King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1004: Ninth floor

"It has passed ten hours"

The Star Demon Lord is a little excited.

He was only 50% sure. I didn't expect Zhao Feng to stay on the eighth floor for such a long time.

Therefore, he and the Ziguan old man's bet victory, the Star Devils gambling won.

"The soul of this son is so high, is it so high?"

The purple crown old man was shocked.

That book of martial arts is handed over to the Lord of the Stars.

The key is that Zhao Feng’s amazing potential has been discovered by them.

Giving such a talented person is definitely good for Ji family.

Fortunately, he did not deal with this junior because of Ji Lian, but let his second disciple Ji Shengming, follow Jilian, so that there is nothing wrong with it.

"If you say something, don't forget it."

The Lord of the Stars reminds me once again that his eyes are staring into the distance.

"Do you really expect him to enter the ninth floor?"

The purple crown old man could not help but smile.

He did not believe that Zhao Feng could enter the ninth floor.

He and the Lord of the Stars and Devils are the elders of the Ji family, but the real power is in his hands.

Outside the Purple Star Tower.

"It has been ten hours"

"Even if someone is really the soul of the will, breaking through the level of the Lord, it is impossible to stay inside for so long."

"I went to see"

Ji Dengtian finally couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart.

He didn't know, when Ji Jia had a genius like this.

After that, Ji Dengtian once again consumed a lot of contributions and entered the Purple Star Tower.

"We are waiting for Zhao Feng here."

Ji Shengming Shen Shen.

When Ji Dengtian went to the Prince's trial, he used up his family contribution. The Purple Star Tower wanted to go in at this time, but he couldn't go in.

"Well, can't let Zhao Feng run away"

Jilian strongly agrees.

The rest of the disciples outside the Purple Star Tower are also waiting to wait outside.

After all, it is not worthwhile to waste a lot of precious family contributions, just to go in and see a person.

Inside the Purple Star Tower.

Zhao Feng came to the ninth floor of the corridor and took a few steps.

"The top of the head is the scope of the ninth floor."

Zhao Feng looked up.

The thick purple mist, like dirt, accumulates in the air.

On the wall on the side of the corridor, a line is engraved.

"There is not enough territory, don't enter, otherwise you may lose consciousness in an instant and cannot get down."

It seems that there are not many people who are as curious as Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng’s soul will suddenly rushed out, and the purple fog around him was suddenly arranged.

At the same time, Zhao Feng runs "Wan Nian Shen", which controls the power of the will to be more precise and blocks the purple fog from approaching.

The "Resurrection of the Soul" can improve the defense of Zhao Feng's soul and have certain resistance to the purple fog.

Zhao Feng went directly to the ninth floor.

In an instant, the endless purple fog, squeezed from Zhao Feng, as if to completely bury Zhao Feng.

Less than half-time, Zhao Feng's soul will be squeezed and deformed.


Zhao Feng took a step toward the nearest futon.


The will of the soul is squeezed into the soul of Zhao Feng, and the purple thick fog instantly invades the soul of Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng immediately operated the thunderbolt in the body of the thunder.

The remaining more than a thousand traces of thunder and robbery, suddenly thunder and lightning, the power of thunder robbery spread out.


A lot of purple fog that squeezed on the surface of Zhao Feng's soul was directly destroyed by the power of thunder.

Zhao Feng’s pressure has gradually taken another step.

Zhao Feng’s left eye is filled with a layer of pale gold star.

Using the light of translucent, Zhao Feng's vision has almost no influence and penetrates everything, so Zhao Feng's consciousness can be relatively awake.

Zhao Feng is getting closer and closer to his nearest futon.

"Well? I might be able to break down these purple fog."

Zhao Feng suddenly thought.

However, the ninth layer of purple dense fog, more than Zhao Feng's imagination, as the essence, surging in the entire space.

Moreover, the purple misty particle structure is also very complicated and decomposed, and some are unrealistic.

"However, if I change the way, use and solve,"

Zhao Feng’s mind came up with an idea.

All along, Zhao Feng's decomposition beam is linearly emitted.

But in fact, the use of solutions, is not limited to this, just like the use of many moves, the key is to see the user, can play tricks.


In the left squat of Zhao Feng, a ripple of light gold luster is emitted, twisting in the air, and then Zhao Feng is wrapped to form a light gold shield.


The purple dense fog that is constantly invading will be broken down when it passes through the light gold shield, and the power of the purple dense fog is greatly reduced.


Zhao Feng suddenly rushed out of the two steps and stood directly on the futon.

Suddenly, the ninth floor flashes purple

But because Zhao Feng is standing inside the futon, it is equivalent to having been practicing on the futon.

Therefore, the purple dense fog is more powerful.

"hold onto"

Zhao Feng's left squat, constantly flashing gold amber luster, a layer of light gold ripples, constantly pouring out, will Zhao Feng wrapped.

On the soul of Zhao Feng, countless thunder and robbery marks, Qi Qi shining, will fully stimulate the power of thunder.

At this moment, Zhao Feng applied all the cards to the limit.


The pale gold ripple mask outside Zhao Feng’s body disappeared, and the thunderbolt brand in the thunder soul body slowly dimmed.

"Wan Nian Shen" and "Resurrection of the Soul" have gradually lost their effect.

He only stood on this futon and stood at three times.

"go away"

Zhao Feng’s consciousness still maintains a certain level of sobriety.

Although he can still stand up, he will lose his resistance afterwards and may not go down.

Zhao Feng surging the wind and thundering real yuan, instantly entered the corridor and came to the eighth floor.

Zhao Feng, because all aspects have reached the limit, at this time, Zhao Feng has no ability to resist these purple fog.

Therefore, for the purple dense fog on the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower, Zhao Feng could not resist, and the consciousness gradually became chaotic.


Zhao Feng rushed to the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower and rushed straight into the downstairs to the seventh floor of the Purple Star Tower.

The seventh floor of the Purple Star Tower is suitable for the cultivation of the realm of the Great Emperor.

When I came here, Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he still had a trace of soul will, he would be able to stay safe and sound.

"Zhao Feng?"

Aside, Ji Dengtian saw Zhao Feng rushing out of the corridor leading to the eighth floor, and suddenly stood in the same place.

Not a child of Ji family, actually it will be Zhao Feng practicing on the eighth floor.

Zhao Feng did not control Ji Dengtian. He was only practicing on the eighth floor for a day. It should have no effect.

He took some nourishing souls and used the "Resurrection of the Soul" to repair the soul.

"The sixth layer of "Resurrection of the Soul" is completed"

Zhao Feng could not help but reveal a smile.

It seems that it is worthwhile to venture into the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower.

"Zhao Feng, I didn't expect you to stay on the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower for so long."

Ji Dengtian finally spoke.

It’s Zhao Feng’s practice on the eighth floor, and that’s all that makes sense.

After all, Zhao Feng’s strength, Ji Dengtian is seen, he is willing to go down the wind.

Moreover, all the performances of Zhao Feng in the trial of the Prince are shocked to heaven.

Therefore, about everything about Zhao Feng, Ji Dengtian has not been so easily shocked.

"Well, Jijia Purple Star Tower, a well-deserved name"

Zhao Feng praised.

Unfortunately, the Purple Star Pass, only one use opportunity.

"Zhao Xiong will go back to recuperate, and enter the eighth floor of the Purple Star Tower for the first time. It can last for such a long time, and it is far beyond the ordinary Lord."

Ji Dengtian saw the weakness of Zhao Feng.

If Zhao Feng came down from the eighth floor, nothing would be normal.


Zhao Feng slowly absorbed the effects of the treasures he had just taken, and on the other hand, he ran away from the Purple Star Tower.

Ji Dengtian is staying on the seventh floor.

After all, spending so many family contributions, leaving it, is a bit wasteful.

Outside the Purple Star Tower.

"I didn't read it wrong. The ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower was actually bright."

“How is it possible? Can someone in the Ji family be able to practice on the ninth floor?”

"This is not a problem with the Purple Star Tower."

Onlookers were on the scene and stayed in the same place for a long time before they talked about it.

You must know that the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower is the place where the Holy King practiced.

The ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower of Ji Family has been around for 10,000 years and has not been lit up.

Just now, the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower, shining moment

Although it is only a moment, its influence is enough to exceed the tenth hour of the eighth layer.

"Do you want to tell your great-grandfather?"

Jilian is afraid that this matter is not simple.

At this time, Zhao Feng appeared in front of the Purple Star Tower.

"Ji Shengming, he is Zhao Feng"

Jilian immediately left behind the matter.

"Oh, the district emperor, the first time I entered the Purple Star Tower, it became so weak."

Zhao Feng, who is looking at the name of Ji Sheng, could not help but laugh.

"Zhao Feng, you can hide in the Purple Star Tower for so long."

Ji Lian immediately stepped out, revealing a fierce look. At this time, Ji Shengming helped him. He did not believe that Zhao Feng could not be cleaned up.

In the distance, Ji Lan saw Zhao Feng, only to wake up from sluggishness.

Although she does not believe it, she knows that it is only Zhao Feng who can enter the ninth floor of the Purple Star Tower.

But at this time, Zhao Feng looks very weak. It should be the reason for entering the ninth floor. So, is Zhao Fenghui an opponent of Ji Shengming?

Around the rest of the Ji family, they suddenly came on the scene. They waited for such a long time, and they still didn't know the characters who were practicing on the eighth floor. It was good to have fun at this time.

"Zhao Feng, if you can pick me up, I will let you go today."

Ji Sheng is a high-ranking person, disdain.

He does not like to name a big bully, so he said so.

Although it is a three-pronged move, but Ji Shengming is fully committed to going, it is definitely better to die of Zhao Feng's torture.

"Roll, I am very busy right now."

Zhao Feng looked at the two impatiently.

Zhao Feng experienced a series of purple star towers, a lot of harvest, but also rushed back to the treatment of practice, how can there be time to play here.

"Hey, toasting, not eating and drinking."

Ji Sheng is famous.

He did not expect that this junior is so cold and proud, so disrespectful to him.

The singularity of Ji Sheng’s name flashed purple and blurred.

But the next moment, Zhao Feng’s Jin Yu directly swept the two men, and a thrilling willpower was released, and it immediately converges.


Around the Purple Star Tower, there is a dead silence, and the birds are silent.

At that moment, Zhao Feng’s embarrassing consciousness caused their blood to tremble, and the soul level seemed to be suppressed under the giant mountains.

The two people, Ji Lian and Ji Sheng, are sluggish in the same place, their eyes are dull and immersed in an illusion.

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