Naruto stopped after he had unexpectedly reached another city in his haste as Japan was quite small and Naruto moved very fast at his full speed.

'Now where am I?' Naruto thought as he saw that the place was less crowded then before

'I should have just gone to King.' Naruto thought as he face palmed after realizing that he had been shape shifting so there is no one who would find him

'Well it's done now. I will go back once I have a look.' Naruto decided as he started walking in Asuma's appearance wearing an orange hoodie and black jeans that he had seen on the way.

Naruto walked all around the city and enjoyed the sites along with the food sold on the streets. It was fun and he got to taste so many delicacies, some that were similar to home and some that he had never seen.

He came across people of different nationalities and heard them speak strange languages. Naruto realized that he looked like one of those people from USA but spoke the language of Japan.

'These guys must have hard time communicating when there are so many languages.' Naruto mused as he ate his ch.i.p.s; he quite liked the place as he realized there wasn't much crime at all since he hadn't seen any across the city

As he was walking nonchalantly Naruto's eye caught movement on top of the buildings, a figure was jumping across them.

Naruto looked towards the location and found a girl wearing ninja garbs; she had low genin level energy and unknown level of power and strength.

'Weaker then Zangief and King.' Naruto concluded with a look and moved on as he wasn't interested in following the girl as it will cause trouble with her clan and clans were very touchy.

"Be careful where you walk." A voice entered his ears as he looked at his path and saw that he almost collided with a very feminine man, who was wearing red clothes and had white hair

"Sorry" Naruto apologized as he moved to the side and started moving

'The guy was very strange and I felt some danger from him.' Naruto thought as he looked back once again and saw that the man also turned back and smiled at him

The man was joined by his companions and walked away while giving him a wave of hand.

'He knows I am fighter.' Naruto was curious but felt it would be too rude to spy on people that didn't concern him

'If he is good then he will most like appear around the tournament.' Naruto concluded and decided to go back

"You definitely did a number on that guy. It's all over the net and your popularity is climbing at a fast rate." King said as she showed him the video on the official street fighters site

Naruto had just returned to Tokyo in the afternoon and entered the bar to ask for more directions, when King showed him the results of his act.

"So how many more do I need to beat?" Naruto asked and he was hoping for a challenge this time

"Not much just one or two, Zangief is good but he is on the slow side." King replied while she analyzed much closely this time as she understood him more

'Nice guy but it feels like he doesn't know about the net or most of the tech.' King thought as she looked at Naruto's curious gaze

'Did he live in the mountains like Ryu and his ilk?' King thought of the wandering warrior that hid his thirst for combat

"So who do I look for?" Naruto asked as he looked King and felt like she was looking at him too much

'Is she catching onto me?'

"Here take this and in return I want you to take down some of my problems." King said with a gentle smile as she put the IPhone in front of him. Naruto knew what it was since he had watched people use it but he was not really sure how to use it.

"There is gang known as Mad gear and it has been causing trouble in town during the night. I know they are the culprits but I got no proof and fighting them alone is impossible for me."

"Don't you think this is an inappropriate compensation for such a job?" Naruto questioned with a raised eye brow as he felt like she was using him

"What do you want in return?" King asked, she was curious and wanted to test him

"Supply me with food for a year." Naruto asked as he didn't like stealing so he needed a source of food in the city

'Definitely a mountain boy or just a foodie.'

"Okay" King replied without hesitation as it wasn't much of problem to feed another mouth

"Great, give me the detail and I will deal with them tonight."

King nodded and intended to follow him, she wanted to see for herself what kind of being was he. Did he a have dark inner being like Ryu or was he a monster like Akuma or was he like Jin Mishima or was he just a lovable fellow like Ryo.


Naruto looked at the men in leather clothes and the warehouse behind them; he had just arrived in the wharfs. It was one of the bases of mad gear, a gang that had been n the rise for some time in Tokyo as they took over the previous gangs.

"I am here to meet Poison, why don't you bring her out." Naruto replied in a confident tone, he had been told that she was a very agile and skillful opponent.

'A dirty fighter, who didn't play fair, is just my kind of fighter.'

"Kid, you should have left when we asked. It seems today you will be swimming with the fishes." The man replied as he indicated for the rest to kill him

The gun laws were strict and making noise was asking for trouble with supernatural beings moving randomly so the gangs most of the time relied on knives and swords.

The thugs were armed with steel knuckles, pipes and daggers as they rushed into kill him. It seems the heat of being a rising gang had gotten their heads along with that mysterious supporter making them even more out of hand.

Naruto felt like rolling his eyes at such a stupid attempt as the man were moving in slow motion to him.

'Should have just listened.' Naruto thought as everyone dropped like dolls within a single moment, it was too one sided to be called a fight.

"Bravo that was marvelous."

'I didn't expect this, she definitely using her beauty to distract her foes.' Naruto felt she was very ninja like with her style

"You must be Poison, I apologize but I need to take you down." Naruto replied

"I don't think we have any hatred between us so why don't you join us. I will make you my right hand." Poison said in a sensual tone

Her voice was very attractive and sweet that it melted a weak man's heart but Naruto was very strong willing and didn't budge at her attempt.

'Weird, he didn't even show a reaction.' Poison was surprised as it was her first meeting such a man but if she had met Ryu and Akuma then Naruto would have been the third

"I don't work for villains." Naruto said confidently while he decided to test Poison, she wasn't a threat but she could be an inspiration for new techniques

Naruto threw a small pebble at Poison at speed close to mach 1 and she reacted by attacking with her whip, even then her movement was sensual especially the movement up there that even Naruto was affected.

Poison had long pinkish-purple hair and wore a black peak cap with a chain-link design, a skimpy white midriff-revealing tank top, and a pair of skimpy denim "Daisy Dukes" cut-off shorts and high heels. She also had a chain around her waist, a studded black collar on her neck, and a pair of hand-cuffs hanging from the chain around her waist. Her appearance screamed that she was sadistic and liked to see people in pain.

"Won't you consider it, we are not so bad." Poison replied and she could tell this was not a good fight already as the foe was too relaxed when she was having difficulty

Naruto didn't respond and decided to get close; he wanted to polish his close combat skills so he restrained his strength and speed.

As they fought, Poison seemed to have mistaken it as real and thought she had a chance as she had gotten some hits in as Naruto was unable to dodge while keeping his speed similar to Poison.

"You are a good fighter; I have never seen anyone with your style." Naruto muttered as he dodged the hand cuffs

"You are good as well but it is time to end it." Poison muttered as she jumped back and Hugo smashed down from above

Naruto didn't dodge this time and just redirected Hugo's body away from him with some force that sent Hugo smashing into the warehouse.

"It was a nice workout so thank you but now let's put you to sleep." Naruto said as he walked towards Poison who seemed to be panicking now

Naruto stopped suddenly which surprised Poison and she looked back, and found a girl wearing a black and red dress walking out of the wreckage.

"So sleepy, how long has it been." The girl muttered as the duo's eyes were on her horns

'She is not human, what is she?'

a.n Hope u enjoyed. I was too busy today

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