A few auctions, Xiao Chong is not interested.

It is interested in Yuan Zhiling.

Suddenly, a auction product attracted the eyes of everyone, especially women's eyes.

That is a string of glitched necklace. When you attend the dinner, you can definitely become the focus of all women.

This string necklace name is "Dark Night Queen", and the price is 1500 meters.

Many people are looking forward, the women around the big boss today are basically communication, how can these big bosses spend so much money on these women.

Of course, some people exceptions.

Zhang Bollen didn't hesitate to go up.

Thousands of auctions, each price increase is not less than 500,000.

Zhang Bollen is obviously a must.

Xiao Chong suddenly opened, "16 million!"

Everyone in the whole game is a boy, and they have looked at Xiao Chong.


This orientant is really rich, actually spend so much money to buy necklace.

Many women are full of envious of Yuan Ziling, this oriental woman is really happy.

Yuan Ziling whispered, "no need ..."

Xiao Co interrupts her, "It is necessary."

Yuan Ziling is actually very happy.

But Zhang Bollen is not happy, "17 million."

He doesn't believe Xiao Co-Cang continues to increase the price, a Chinese artist, it is a few billion, which will be willing to take a string of necklace?

Xiao Chong said, "20 million!"

Zhang Bolun was annoyed, "23 million!"

Xiao Chong said, "30 million!"

Zhang Bron: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Yuan Ziling squatted his mouth and was shocked.

Zhang Bolun quickly smiled, did not take it, not he didn't have money, he felt that there was no need to waste 30 million waste on a woman.

Auction continues.

Yuan Ziling looked Xiao Chu, "There is no need to break it so much."

Xiao Central is very arrogant, "Not afraid, I am not missing."

Yuan Ziling, smashed, "Hey, you are the temperament of this might."

Xiao Chong said, "This is just a little bit of mind."

"The next is a bronze sword from Huaxia!"

The auctioneer said, "This sword is from the Warring States Period of Huaxia. It is the Polyteen of the King of the King, thousands of years have not decadent. In the words of Huaxia, you can still blow it."

The sword was taken out, the sword is glare.

Everyone is amazing.

"I can't think of Huaxia has such a high-profile sword skills for two thousand years ago."

"This kind of cast sword is the leader too much."

"Even if there is no such exquisite process now, have you seen no rusty sword in 2000?"

"Good sword!"

Zhang Bolun shines in front of him, no matter what he wants to get this sword.

Xiao Chong also stared at the sword, which should be the treasure of today's axis.

Yue Wang's sword?


This era also has a parent, and if this sword is really parent, it is absolute value.

The auctioneer said, "The starting price of this sword is 300 million! The price will not be less than 5 million each time!"

Many people are in the mouth, this is really high.

If converted into Huaxia coins, it is 1.8 billion!

This is definitely a price!

Many people can't afford it.

Zhang Bolun smiled slightly, "I have 300 million."

Everyone shook his head, can't afford it.

Xiao Chong said, "330 million!"

The color changed, directly added 20 million? This man is really money.

Zhang Bolun is annoying, "400 million!"


"My day, actually is 400 million!"

"Unbelievable, actually is 400 million!"

"The Chinese people should not dare to compete with Zhang Bolun."

Everyone does not believe that Xiao Chong will dare to continue bid.

Xiao Chong said, "450 million!"

Everyone: "..."

This face is too fast.

Zhang Bolun's face, "500 million!"

Xiao Chi said that "600 million!"

Everyone peers.

Yuan Ziling almost allowed the Xiaozhou to stay.

Zhang Bolun anger, "Okay, I have to see if you can take 600 million cash!"

600 million cash, many rich must not be able to take it immediately.

Xiao Cong said, "It's not laborious."

Zhang Bolun is laughing.

The auctioneer said, "Mr., please pay with me later."

Xiao Caote head.

Zhang Bollen sat while, "Look at it, he certainly no way to pay."

Osdin said, "Everyone may not know, he is just an artist, even though it is an entertainment company, but what is it? He is impossible to take 600 million cash at all."

"This Chinese people certainly don't know the regulations of the auction, if he just violated regulations, he absolutely no way to leave France."

"Waiting for it, the auction will definitely let him pay the price."

Many people think that Xiao Chong will end.

However, the next moment, Xiao Chong came out of the back door from the back door.

Zhang Bron change, "He paid money?"

That auctioner said, "Mr. Xiao is already paid."

Everyone: "..."

Is this Chinese people not an artist? Does he have money?

Oscar is stupid, he can't believe this is true.

Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling have left the auction.

Zhang Bollen looked at the people around him, "keep up."

The people around him nodded.

Zhang Bolun is laughing, and who he wants, no one will take it.


Xiao Li and Yuan Ziling have gone on the car.

Yuan Ziling just wanted to talk, Xiao Chong said: "Some people follow us."

Yuan Ziling looked at the rear view mirror, and there was a car followed.

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "sat firm."

He has come to French several times, and he has already thought of the way to get a driver's license.

He opened Ferrari.

A foot vent door, the flange is rushing out.

The people behind are desperate.

Xiao Chong's car is not very good, can only temporarily puminate skills.

After continuous drawing twice, he finally pumped the racing skills.

The back of the people thought that he had to catch up with Xiao He, where Xiao Chong's car skill suddenly became better, and he took him off.

When Yuan Ziling returned to the hotel, he did not resume calm. She really felt her fast.

Xiao Chong is brighter, and the phone is called Nikola.

Nikola smiled slightly, "Older friends, how do you think of calling me."

Xiao Chu asked, "Do you know a person called Zhang Bolun?"

Nikola said, "Is an old friend's son."

Xiao Chong told Nikola who had happened.

Nikola's face is slightly, "I will handle this thing."

Xiao Chong just want to talk, some people kicked the door.

"Hey, running is faster, but have you run?"

Come on Zhang Bolun, he followed a group of hands behind him, and it will not be good.

Nikola, "What happened?"

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "your old friend's son is coming."

Nikola said, "You give him a call."

Xiao Chong looked at Zhang Bolun. "I have a friend who wants to talk to you a few words."

Zhang Bollen disdain, "Your friend is a fart."

Xiao Chong said to Nikola, "he said that you are a fart."

Nikola is angry, "this kid is looking for death!"

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