King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1026: Dangerous action

"How is it possible, my little world"

The batwing man jumped wildly and his body was shaking.

At that moment, his small world was not only a crack on the surface, but also the basic skeleton of the small world.

The basic skeleton of the small world is destroyed, and the operation of the small world will be disordered, thus affecting the role of the small world.

"Breaking the sky, the palm of the thunder, breaking the palm"

I saw a huge mountain of golden red palms, flashing infinite lightning, pushing forward, everything on the way, all destroyed.


Zhao Feng’s palms directly hit the small world of the batwing man.


The powerful force of St. Levi's and the wind and thunder is released through the sin of the sacred thunder, and infiltrates into the system of the small world.

Although this palm is not as powerful as the one against the shadow of the Lord, it is enough to deal with the alien arrogance of this quasi-saint.


The batwing man felt his small world skeleton, and he was suddenly destroyed, and the purple world around him began to collapse.

At the same time, a palm of the hand, Yu Wei, bombarded the batwing man.

"Wow... my little world"

The batwing man squirted a blood and shouted.

We must know that the small world starts from the realm of the king and strengthens step by step until it changes into the current small world. It does not know how much time and energy it takes.

The batwing man looked at Zhao Feng with a look of horror. The opponent was not only speed, defense or strength, but it was incredible.

"How can humans have such a strong arrogance?"

The batwing man was horrified in his heart. He did not expect that he would encounter such a thing with the arrogance of the leopard.

"The Shadow of the Bat"

The batwing man was so brilliant that he burned the real element, and his body glowed with a faint purple glow. At the same time, his purple batwing suddenly increased by one point, completely enveloping his body, and a strange space wave was released.

The figure of the batwing man disappeared into the small world of Zhao Feng in a flash of purple light.

At that moment, even the small world of Zhao Feng could not detect the trace of the batwing man.

"Concealing the secrets of blood?"

Zhao Feng's look is unchanged, and there is a layer of pale gold amber ripples on the left.

Under the sweep, the figure of the batwing man appeared in Zhao Feng’s field of vision.

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness is the nemesis of this kind of concealed secret method, especially after the left-handed turns into gold, everything is invisible.

In an instant, Zhao Feng locked the batwing man.

"This is... how is it possible?"

The batwing man who sneaked into the void and did not have any breath suddenly felt a mental force to lock him.

"Wind and Thunder"

A group of purple gold thunder flames suddenly appeared somewhere in the space, and then burst open.


The batwing man's figure appeared, his body and soul, and he was burned by a devastating thunderbolt.

At the same time, under the will of Zhao Feng, in the small world of wind and thunder, the power of infinite thunder and lightning came together and slammed the batwing man.

"Want to escape?"

Zhao Feng’s thoughts moved.


Zhao Feng’s figure flashed away and came to the other side of the small world.

The leopard man was just about to escape from Zhao Feng’s small world and was directly blocked by Zhao Feng.

Leopard men look at Zhao Feng, in addition to endless fear, but also hate.

He knows that in the face of mankind, it is useless to ask for mercy.

The body of the leopard man burned, his body shape suddenly increased, and the golden hair like a needle grew out from the whole body and turned into a leopard-shaped monster. A powerful and fierce force suddenly broke out.


The leopard man broke out with a strong sprint speed, turned his direction, and prepared to attack from the other side.

Zhao Feng sneered and grabbed one hand.

In time, a world of great power, coupled with the suppression of the small world, shrouded the leopard men.


Immediately, a huge red-colored claw, descending from the sky, surrounded by the red thunder wind, grabbed the deformed leopard man.

Zhao Feng laughed and sighed.

The next brake.

A strong willpower will confine the soul of the Leopard man to the void.

"What, his soul will..."

The leopard man completely lost control of the body and his mind was hard to move.

"Search Soul"

In Zhao Yu’s left-handedness, a wave of evil souls emerged and rushed into the soul of the leopard man.

With Zhao Feng's soul level, the rumors on the soul road, plus blood and blood, and the search for soul-hunting, it is easy.

In addition, the soul of this leopard man is slightly weaker than the batwing man, so Zhao Feng deliberately searched for him.

After one or two interest rates.

Zhao Feng ended the search for souls.

Zhao Feng’s soul will kill the soul of the Leopard man, and his head was captured by Zhao Feng in the open world.

On the other hand, the batwing man, who was seriously injured by Zhao Feng’s slamming fire, was in a state of suppression and torture in the small world of wind and thunder.

When the batwing man saw the leopard man's end, he resolutely chose to blew himself.

Zhao Feng did not stop it. After all, the self-destruction of the quasi-saint-level Tianjiao had certain threats to the Lord.


When the batwing man blew himself, Zhao Feng took back the small world.

However, for a while, the two alien geniuses who were taken lightly were killed in the hands of Zhao Feng.

"Intelligence is enough"

Zhao Feng whispered.

In the memory of the leopard's Tianjiao, all the information is available.

There is only one saint in the city of Mengcheng, and the strength is equivalent to the instant Lord who was killed.

However, the five scorpions of the Yi people have brought four powerful quasi-sacred masters and many great invincibles.

The hands of these five scorpions brought by the aliens, their overall strength, far beyond the original shadow of the Lord.

In other words, the current high-level combat power of Meng Chen is stronger than the two instant shadows.

"Oops, shouldn't take back the little world"

Zhao Feng brows.

Zhao Feng was afraid that the bluffing man’s self-destruction would affect his small world and he would take it back.

Unexpectedly, so far away, the whistle of the batwing man still attracted the team patrolling outside the city.

"If this is the case, then you will also receive it."

Zhao Feng did not leave and went on.

Not a while.

Three teams of interracial horses came, each team of about one hundred people, Xiaodanyuan, Dadanyuan and half-step kings, the first is an ordinary emperor.

"In the front, there is a strong real yuan fluctuation"

"Will the two geniuses who came with the five scorpions learn here?"

"The volatility of the property is different from the past."

The three are the first ones, and while they are talking, they fly.

Suddenly, a bang sound, quickly approaching them, the three teams immediately warned.

But they still didn't catch anything, and a blond-haired man appeared directly beside them.

"How is it possible, humanity?"

The three teams, feeling a powerful Wei Li, blocked the nearby void, a suffocating pressure, so that they can not move.

"Fantasy Zone"

Zhao Feng’s left-handedness evolved into an endless purple-gold labyrinth that exudes a deadly appeal.

Near Zhao Feng, all the interracial strongmen of the three teams of people and horses looked at Zhao Feng’s eyes unconsciously.

In an instant, all the aliens in the field, like the wood standing in the same place, the eyes are dull, the soul is caught in the fantasy world created by Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng left his hand and waved, and countless wind blades directly harvested all the alien heads.

"Maybe, you can kill some."

Zhao Feng pondered for a moment.

His mission has been completed, and he has also killed two alien patriots and two teams patrolling aliens.

According to Zhao Feng, the way to gain military exploits not only kills aliens, but Zhao Feng, at this time, can also gain valuable combat points.

But it’s hard to come and see, so you can’t satisfy Zhao Feng.

call out

Zhao Feng continued to approach Mengcheng.

When using the sensible to perceive, the same-order powerhouse and the strong-minded person who is good at perception can be aware of it.

However, Zhao Feng controls the distribution of all the people around the city through the vision of the left eye.

As long as Zhao Feng does not deliberately stare at a strong person, it will not be noticed.

At this time, Mengcheng was lurking in a dense forest 60 million miles away.


Zhao Feng suddenly revealed a hidden atmosphere.

"Hey, go see with me."

The two leaders of the alien patrols were aware of a trace of strangeness, but were not sure, and led the two teams to fly and determine the situation.

"Inducing success"

Zhao Feng showed a smile and waited for them to come.


When the two teams of different forces, close to this Maolin, a force will immediately block a void.

Zhao Feng's left-handedness evolved into a purple-gold labyrinth. Everyone's soul consciousness, silently falling into another illusion space, lost control of the body and all senses.


Suddenly, the leader of a realm of the great emperor broke out with an amazing willpower before the Zhao Feng illusion.

"There is a mistake."

Zhao Feng looks calm.

At the same time, for hundreds of interracial people to display the illusion of the fascination, the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

One of the alien emperors with a slightly stronger soul will pass the signal before falling into the Zhao Feng illusion.

"But this is just the right, lest I be tempted."

Zhao Feng directly harvested the heads of these two groups of aliens. With a big hand and a wave, the wind and thunder really surging, and all the alien bodies were gone.

"There are situations, come with me."

Near the city of Meng, a top-level emperor gaze into the distance and immediately shouted.


All the patrolling teams outside the city of Mengcheng are close to them.


Thousands of patrol soldiers, under the leadership of the top alien emperor, flew in the direction of Zhao Feng.

At the same time, in the middle of the city.

Five stars and one star commander, three two-star leader, carrying five thousand elite forces, rushed out.

In a dark hall in the city of Mengcheng.

"what happened?"

A head of the dragon's horns covered with cyan scales, said a gorgeous interracial man.

In the middle of the main hall, standing is a large and bloated alien old man who is the sacred lord of the city.

He dissipated the spirit, and under the sweep, he did not feel anything.

"Let's go see"

The dark Lord said to the Lord.


"Hey, I hope I have a chance to shoot."

Two powerful and enchanting women, with a bloodthirsty smile, one of the eagle-aged women, behind a pair of black wings, suddenly rushed to the sky.

Another **** snake-like woman turned into a cyan light and caught up with the black feathers in front.

Both of them are the peerless geniuses who came here with the five scorpions of the Terran.

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