King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1069: Shrine

"what is this?"

Zhao Feng looked at the horror scene in front of him and slugged.

In front of him, the earth cracked a gully wide and thousands of miles wide, and the white crystal imaginary light radiated from it, forbidding the horror of extermination of all power, covering thousands of miles.

In this place where the taboos are filled, everything is turned into nothingness.

Zhao Feng is tens of thousands of miles away from the breath of this god, but his body is still unable to withstand the scent of this god.

"Is there no trace of him?"

Zhao Feng immediately thought of no trace.

According to Zhao Feng’s observation at the time, this vision of the heavens and the earth seems to be caused by Xin.

Can you not resist the impact of this power of God?

On the left side of Zhao Feng, there was a layer of pale gold ripples.

Zhao Feng looked at the huge gully that was still swallowing the light of God.

"Even the power can penetrate"

Zhao Feng looked happy and was shocked.

Today, he understands the power of his golden left.


Zhao Feng’s gaze has been penetrating all the time, but this huge gully seems to extend to the deepest part of the earth, tens of thousands of miles.

Zhao Feng pushed the perspective ability of the left eye to the limit. Finally, Zhao Feng’s gaze penetrated the ground for 100,000 miles. Although the line of sight was rather vague at this time, Zhao Feng still saw something that made him feel incredible.

"this is?"

Zhao Feng’s breathing is up and down.

In his vision, there is a huge palm outline, next to the palm, obviously the body.

However, the size of the palm of light is so scary that it is not so big.

"How big is this?"

Zhao Feng stood in the same place and took a deep breath.

Under the ground of 100,000 miles, there is a body lying down, and the size of this body is not even estimated by Zhao Feng’s left-handedness. There may be a million feet and a million feet...

For such a large body, Zhao Feng can only think of the fifteenth giant gods in the list of the Taikoo people.

However, under the ground of the mainland, how can there be a body of God's power.

"God's body, and not the general god"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are heavy.

He is not fully aware of the power of the true God, and he can't figure out what the level of strength of the crystal body in the depths of the earth is.

However, what is certain is that this force surpasses the ordinary **** and is above all things in the mainland.

It can be said that this is the most astounding secret of the mainland since its birth. It can smash the secrets of all people in the mainland, even if it is a holy king or a half god, it can not resist this temptation, even if it knows ten Eighty-nine will die, and they will not hesitate for a moment and want to go there.

But at this time, Zhao Feng couldn't get close to the gully on the ground, let alone go deep into the ground and approach the crystal body buried under 100,000 miles.

Zhao Feng immediately sensed the heart of the heart, and converted the field of vision to the old side of Xu.

"Sure enough, the land where the gods fought was also alarmed."

Zhao Feng’s heart is shaking.

The cracks that suddenly appeared on the road, traversing Lanzhou Lingzhou, hundreds of millions of miles...

At this time, on the battlefield of the Lingzhou Semi-God, all the strong men of the two dynasties, all retreating, even the Holy King and the Half God are no exception.

The two strong players who were fighting on the battlefield also hurriedly stopped fighting and quickly evacuated.

And some of the lower realm, the slower and stronger, finally smouldering under the breath of the power of the gods.

"How is this going?"

Among the big ones, a half-god of the Taihuang Temple feels the power of the powerful God, and his heart is shocked.

Above the earth, how can there suddenly be such a terrifying power of God?

"There seems to be something under the ground of the battlefield."

The nine secluded palaces ‘half gods and seas, the face is chilly, and the eyes are twinkling purple.

On the other hand, the aliens also quickly withdrew and retired hundreds of thousands of miles.

In the crowd, a full-body black scale, a translucent alien, standing in the air, a horrible spiritual pressure, Megatron.

This person is the strongest person in the secluded dynasty.

But at this time, he is insignificant compared to the atmosphere of the illusory light in the center of the battlefield.

"Is this the reason why the black dragons of the world have encouraged me to attack Dagan?"

The **** of the half god, the eyes are gloomy.

For the demise of the black dragon, the demigod has always been guarded.

The demigod of the gods released the gods and swept them into the earth, but before they went deeper, they were destroyed by the horrible white crystals.

"What is hidden under this?"

The half-god of another Samsung peak in the Youyue Dynasty was shocked and asked.

The last period of the Battle of the Two Dynasties was interrupted by this sudden situation.

At this time, all the people above the battlefield, the whole-hearted consciousness is concentrated on the powerful power of the gods, and there is no thought about the war.

The other side of the distant sky.

The half-god dragon who is chasing the black dragon is also suddenly stopped.

Not far from him, the huge body of the black dragon was broken.

"How is it possible? The power in the corpse is leaking out."

The annihilation of the black dragon is shocking, and some can't figure it out.

According to his previous observations, the corpse buried in the bottom of the dry land of 100,000 miles, the vitality is completely extinct, it should be dead.

But at the moment, the power in this corpse is leaking for no reason.

He tried his best to inspire the dynasty dynasty to attack the Dagan dynasty. It was also hoped that this territory would be vying for it, and then the black dragon would find an opportunity to sneak into the ground alone.

If you can get the power of the gods and completely restore the power of the heyday, there is no problem.

But now, the power of the corpse is leaking, and almost all of the mainland will know the existence of the corpse.


When the half-god dragon was shocked and sluggish, the black dragon became a black smoke and disappeared directly into the sky.

"God power"

The demigod dragon emperor trembled, no longer to control the black dragon.

The Dragon King has been in the demigod for 80,000 years and has never been able to prove his position.

Nowadays, the white crystal emptiness of the distant land is not the power of God.

This will be his last chance

The demigod of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Half God, has escaped, and he has not managed to go back. He can’t wait to return directly to the Dagan camp.


The black dragon that escaped the birth of the day, the heart is burning in anger.

The original plan did not succeed, and now it has been hit hard by the Dagan Dynasty.

However, he also has the hope of revenge, that is the gods in the depths of the earth.

However, when the corpse was exposed, the dynasty dynasty also understood the intention of the annihilation of the black dragon. Now, whether it is the secluded dynasty or the Dagan dynasty, it will be directly shot when the dying black dragon is seen.

The death of the black dragon is very painful. In this situation, how can he go deep and be close to the gods? Today, he is extremely hurt. If he meets other top powers of the two dynasties, he may be killed.

"That is?"

The black-eyed dragon, who was seriously injured, looked at the front with a suspicious look.

It is still a battlefield belt, but there is a plain and slender woman standing there, probably only the realm of the Great Danyuan.

You must know that today is the end of the war, even if it is the ordinary king, do not dare to come to the battlefield easily, not to mention the Dan Yuan respected the Lord.

"Destroy the black dragon?"

Bai Lin is also a glimpse.

According to the deduction of fate, she came here, but did not expect to wait for the death of the black dragon.

But the next moment, she showed a smile.

"The fate of fate?"

The ruthless black dragon saw how high it was, and quickly judged the true identity of the little girl.

"Do you want to cooperate?"

Bai Lin showed a very simple smile.

The annihilation of the black dragon is a slight glimpse. Even if he is seriously injured at this time, he can kill the ordinary Dan Yuanjing, and it is also between the fingers.

However, the death of the black dragon is a very serious thought for a moment.

"Go, go."

The dying black dragon runs a willpower, rolls up Bailin, and disappears into the sky.

In the frontline battlefield, the news that the power of the gods emerged from the ground immediately swept the two dynasties.

The center of the power of the gods is still a taboo area that even the gods cannot get close to.

This taboo area, traversing hundreds of millions of miles across the battlefield, is like a scorpio, separating the two dynasties.

In the remote areas of this taboo area, the two dynasties sent countless strong men to guard.

On the other hand, the special surveyors set up by the two dynasties hope to dig out the secrets of the depths of the earth as much as possible.

At this time, there are still two knights to fight.

The true powers of the two great dynasties are semi-god-level figures, and the lifelong aspirations of the semi-god-level powerhouses are to prove the position of God and enter the wilderness.

Nowadays, in the mainland, there is such a terrible and powerful power of the gods. It is hard to imagine what secrets are hidden in the depths of the earth.

But no matter what, all the holy kings and the demigods firmly believe that there is definitely an opportunity to break through the gods in the depths of the earth.

The most important thing at the moment is that the power of the gods in this gully is gradually dimmed, and the two dynasties can confirm the situation or enter it.

There is also a large part of the Lanzhou battlefield, which is the scope of the power of the gods.

Zhao Feng, from the same day, knew that the war between the two dynasties stopped halfway and returned directly to Lanzhou.

At this time, Zhao Feng is wandering in the battlefield of Lanzhou, the distance of the taboo light is in the distance.

Zhao Feng’s left 眸, a layer of pale gold ripples.

Zhao Feng sweeps into the distance that the rich platinum is empty.

"Good complex high power"

Zhao Feng intended to analyze the power of God.

The particle structure of the gods can be seen. Zhao Feng’s scalp is numb, and he can’t understand the idea completely. He doesn’t know where to start to understand.

Unable to thoroughly understand the power of God, Zhao Feng once again bowed his head, crossed the earth and the power of the gods, penetrated the distance of 100,000 miles, and looked at the deepest part of the earth.

Although Zhao Feng can penetrate the power and the earth and see the scenery under the earth of 100,000 miles, he can see very limited and the scene is blurred.

But even if the vision is blurred, Zhao Feng is very satisfied.

You know, among the two great dynasties, I am afraid that only Zhao Feng knows what the 100,000-mile underground is.

Regarding this point, Zhao Feng naturally will not say it.

"This is the head of the corpse"

Zhao Feng's gaze swept away, and it was difficult to penetrate a large number of obstructions. With many vague sights, he speculated.

The head of this corpse is even more enormous, and it is hard to imagine that there is such a huge race in this world.

Zhao Feng's gaze gaze at the head of the corpse, the mysterious golden ball, a golden ripple, constantly rushing out, filling the surface of Zhao Feng's left.

At some point, Zhao Feng’s gaze faintly passed through the surface of the corpse of the god.

"Inside, there is movement"

Zhao Feng’s horror

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