King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1037: Life cycle


Zhao Feng looks a glimpse.


The figure of the little thief cat suddenly appeared on the shoulder of Zhao Feng, throwing a few bronze coins, took a look and shook his head.

"what happened?"

Liu Qinyin feels that Zhao Feng is more concerned about these two words.

"Nothing, this name is very suitable for the girl."

Zhao Feng smiled and said immediately.

The little thief cat just started divination, indicating that he did not get any conclusions.

If the woman in front of me may be Liu Qinqi, the little thief cat should be able to divination.

"Wow, so cute cat"

Liu Qinyin squinted and stared at the little thief cat, revealing a touch of love.

Meow meow

The little thief cat listened to this, immediately swallowed the copper coins, and rotated a circle on Zhao Feng’s shoulders, posing a very handsome posture.


The behavior of the little thief cat, suddenly amused Liu Qinyin.

Zhao Feng looked at such a lively and cheerful Liu Qinyin and dismissed her idea of ​​Liu Qinyi.

"Zhao Gongzi is also coming to the battlefield to kill the enemy and build merit?"

Liu Qinyin and Zhao Feng walked into the wooden house and the two started chatting.

From the line of words, Zhao Feng learned that Liu Qinyin has been following her master very small, and there are not many contacts with people or things from outside.

Liu Qinyin is also very interested in Zhao Feng, asking about some things about Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng occasionally talks about himself and will also blame some strange people between heaven and earth.

"Zhao Gongzi has a fiancee?"

Liu Qinyin is very surprised.

Zhao Feng looks like it is in his twenties.

You must know that the ordinary emperor has a life span of nearly 10,000 years. Therefore, few people start thinking about marriage so early.

"Is it ok?"

Zhao Feng thought about it and didn't know how to answer it.

It stands to reason that he and Liu Qinqi have a marriage contract, but Liu Qinyi is dead, her life, may have forgotten everything in her previous life, and has a relationship with Zhao Feng?

Liu Qinyin reveals a confused face, is the fiancee still worth it?

"Actually, I haven't found her yet."

Zhao Feng explained.

"The Qinyin girl should have heard of the Eight Great Gods. Among them, the reincarnation of the reincarnation has the ability to reverse life and death and so on. If he helps him, I will be able to find it smoothly..."

Zhao Feng began to shift the topic.

He believes that Liu Qinyin should be more interested in the Eight Great Gods.

“Do you need the help of reincarnation?”

Liu Qinyin asked with surprise.

At this time, in the wood forest outside, a gray old man slowly came.

Zhao Feng couldn’t help but stand up immediately.

Unexpectedly, when he was chatting with Liu Qinyin, there were outsiders who approached him and he did not find it.

But this also proves the strength of the gray old man.

"Predecessors, younger generations unintentionally came here, and sent the help of the predecessors of the main hall on the same day, the younger generations were grateful."

Zhao Feng immediately said.

After all, the old man was unfathomable, and Zhao Feng took the initiative to break into his place, first of all to explain things better.

"Master, this Zhao Gongzi said, you can help him find his fiancee."

Liu Qinyin immediately walked over and said with a request.


Zhao Feng suddenly squatted in the same place, his mind was like a thunder, looking at the old man.

He can be sure that the girl is not going to lie to him, so the old man in gray is the owner of the reincarnation.

Zhao Feng has already missed the owner of the reincarnation.

However, the old man’s eyes were normal, and he did not show the relevant reincarnation. Zhao Feng did not find it. It was purely normal.

However, happiness is on the one hand, and at the same time, Zhao Feng’s look immediately calms down.

He did not forget the event of the death of the great emperor

If it is the reincarnation that instructs the death emperor to kill himself, then the situation in front of him is very bad.

However, if you want to kill yourself after the reincarnation, why didn't you start the last time?

With the strength of the gray-haired old man, killing Zhao Feng is easy.

Zhao Feng suddenly fell into silence, and his thoughts poured into the world of emptiness.

If the situation is wrong, Zhao Feng will use the arrow directly.

The gray-coated old man did not look the same and slowly walked into the wooden house.

"Do you know the ability of my reincarnation?"

The gray old man was seated on a wooden chair and asked.

"I have seen some in Ji family"

Zhao Feng looked a glimpse, did not expect the gray old man, the first thing is this sentence.

In fact, from the "Return of the Dead" by Ji Jia, Zhao Feng could not know the reincarnation, can help him find the whereabouts of Liu Qinyi.

But now it seems that the reincarnation does have the ability in this respect. It seems that the words of the Six Witches are not wrong.

“The person you are looking for, in some way, has been reborn?”

The old man in gray continued to ask.


Zhao Feng looks natural.

Although the gray-haired old man was calmly talking with him at this time, Zhao Feng still raised the spirit of twelve points.

After all, his ability to reincarnation is not very clear. If the other party suddenly shot, Zhao Feng must have the first time to use the arrow.

"The reincarnation is divided into the reincarnation of life and the reincarnation of death, and my eyes of the reincarnation of life can indeed figure out the specific location of the person who reborn in some way."

The gray-coated old man did not ask any more questions, but said some of the secrets of his reincarnation and showed his willingness to help Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s eyes were condensed and he did not speak.

Now that you have found the reincarnation, it also confirms that there is this ability in reincarnation.

However, it should not be possible to help Zhao Feng unconditionally.

After all, at this time, Zhao Feng is still unclear. This gray-haired old man is an enemy or a friend.

"How long have you been in the person you are looking for?"

Asked the old man in gray.

"More than 16 years"

Zhao Feng looks stunned and unconscious, and it has been so long.

The lyrics on the side were slightly stunned and did not speak.

"It has been so long, unless her body is well preserved, I can possibly calculate the location of her birth."

The gray-clothed old man always has a flat look.


Zhao Feng looks a glimpse.

The body of Liu Qinqi, when he entered the forty-ninth floor of the ancient hall of the Van Gogh, was already gone.

Sure enough, this ability to fight against the sky has many limitations.

Even after reincarnation, it is impossible to deduct a person's place without any basis.

“Thank you for your seniors’ advice”

Zhao Feng holds a fist and worships.

Even the death of the great emperor is related to the old man in gray.

But at this time, the old man in gray clothing told Zhao Feng the secret of the reincarnation, and also solved the doubts in his heart all the time. Zhao Feng did not have to think about finding the reincarnation.

"Little brother, you must still be wondering about the death of the Emperor."

The old man in gray clothes suddenly smiled.

Zhao Feng’s eyes were condensed and he was alert again.

"After the millennium, when I met him, I made a reincarnation mark. After I resurrected him, the Emperor of Death repeatedly asked me to give him a chance to fulfill his wish. He was the same as the inheritor of the Eight Great Gods. I gave him One freedom"

The gray-coated old man slowly said, as if explaining.

"I didn't expect the little brother, but once again defeated the death emperor who gained strength from death. Your eyes are not weaker than the potential of the eight great gods."

The gray-clothed veteran looked at Zhao Feng’s left-hander and confirmed.

“Thank you for the praise of the seniors”

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

From the words of reincarnation, Zhao Feng did not notice the slightest malice, but the gray-shirt old man explained the death of the Emperor.

And Zhao Feng also observed that the gray-clothed old man is only interested in his left-handedness.

"The younger generation has a wish, and there is an urgent matter. Let's say goodbye. If there is any need for the seniors in the future, the younger generations will try their best to help."

Knowing everything, Zhao Feng is easy for the gray-clothed old man to leave.

If there is no hostility to Zhao Feng after the reincarnation, Zhao Feng is very happy to make a good deal with him.

"The old man will not send it."

The old man in gray said.

"Music girl, I hope to have a chance to listen to your songs in the future"

Zhao Feng looked at Liu Qinyin and said goodbye to him.

Meow meow

The little thief also waved his claws hard.

"Master, Zhao Gongzi is a man who has a hatred with the death emperor?"

After Zhao Feng left, Liu Qinyin asked.

The gray coat old man nodded.

Liu Qinyin looked in the direction of Zhao Fengyuan, his eyes suddenly changed.

"Master, the piano sounds, it seems that something bad is going to happen."

Liu Qinyin immediately came to the old man in the gray coat.

Since she was a child, Liu Qinyin has a lot of understanding and accomplishment in terms of music and life. Therefore, she is very convinced of her feelings.

"Reassured, there is a teacher."

The old man in the gray coat glanced at him, and then he showed a deep smile.

call out

Zhao Feng took the wind and the speed of the car, flying quickly between the heavens and the earth.

After leaving the residence of the reincarnation, Zhao Feng has an inexplicable sentimentality.

"No matter what, there is something to do"

Zhao Fengping regained his mood.

After a period of delay, Zhao Feng discovered that the old man was a long distance away from him, and the direction was different from that of Zhao Feng.

"Get his dog's life at any time"

Zhao Feng looked indifferent, did not continue to chase the old man, but flew to the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

After all, in the body of the old man, he marked the gods, and if Zhao Feng wanted to kill him, he could not escape.

After dozens of days, Zhao Feng came to the Lanzhou Battle Hall.

The Lanzhou War Hall is a white jade palace that reveals the ancient vicissitudes of life, which is completely different from the style of the Lingzhou Battle Hall.

On the periphery of the battle hall, there are countless strong and crowded people coming and going.

But to enter the battle hall, you need to have a voucher or enter under the leadership and supervision of the guard.

Zhao Feng has no vouchers. Under the supervision of the guards, he enters the inner layer of the battle hall.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was swept away, and he saw a towering huge stone tablet with numerous flashing golden letters.

One of the stone tablets shows a list of the battle points of the Lanzhou War Hall within a thousand. The higher the name, the more dazzling the golden light.

"See no, the top of the first stone, the name that suddenly appeared in the last few days."

"It’s Zhao Feng, but others are not unknown people. In the trial of the Prince, his performance has been recognized by many forces."

"I naturally know this, but do you know? He was originally in more than 1,900 places, but he came here suddenly."

"I heard that he defeated the Vientiane Lord of the aliens."

Around the martial arts list, there are always many people around. Most people are yearning for this stone tablet and constantly motivate themselves.

Others are compared with their own rivals. Of course, there are also some specialized intelligence organizations that arrange for personnel to stay here and pay attention to the data on them.

"Oh, the evaluation of the Nine Emperors is really correct."

Zhao Feng smiled and he was very satisfied with his ranking of the merits.

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