King of Entertainment

Chapter 963 The debate begins

The debate begins.

Xiao Chong and others admitted.

All the country is broadcasting this debate.

"Chinese people? Actually there is Huaxia people to participate in the debate."

"This Chinese people are familiar."

"He is the movie version of the jailbreak man's protagonist Xiao."

"Why will he come to the debate?"

"God knows what happened."

"He is not a professional debateman, letting him to participate in this debate, Madison has been crazy."

Many rice people learned that after Xiao Chong's true identity, all said Madison company silly.

The debate scene.

Xiao He has already entered the seat.

The debate begins.

The first is Durant proposed a square profile.

Their view is of course Oscar influence the world. There are many reasons.

But Xiao Chong has summarized it after he heard, the most important, and the most standing is three points.

The first point, they enumerated the influence of Oscar award movies.

The second point, they enumerate the influence of Oscar movie emperor in the world.

Third, they enumerate the importance of Oscar in the entertainment circles of the world.

In these three points, they prove that Oscar affected the entire world of entertainment.

The next is the first defense of the Xiao He, puts forward against opposition.

His view is of course a world. Entertainment Circle change Oscar.

As for the reason, Xiao Ye has summed up, and there are probably three points.

The first point, the world's four major film festivals, the lowest art is Oscar.

In recent years, Oscar prizes have been obviously forced to change, from the initial bias to commercial insurance, began to pay attention to movies' art.

The second point, from ten years ago, the foreign actors who were shortlisted Oscar Emperor were obviously more, the surrounding accounting is 80%, and the award is 60%.

To this end, Oscar has adjusted several rules to limit foreign artists award.

Despite the last two years, Oscar deliberately balanced, but it is undeniable, the world. The entertainment industry forces Oscar to make changes.

The third point is also the most important point, the top ten director, as long as the two is the native of rice, others are foreign.

The movie filmed by Ten Director affected Oscar.

Therefore, David concluded that the world affected Oscar, Oscar should change, actively integrate into the world.

Next is the stage of discrimination.

Xiao Chong is just listening, has not turned to him.

At this stage, both parties are also equivalent.

In the next case, the third debilities of the Oscar Organizing Committee Asked by Xiao He.

Xiao He is finally questioned.

In the front, all European inquiry, there is no perfect answer to Owen's issues.

Obviously, Owen is ready.

Madison's debate team, instantly caught passive.

Owen looked at Xiao Chong, full of contempt, the front professional debaters were asked by him, he didn't believe Xiao Chengneng answered his question.

Xiao Ye is very calm.

Before the TV.

The audience does not believe that Xiao Cong's ability is pulling.

"What is the current score?"

"As of the current, the Oscar Organizing Committee scored slightly higher than Madison."

"It seems that Madison has to lose."

"This is not necessarily, the free debate has an opportunity to turn over."

"The quality of the paragraph is lost, and I hope that they can turn over the free debate, it is too difficult."

"The debate team of the Oscar Organizing Committee is really ferocious."



Guest seat.

The president of the Oscar Organizing Committee looked at Madison, "Mr. Madison, it seems that you can try again next year."

Madison smiled, "The debate has not ended yet, the president is too worried."

The president of the organizing committee is happy: "You don't expect this Chinese people to help you turn over?"

He was forced by Madison, and he promised to host this debate. See Madison is about to lose, he is of course happy.

Madison said: "Laughing to the last thing is the winner, the president, are you saying?"

The president laughed.

The debate scene.

Issue, "You said that the movie of the top ten director, affecting Oscar's trend, this point I disagree. Because the top ten director is now a member of the Oscar Organizing Committee, it is enough to prove that they have been affected by Oscar, not They affected Oscar. "

Xiao Zhi can't help but laugh. "Is it affected by Oscar?"

Owen said, "If not, why do they want to join Oscar?"

Xiao Cong said, "The so-called argument is not expected, this is just your deliberation."

Owen said, "I am in a logical inference."

Xiao Chong looked at the judges, "Can I apply for any few people in the top ten director?"

The judge nodded.

Xiao Caida has connected O'Shariti on the spot, smiled and asked: "Mr. Oishali, can you ask you? Why do you want to join the Oscar group?"

O'Shalin said, "Because I want Oscar to the world, I absolutely Oscar needs to change."

Ou Wen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Xiao He is connected to the connection Stephen.

Stephen also said the same.

Xiao Chong looked at Ou Wen, "If you need, I can then connect, but I personally feel that it is no longer necessary. Because your inquiry is not established, the top ten directed is not because of the impact of Oscar. Join the Oscar group of."

Owen dumbs are speechless.

No one thought that Xiao Ca actually proved his view with a connection call.

The most important thing, no one thought that Xiao Central actually had such a big energy, but they can make these big giants agree with reform.

Xiao Chong played a lot of people's face.

Originally, the score of the Madison team is not as good as the Oscar team, but now Xiao Co will be too beautiful, the score is actually chasing.

Many viewers are supporting Xiao Chong.

Because Xiao Chong's counterattack is too sharp!

Madison looked at the president of the organizing committee: "President, my team is temporarily leading."

The president of the organizing committee is sigh, and he is strong: "There is also a free debate."

The difference between the two sides is not large, and the free debate is the key to win.

Madison said, "Free debate, I think we can win."

The president of the organizing committee looked Xiao Chu, "He can't connect Stephen them again."

Madison said, "I believe him."

Wang Xia smiled and said, "President, you have a reform."

The president smiles.

Not in the end, he does not believe that his team will lose.

After a while, the free debate began.

Everyone is not turned.

It is now the moment to decide the win.

I didn't dare to Xiao Chong at this moment before.

This Chinese people are not simple.

"Free debate, can he can't get as powerful as just?"

"Difficult, free debate he does not take advantage."

"Yes, free debate, he can't take advantage of your own people."


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