there is still such a powerful actor!"

Chen, nature is Chen Ruolin.

"His actuat is too much than Chen, maybe I can win Oscar Xiaojin people!"




Netizens also praised Xiaozhou's acting.

"Who said that Xiao Teacher's actor does not reach the king level?"

"Who is there still saying that Xiao Teacher's acting is not as good as the king?"

"If this kind of acting is not good, there is no actor in Huaxia!"

"Nowadays, the acting skills can surpass Xiao Teacher's grandfather."

Everyone is not Xiao Cai blowing, it is really being conquered by Xiaozhou's acting.

Mermane's old master in the movie and Xiao Chong, let everyone have fun.

"DreamWork has announced" jailbreak "to participate in Oscar."

"Xiao Yang really wants to hit the Oscar Emperor."

"Is Xiao Central success? This time his opponent is too strong."

Indeed, this time to participate in Oscar is too much, there are several well-known old bones.

Xiao Chong's opponent is terrible.

"If the Xiao is successful, he will be the first actor in Huaxia to win Oscar."

"Even if it fails, although it is defeated!"

Domestic people certainly hope that Xiao Chi succeeds, but even if it fails, it is not lost, and the opponent is not a weak.

This time is not good, there is another time.

Xiaoyang's acting is there, there will always be successful.

Dream factory.

Xiao Zhi is very calm. Of course, he knows that Impact Oscar is not a one-powered thing, so he gave himself three opportunities.

This is just the first time!

There is also a week, he can relax and relax.

At this time, I was coming.

Xiao Chong has some unexpected.

Ji Dynasty smiled, "The boss, is there a time at night?"

Xiao Jiang smirk, "Of course have time."

Ji'an said, "Go to the movie together."

Xiao Chong: "..."

What do you mean?

Ji'an said, "" Jailbreak "does not look, let's see" Shepherd "."

The protagonist of "Shepherd" Austin is the most powerful competitor of Oscar.

Xiao Chong is slightly, nodded, "Good!"

He really wants to see this movie.

at night.

Xiao Jiang and Ji'an arrived at the cinema.

After two people entered the seat, the movie began.

Have to say, the level of shooting of "Shepherd" is still very high, and the acting of Austin has indeed been pure.

This movie is very touching!

Especially when I died in Os, many people in the cinema couldn't help but cry.

Ji'an is also.

Xiao Chong did not cry, he was analyzing the movie and didn't put it too much.

He handed a piece of paper to Ji'an.

Ji'an said, "Thank you."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Perseve."

The two got up and left the cinema. When they were aisle, some crowded, some people squeezed into Xiao Bao Huai.

Wenxiang soft jade is in the abairy, and Xiao Chong is a bit different.

Ji'an is accelerating.

Finally, the two left the cinema.

Ji Dynasty looked up at Xiao Chong, "Let's go to eat until night."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "What do you want to eat?"

I said, "I will take you."

The two came to the barbecue stall.

After sitting down, I asked, "How is the acting of Austin?"

Xiao Chong said, "The Emperor Level!"

I couldn't help but ask, "Is there confident?"

Xiao Central said, "I don't dominate the advantage, Austin is the rice country, and it will be held three consecutive times."

He did not dominate, first, the jury sympathy with Austin, second, most of the judges is the rice.

Third, it is also the most critical point.

"Jailbreak" Huaxia Artists almost 90%.

Ji'an can only comfort, "even if you fail, you are still young, some are opportunities."

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