King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1057: Return to the battlefield


Nangong Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and the invisible evil power slowly spread.

"I am going to meet with Kunyun"

Zhao Feng said.

Talking to the semi-god Kunyun is one aspect. On the other hand, Zhao Feng also wants to meet Yu Fei.

Also, during the period when Zhao Feng came back, Zhao Yufei stayed in the camp of the thirteen emperors and established many achievements for him. Zhao Feng must also stop it.

"I will go, the silence hall is not for me."

Nangong Sheng whispered.

The realm of Nangong Sheng is too high. The assassination mission in the Silence Hall can reach his level. One or two can be a month, even if it is good.

In addition, often wandering in the silence hall, Nangong Sheng also heard a lot of frontline information: the recent battlefield situation has developed rapidly, the battle level has gradually increased, even the Dacheng Holy Lord has appeared.

In this way, it is indeed more interesting to go to the battlefield than to stay in the silence hall.

"That's good, get ready, start a month later."

Zhao Feng said lightly.

Regarding the contradiction between Zhao Feng and Kun Yun, Nan Gong Sheng knows some.

Zhao Feng also intentionally tried to test Nangong Sheng. As a result, Nangong Sheng heard Zhao Feng going to see Kunyun. He did not show his meaning to help himself, but he was more concerned about the enemy and killing.

It seems that the last confrontation with the Jiuyun Temple, Nangong Sheng has been affected a lot. During this period, the power of the evil spirits was greatly absorbed to enhance the strength, which led to his reasonably stable rationality and mentality.

In addition, Zhao Feng should also prepare for a month.

Zhao Feng’s thoughts moved into the left-hand space.


Zhao Feng is very happy.

This time, Zhao Feng chose to copy the items in his hand, the high quality of the treasure, the soil of the Golden Star.

Unexpectedly, it took five days, the mysterious golden ball, to copy this precious material completely.

However, correspondingly, these days, Zhao Feng’s willpower will always be in the middle and lower levels, and the body’s vitality loss will be greater.

瞳力 will influence Zhao Feng's martial arts power, and vitality affects Zhao Feng's material level. If the loss is serious, it may cause damage to the foundation and it is extremely difficult to treat.

According to the value of Tuling Jinzhizhi, Zhao Feng estimated that it is estimated that Zhao Feng can copy the limit.

"It's almost equivalent to a heavenly Chinese spirit soldier."

Zhao Feng was shocked.

In other words, as long as Zhao Feng has sufficient time and resources, Zhao Feng can even directly copy the soldiers.

Similarly, Zhao Feng also confirmed that it is impossible to use this ability to copy the arrow of the gods. Even if it is a copy of the arrow, it is still very difficult.

Next, Zhao Feng’s consciousness sank into the mysterious golden ball. The next moment, he came to the dream of Taikoo.

Dreams are too old, near the pool, only a few gold wings red tiger.

Zhao Feng had already issued an order to let other Golden Wings and Red Tigers explore the terrain of the entire forest.

"Master, in this forest, in addition to a collapse of the wild cattle and the thunder of the sky, no other threats were found."

The leader of the Golden Wing Red Tigers reported to Zhao Feng on the recent exploration.

"Master, this is the resource that was searched."

From the small world of his own, the Golden Wing Red Tiger took out many rare and exotic materials, and a strong scent of medicine suddenly emerged.

"not bad"

Zhao Feng will collect all these ancient treasures.

Among Zhao Feng’s fascinating world, there are many unknown treasures, all of which were obtained at the bottom of the Black Wind Valley.

These unknown treasures, Zhao Feng did not dare to rush out to let others identify, can only be stored first.

"What is the odds of our attack on the mad cows?"

Zhao Feng asked.

The collapse of the mad cow is ranked in the list of the Taikoo Wanzu, more than 30 than the Golden Wing Red Tiger, there is a certain gap between the two.

"Now the strength of the master grows, we have a 50% chance of winning."

The leader of the Golden Wing Red Tiger thought about it.

"Five percent?"

Zhao Feng brows.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng and the five bee emperors went all out to defeat this golden wing red tiger. Now Zhao Feng breaks through the black light, and one can defeat the gold wing red tiger leader.

The leader of the Golden Wing Red Tiger naturally understands this, but still says such a result. It can be seen that the mad cow is a bit smashing.

"It seems that I should cultivate you"

Zhao Feng said slowly.

Zhao Feng wants to dig into the dream of Taikoo resources, mainly relying on the slavish Taikoo monsters.

Since Zhao Feng enslaved these golden wings, they have neglected to train them.

You must know that this golden wing of the Red Tiger Head is actually only the realm of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, but it has the strength to be bigger than the shoulders.

And its soul will is actually Xiaoguang Xiaocheng, so when Zhao Feng is only the Lord, he can rely on the strength of the soul to defeat him.

However, if you want to cultivate the Golden Wing Red Tiger, this is really difficult for Zhao Feng.

The Golden Wings and Red Tigers here almost all reach the realm of the Holy Spirit. They live in dreams that are too ancient, and their abilities are very strong in all aspects. What should Zhao Feng train them?

In the end, Zhao Feng made a decision.

"Let all the golden wings go red, consume the energy of this pool, and then attack the mad cows."

After Zhao Feng took some pool water, he said.

If you want to cultivate the Golden Wings, you can only rely on the resources of dreams.

At the same time, Zhao Feng also decided to use 'replication, ability, began to copy the resources of Taikoo, and increase the power of the Golden Wing Red Tiger.

"After successfully attacking the mad cows, you will begin to advance to the area behind the forest."

To get resources, you only have to constantly explore.

The Golden Wing Red Tiger nodded and understood Zhao Feng’s ambitions.

After that, Zhao Feng left the dream too old.

"Bi Qingyue, after a while, I will go to the frontline battlefield..."

Zhao Feng communicated with Bi Qingyue through the meditation and began to explain everything.

Later, Zhao Feng also discussed the development route of the Silence Hall in the future with the night priest.

Then, Zhao Feng came to the refining medicine pavilion of Yuling Sheng Medicine, and once again took out a golden wing red tiger, and gave the three pots of dream water to the pool in Taikoo.

After returning to the forbidden land, Zhao Feng took out the Taikoo medicine obtained from the dream of Taikoo.

“Gathering the soul of the soul, it is able to condense the will of the soul, treat the wounds of the soul, and is the perfect medicine for some souls...”

This gathering of spiritual refining grass is one of the most precious soul treasures.

After taking it, Zhao Feng feels that within the soul, a powerful wood-based soul force slowly spreads out, nourishing the soul of Zhao Feng, and accompanied by the power of a wooden system, it is reflected in Zhao Feng's mind.

A month later, Zhao Feng opened his eyes and an invisible spiritual energy spread.

"The soul will be improved, far more than ordinary Xiaoguang Xiaocheng"

Zhao Feng is somewhat happy.

The first time I took the soul treasure of Dreamland, the effect was unexpectedly good.

Zhao Feng can fully absorb the common soul treasures in the mainland, and this time in the dream of Taiwanese stocks, Zhao Feng has spent so long, it can be seen that its efficacy is strong.

In addition, in front of Zhao Feng, there are also a few ancient treasures, which are all Zhao Yue retreat for a month, using the mysterious golden ball, copied from.


Zhao Feng’s figure appeared directly outside the main hall, and Nangong Sheng has been waiting here for a long time.

"set off"

Zhao Feng said a word.

Zhao Feng's arm guards, in the original wave, the two figures in a layer of overlapping silver shadows, suddenly faded, disappeared.

Only Zhao Feng’s words, Zhao Feng can shuttle the distance of a state every time, and then resume consumption, about five days, can come to the front line battlefield.

But this time, Zhao Feng also carries a sacred master of Xuanguang Xiaocheng, which greatly increases the consumption, so the shuttle distance must also be shortened.

"It’s really convenient to be an artifact."

On the way to the shuttle, Nangong Sheng licked his lips and his eyes flickered.

Zhao Feng's eyes were slightly condensed. He saw greed from the eyes of Nangong Sheng. It seems that the reason and heart of Nangong Sheng was more severely distorted by the power of evil spirits.

"Nan Gong Sheng, try this"

Zhao Feng took out a pot of dream water in Taikoo.

The Nangong Holy Spirit swept away, hesitated for a moment, and then directly took it. Then, the evil spirits on his body surface slowly subsided and weakened.

About ten days, Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng went directly to the battlefield.

Since Zhao Feng left space coordinates in Mengcheng, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng went directly to Mengcheng.

But at this time, Mengcheng is like an air. There is only one great emperor, several kings, and hundreds of great Dan Yuanqiang.

With the realm of Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng, the two are hidden and no one can find them.

"It seems that the situation of war has indeed changed very quickly."

Zhao Feng whispered softly.

As far as he knows, the frontline is very fierce. It is no longer as simple as defending the city. Instead, it divides the troops into zeros, spreads them to various places, and begins to compete for every inch of land.

Even the generals of the defending city are personally leading a small team and investing in a vast battlefield. Nine emperors are no exception.

"Go, go to the battlefield"

Zhao Feng and Nan Gong Sheng left Mengcheng directly.

Today's frontline battlefields have a very high level of combat power and are in crisis.

Killing the enemy directly, in exchange for the military merits, and then making a name, Kun Yun will naturally find it, and Yu Fei should be the same.

This is Zhao Feng's current strategy.

Today, the Dominion Hall does not need Zhao Feng to subsidize resources. Instead, Zhao Feng uses the lord to search for resources, but this is not enough.

It’s just that Zhao Feng’s own resources for cultivation can reach the family of the great king’s power. Then, Zhao Feng will cultivate the golden wing of the dream...


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng swept across the sky.

In two days, the two came to the war zone. With Zhao Yuan’s super-far viewing distance, he soon discovered a foreign team.

The leader is the realm of the quasi-sacred master. In addition to the three virtual gods, the team is the elite king.

"Knife River Emperor, southwest, there are conditions"

In the team, a person who is good at investigating said.

Subsequently, two figures, quickly rushed to them.

"Only two people?"

"The two human beings are fools, and the two people dare to walk in the war zone with impunity."

In the squad, some alien kings suddenly laughed.

"A bunch of idiots, run fast"

The leader of the Knife River Emperor looked pale and turned into a white fine man, and fled directly.

The artistic conception of Knife River Emperor touched the level of the Lord. According to his perception, the two were absolutely the Lord's strong, and the man with long blond hair gave him a strong sense of crisis.


Zhao Feng flew directly to the sky above the squad, and in the holy body of the squad, there was a rush of thunder and lightning.

Suddenly, a thousand miles, a dimly-powered thunder and heavy pressure space, all the aliens staying here, directly killed by the earthquake, no life.

Zhao Feng's soil wind and thunder, with the force of the minefield, the effect doubled.

Even if it is a normal black light, it is difficult to move in the peak of Zhao Feng's power.

call out

Nangong Sheng sees Zhao Feng to solve all these aliens and turn them into a purple blood and sorrow, directly chasing the quasi-saint who escaped.

"How is it possible, how come two such powerful saints here? Is humanity starting to counterattack?"

Knife River Emperor witnessed Zhao Feng's shot, his body was like a hail, and he was shocked.

A purple blood ghost suddenly descended, and the knife river emperor was trapped in a quagmire, and the action was slow.


The purple blood ghost around it condenses into a purple blood claw, grabs the knife and the river emperor, and crushes the body and soul of the alien.

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