King of Entertainment

Chapter 990 Thinker

Soon, Xiao Chongzhong sculpture skills!

In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Chong began to engrave.

The Queen is already sitting next to drinking tea.

Kidd said, "Basic merits are quite solid, but the engraving can not only need basic skills, but also need creativity and inspiration, the most important thing is talent."

Sculpture is not a simple carvings.

Kidd said is right, this art also needs talent!

One hour.

Two hours.


time flies.

Kidd, the more shocked, because Xiao Chong's work has been completed, as a master of sculpture, he knows this work excellent.

Next to it, the Queen is also shocked by Xiao Chong's work.

It is her, even if I don't understand the sculpture, I can feel the beauty of the sculpture.

Xiao Chong is the classic work of "Thought", Rodam Master!

After the carvings were completed, Xiao Chong took a breath, he was really tired.

Kidd is got up, and constantly giving sculpture, admire: "Xiao, forgive me for ignorance and arrogance, you are a sculpture genius! Huaxia does have sculpture master!"

Queen also admired: "Xiao, I didn't expect you to understand the sculpture in addition to painting."

Sophie is two eyes.

Kidd said: "Do you want a good name?"

Xiao Chong said, "he is a thinker."

Kidd said: "Good one is a thinner. Your statue contains two opposing factors, one is quiet, one is moving."

Everyone, two opposing factors?

Kidd explained: "Pensive is quiet, but the whole statue contains explosive power, this is moving. When he is sitting, it seems to be actions, he feels like a full energy ..."

His comment on the thinker, let everyone suddenly open.

It turns out that sculptures have so many truths.

This is art!

Kidd continued: "He shaped a typical ideas of artistic image, but it is not only a representative of each individual of mankind, but also a representative of human overall."

Everyone has a slight change, there is still this deep meaning?

Xiao Jiang is somewhat surprised, this Kid is really powerful, it is too good to understand the ideas, too deep.

Kidd said: "From the individual, this giant bent over, knees, and the right hand holds the leadership, thinking about the difficulties of human overall development and the various suffering experiences."

"His deep eyes and powerful fists touch the gesture of the thick dry lips, showing an extremely painful mood, but finally reflects the resistance and struggle."

"His feelings are depressed, and Xiao Chong is vividly manifested through the artistic treatment of facial expressions and limbs, such as out of the forehead and eyebrow bow, and the extreme depression of the eyes, hidden in the shadow. , Enhanced a bitter contemplation expression. "

"The stretching and contraction of the calf keys, the strong toe maintains a stable toe, and strongly conveys this painful emotion."

Kidd looked at Xiao Chong. "Can I understand this? The reason why the thinker uses the stitching of the head, because it is necessary to reflect the thoughts of perseverance and suffering, this should be a kind of reason. Calm, profound, full of contradictory painful mental activities. In addition, it is also necessary to reflect a painful thinking, compared with the standing posture, the body, the body folds, more weight, body sense, calm Thick, more suitable for expressing such a subject. "

Xiao Central, "Master Kidd is correct."

Everyone admires, so much detail can be seen in such a short time, it is too powerful.

Kidd said: "This kind of posture is also the most common gesture that people in meditation. From the perspective of appreciation of the audience, this is also the most easy to accept and agree with the audience, or in other words, this kind of The gesture shape may actually be trapped in a stage of styles of 'franc. "

Xiao Caote, he had to admit that Kid is really talented, this is the idea when Rodin engraved thinkers.

Kidd felt, "I haven't appreciated such a beautiful sculpture many years, Xiao, you are a sculptor I have seen the best talents, you are more good than thinking, good at refining."

Xiao Chongqian is out, "Mr. Kidd, you are known."

Queen said, "Xiao, don't be modest, you are worthy of praise, I will zoom in to" thin people ", put it in Buckingham Palace, let people like sculpture have a chance to appreciate."

Xiao Chong: "..."

It seems to be a little big.

the next day.

All major media in Yinshu are reported on "thinkers" news.

"Master Kidd is recommended, one of the most outstanding works in the 21st century. "

"A sculpture from Huaxia, he is actually a singer of the Huaxia Entertainment Circle. "

"Xiao Chong, he is still a genius of genius painter, Masters in Lloyd. "

"Our genius painter, genius sculptor, actually to hold a concert in the future, which is too crazy. "

"painter? sculptor? singer? What kind of person is Xiao Chong? "

The entire habits are talking about Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong's painting and sculpture can be approved by the master, and that Xiao Zhi is indeed a real material.

Yinnan can't help but want to concert to see this genius.

At this time, Wang Yi's entertainment company launched the "I Love I Love lyrics" in the Yinshi version.

Wang Yixi invited Sophie and several young people, please help out, soon attracted many people to sign up.

The next day, "I love the lyrics" will start broadcasting.

Several Chinese people got a stage, the lyrics have Huaxia, and there is also Yinshen, but Huaxia accounts for a big head.

Xiao Jiang invited a few jin people to be a compassion, and the first phase was successfully completed.

The final victory of the first phase got a bonus of $ 500,000.

Subsequently, Xiao Jiang made Kidd, Lock, William, and others helped to promote "I love lyrics".

As a result, "I love the lyrics" is completely hot in the yin.

Many people dream of getting 500,000 bonuses!

Xiao Chong is a timely publicity. If you join the final final, you can get a bonus of $ 5 million, and there are many other benefits. For example, you can go to Hollywood Madison, becoming a singer.

As a result, many young people are more crazy, and they ran to register.

"Be sure to sign up, you can only wait until the next issue later."

"But there are a lot of Chinese songs, I will not."

"Go online, you can remember it for a few days."

Many Yinzhong young people are downloading Chinese songs in crazy, while listening to the bid notes.

Yinson suddenly set off a boom to learn Huaxia language.

The prince of William also took the lead in spending Huaxia.

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