In an abandoned parking lot, which was days away from being demolished, many people could be seen crowding the area to watch matches between fighters beyond mortal realm.

For the safety of the crowd there were large screens installed while drones captured the battle that took around the whole parking lot, which was breaking down.

"RA" A man with a muscular body wearing a jaguar mask pile drived his foe into the ground from the third floor, the neck buried deep into the ground. The defeated opponent's survival seemed to be impossible and the Jaguar walked away with heavy steps.

'For the children'

"KING, KING, KING" The crowd cheered for the Jaguar masked wrestler while the man did not respond as he felt disgust at these people. He was only here because he needed the money and the survival of a child under his care.

King stopped and looked towards the second floor where he saw a green flash, which bulldozed into its foe and fell to the bottom while leaking electricity.

'Blanka, the only worthy opponent here.' Is what he thought when he heard the hush and the sound of bones breaking

A girl wearing revealing wrestling attire, her eyes lacking the usual cheer as she broke the back of her foe and dropped him like he was nothing.

'Mika, she seemed to have grown since I last saw her. Is it the loss of Zangief?'King thought and went to his tent to take a short break before his next battle


'This time I will take it slow to bring out all their skills and also improve my fighting skills.' Naruto thought as his goal was to find someone with an ability that he needs so he decided to always drag the fight

"What a barbaric sight, I see no finesse or skill from these mongrels." Eliza spoke in a condescending tone from his side

"Fighting is used to win and protect so it doesn't need to be attractive or beautiful. Will you just watch or will you participate?" Naruto replied

"I will watch just make sure to make it entertaining." Eliza said with a smile as they moved again


"What do we have here? An intruder on the fighting stage, does he believe he can take on all our participants or is he just a madman?" The announcer spoke as Naruto landed at the top floor and the crowd screamed in excitement as they believed it was staged

"The people have spoken; let the participants take down the intruder for an extra prize."

Naruto didn't react to those words as he kept his promise to Eliza to make it interesting and this was the best way to train.

'Let us see, how good I am when restrained and fighting skilled fighters.' Naruto thought as his eyes burned with fighting spirit that made his chakra visible, which caused cracks on the floor.

The girl looked at him with an angry gaze as he was in the shape of Kakashi once again for the fights.

"You will pay for hurting teacher." screamed as she rushed at him with her arms stretched to entangle him and get him into a chokehold

Her steps were strong and fast, around mach 1, but the area they were fighting on was weak and because of her movements the cracks spread.

Naruto saw her coming at him with ease and caught her arm to throw her when she used her legs to catch his neck.

He was surprised at this movement but didn't hesitate as he smashed her into the ground, causing it to break and both fell to the third floor.

As they were falling, King 2 appeared and kicked at Naruto with both his legs. His body carried large momentum and was enhanced with Ki.

With Mika still holding onto him, Naruto felt that the attack would be too much for the girl and was able barely change direction so it hit his back because Mika provided difficulty in his movements.

The kick launched Naruto across the area and he broke through the pillars while he wrapped up Mika to protect her from the damage.

Naruto controlled the wind to stop his momentum in the air and landed safely, and let go of Mika. His back was burning from the impact.

'I used up so much Ki in that attack, it was the strongest move and he barely felt it.' King 2 didn't know what to do when he felt the wind move and he jumped up to the remnant of the upper floor as Blanka landed where he had stood.


'Why is he protecting me? Does he not consider me an opponent?' Mika questioned but she held back her wild thoughts as she looked at the scene and realized that the foe was hardly damaged by an attack which would have crippled her

'How can we fight this monster? Master, what do I do?' Mika tried to think what Zangief would want

"Just enjoy the battle, it was just a mistake. I could at least see that much." Mika remembered his words and decided that she would enjoy the fight so she attacked King as Naruto had proved to be a good person


Naruto saw Mika move away and just shrugged his shoulder as he looked at his main target.

"What are you, if you wouldn't mind me asking?" Naruto said as he took an offensive stance

"Human, Blanka is human but what are you?" Blanka replied as he stared at Naruto with wariness and snarled threateningly

Blanka pushed back with his legs to avoid the danger he felt and released a current to target Naruto.

"Sadly it is too weak" Naruto muttered in disappointment as he walked through the current which was blocked by his wind and hit Blanka on his shoulders with considerable force, which caused him to crash though the floors and be buried by the debris

'Not good enough, I can't hold back my strength enough to enjoy the battle.' Naruto thought as he avoided mentioning the fact that without chakra enhancement he could have fought a close battle while actually receiving some injuries.

Naruto looked towards the wrestlers and then Blanka who had been buried, and then walked away.


"What did you do?" Naruto questioned Eliza

"Just took out some trash that was eyeing me with their filthy eyes." Eliza replied as she stood between corpses without a drop on her body

Naruto didn't know what to say about that and would have attacked her if not for the kids that he saw inside cages.

'She is just not straight forward.' Naruto smiled and walked towards the kids, and help them out

"Dan, why were you so greedy? You should have told Blanka to give up once he told you that the opponent was dangerous." Sakura muttered in a worried tone as they removed the debris

Dan was sweating continuously and filled with guilt as his true friend was hurt because of him.

'Come on Jimmy, don't be dead.' Dan thought as he hurried to get him out

"Rawr" And a green humanoid broke out of the destroyed building and collapsed onto Dan as he lost energy.


A.n Hope you enjoyed

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