King of Entertainment

Chapter 994 Songs

The first round of the first period of Mongcheng Song King, Xiao Chong has no suspense victory, enters the second round.

Xiao Chong's opponent chooses to open!

After unveiling the mask, a handsome man in a thirty man appeared in front of the audience.


"God, my male god is actually collapsed, this is the first round!"

"Ah, I regret it!"

"The strength of the song is really strong, the Rubio is not actually not!"

"Indeed, the song of the singer is too nice, the Rubio is a little gap with the god!"

Many viewers think about it, but still in the heart.

It quickly entered the second round.

The second round, Xiaoyang's opponent is a female singer, strength singing, and the Troy cattle.

After the female singer sang, the support rate has skyrocketed, and the support rate is more horrible than the first round.

Her strength is really powerful!

The audience and judges were all shocked by the female singer.

Of course, the female singer is more than a treble, and the singing work is also very good.

When the turn of Xiao Chong, Xiao Rong sang "Let IT BE", Chinese translation as "Shun Yi Nature".

This song is a baller classic song!

Everyone was shocked: "Actually, it is original!"

The song sounded.

When i find myself in Times of Trouble

Whenever I caught a dilemma,

Mother Mary Es To Me

Maria Virgin will approach me,

Speaking Words of Wisdom Let IT BE

Speaking of the wisdom, it's natural,

And in My Hour of Darkness

Whenever I am in the darkness,

SHE IS Standing Right in Front of ME

She will stand in front of me,



Let it be let it be let it be yeah let it be

Let's go, let's go, let it go,

There Will Be An Answer Let IT BE

There will be a answer here, it's natural.

Let it be let it be let it be yeah let it be

Let's go, let's go, let it go,

Whisper Words of Wisdom Let IT BE

Look whispered to the words full of wisdom.

As Xiao Chong's song gradually dispersed, everyone can't help but applaud.

This is another king of king!

The female singer is very helpless.

She feels that she has played the extreme, but still wants to lose.

Although the results have not yet been published, she already expects the result.

The singer is too powerful!

Not only is the song, and there is his ability to create!

Is the country have such a powerful singer?

Is it a foreign singer?

The female singer is curious.

Before the TV.

The audience sighs.

This is the classic extent of "Shun Qi Nature", which is completely unsained with the classic of Kings Jackson.

The result is very fast.

Xiao Central is really winning!




The audience shouted loudly.

The female singer was revealed.

Everyone exclaimed: "Hathaway!"

"Actually Haitha!"

"My God, she is super unlined fourth!"

"Actually, she will lose!"

"Goddess is good!"

Everyone regret.

At the same time, I can't help but feel that the god god is too powerful.

Can the last singer block the song?

The last singer is called "Hai Wang" and it is also a strength.

It is no weak person who can come to the singer of the singer.

With the "Hathaway" being eliminated, the ratings of the masked songs have transcended all TV series, variety programs.

Moreover, the ratings directly broke the highest record in the last decade.


Many of the other peers saw this ratio and stunned.

"The program of a Chinese people planned is so popular, it is unbelievable."

"It's really unbelievable!"

"Xiao Can't only win the Oscar, but also plan the show, too cattle."

"Unfortunately, he is not a pure artist, otherwise he must have a heavy gold to sign him."

"Yeah, it's a pity, don't forget that there is" Superhero "series in his hand."

Everyone is alive or the "Super Hero" series. Now the "superhero" "Spider-Man" box office has broken 200 million, and the ability to absorb the enhancement.

on site.

The game continues, the last round begins.

The first appearance is "Haiwang".

His song is very delicate, and the song is beautiful.

Everyone is completely indulged in the song.

After singing, everyone applause was warm.

This song has been infinitely close to "it is natural."

Everyone knows that this will be a dragon fight!

Unless the singer can take out the original song!

Xiaocheng is surprising.

His song information appears on a big screen.

Everyone glanced.

It is actually a original song!

Song - "Yesterday Once More", ("Yesterday Revese").

Xiao Chong's voice is more delicate.

When I Was Young

When I am a child,

I'd Listen to the Radio

Listen to the radio,

Waiting for My Favorite Songs

Waiting for my favorite song,

When the Played I'D Sing Along

When the song is played, I will sing and sing.

IT Made ME

I am full of happiness, and I have a happy smile.

Those a such happy times

What happiness is at that time,

And not so long Ago

And it is not far away,

How I Wondred

I can't remember,




Every shing-a-ling,

That ay're starting to start

Every one they start singing,



Every Shalala Every Wo'wo Still SHINES

Every shalaala is still radiant.

Xiao Chong sang, everyone is crazy.


Too cow!

The sea king shook his head.

The singer is invincible!

Three songs, three original, three classics.

Change to Jackson is also dying!

Where did Lewis come from this big god?

Before the TV set, the audience was really shocked.

"Who is the singer? Is it a king?"

"No one of the kings have the characteristics of him ... The words come back, he seems to be no feature, it is strong, strong outrageous!"

Everyone really can't guess who is the singing God.

But this does not affect the vote.

Xiao Jiang became the first!

The first phase, the first round, the champion!

The Masked Masked Song King of the rice country has a challenge system, but it is absolutely no longer challenged Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chu is too strong!

The next day, the whole rice is talking about the gods.

Who is the singer?

"The singer is definitely the king, only the king has this strength!"

"Yes, only the king has this kind of strength, but his voice is different from other kings, is it a false voice?"

"If it is a false voice, then he is too terrible. When he is singing, who is his opponent?"

"Scary! It's terrible!"

"Masked song king, I have been chased!"

"I am also too exciting, this is the most exciting song class in the history of Miki!"

"The three songs of the song" all on the Gremei music list! "

"What is the ranking?"

"first second Third!"

The whole rice music circle is silent.

Too bad!

This is the feat that Jackson did not do.

Sands, really God!

"Grem Award, will definitely be awarded to these three songs."

"This is a must, these three songs are too classic!"

"The finals come almost, from the second phase, no one dare to challenge the song god, want to listen to the singing God, and can only wait until the finals!"


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