King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1079: Conspiracy

"Ice Emperor Gun"

A layer of ice-blue liquid appeared in the surrounding space, twisted into a layer of blue ice curtain, and the three were covered.

All the influence of the extreme ice storm on everyone was suddenly blocked, and the three men passed through the unimpeded shuttle, chasing the three aliens who fled in front.

"Damn, this kid"

Vientiane Lord brows a twist.

He forgot that Zhao Feng was also very good at water.

Even so, Zhao Feng and others, if they want to catch up with the Vientiane Lord and the other two holy kings, still have some difficulty.

"Oh, dare to chase us"

The black poisonous king saw Zhao Feng several people chasing after him, could not help but sneer.

He and the purple poisonous king, just afraid that after the defeat of the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Feng three people deal with them, in that case, they are not a big winner.

Therefore, the two alien holy kings chose to retreat.

"Purple poisonous blade"

The purple poisonous king turned around with a purple short blade in his hand and waved a huge purple knife. The flashing purple light flashed on it, which made people feel a tortoise.


Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng, and Zhao Yufei have long had the experience of joining hands and directly released the power of small world projection.

I saw that the three small, tyrants of the small world projections were twisted together and resisted in the front.

The purple streamer knives were blocked by the small world projections of the people, and the little sacred light above was wiped away.

But as a result, the speed of Zhao Feng and others has slowed down.

"Feng brother, we have an advantage in frontal battles, but we want to chase them, the difficulty has more than doubled."

Zhao Yufei said at this time.

"Zhao Feng, we don't have to chase after it."

Nangong Sheng asked.

Fighting with the same ranks of power, there is generally no death, defeat and kill, not a level at all.

Nangong Sheng believes that it is impossible for them to kill the Holy King and kill them. Moreover, they are still a small team, and the difficulty is even greater.

"Help me to take the Vientiane Lord, the future resource allocation, I can give you priority."

Zhao Feng said his goal.

The condition of Nangong Sheng’s eyes was heavy, and the conditions opened by Zhao Feng were indeed tempting.

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng have cooperated many times. Every time, Zhao Feng first discovered resources and opportunities, and each time Zhao Feng was the biggest gainer. This aspect is related to Zhao Feng’s **** eyes and on the other hand.

However, what Zhao Feng said is to take the Vientiane Lord.

It is more difficult to take a person than to kill.

Zhao Yufei is a thoughtful point. Zhao Feng, since he named the target is the Vientiane Lord, Zhao Yufei thinks that Zhao Feng should be interested in the Vientiane.

In this case, Zhao Yufei must do his best to help Zhao Feng.

In the end, the three men reached an agreement and decided to pursue the pursuit. They must leave the other party in a short period of time. After all, the gods were in danger. If it were not for the sake of Vientiane, Zhao Feng did not intend to pursue them.

Zhao Feng directly took out the lock of the sky bow, slammed, and shot a red arrow.

Nangong Sheng runs the purple blood holy light, waving, a few purple blood ghosts, and going forward.

Zhao Yufei directly controlled the strength of the heavens and the earth, and blocked the three people flying in front.

"Human, don't know what to do, you can't catch up with us, it will only waste everyone's time."

The black poisonous king waved a black water flow light curtain, which weakened the attack of the three Zhao Feng.

Subsequently, the Purple Poison King will resist the attacks of Zhao Feng and others.

The black poisonous king was very angry. He never thought that when he entered the corpse of the gods, they faced this situation: they were chased by the human squad. And the chaser, or the three saints

This is a shame that he has never had before.

"Abominable, these humans"

Vientiane Lord roared.

There are countless opportunities in the corpse, why Zhao Feng and others are so persistent and have been chasing them.

"Oh, if you meet other aliens, it is their death."

The purple poisonous king snorted, though, but if they encounter human squads, then they are not good.

Zhao Feng, who is chasing after the rear, is also a brow.

The two holy kings and the Vientiane Lord, who wanted to escape, had no way at all.

Even Zhao Feng is like using the defective products at this time, but the defective products are only four, and Zhao Feng is still hesitating.


Nangong St. condenses a purple blood sacred glow, hitting a purple blood pattern of the troll's claws, which contains a faint divine power, making this demon's claws exude a shocking horror .

Two alien holy kings saw each other and worked together to run the mysterious light, and jointly attacked and attacked the offensive of Nangong Sheng.


A huge force shock wave spreads out.


One of the bright white walls on one side suddenly broke.


The horror of a Megatron world, shocked from it, surrounded by the strength of the world, shaking and shaking.

"this is?"

Zhao Feng stepped forward and looked at the inside of the broken crystal wall.

"Is it broken?"

The Vientiane Lord and others who fled in the front also stopped.

Everyone knows that the crystal walls in the corpse are indestructible. Even if they are half-body and want to leave some traces on them, it is extremely difficult.

At this time, the aftermath of the battles of several of them actually broke the crystal wall next to it, which was too bizarre.

Zhao Feng’s left-hander, filled with a layer of pale gold ripples, penetrates everything and looks into the broken crystal wall.

"That is?"

Zhao Feng’s look was shocking and his face was unbelievable.

Inside the broken crystal wall, there is a large space. There are dozens of bright white crystal pillars standing in the space. In the center of the upper part, Zhao Feng sees a group of illusory white crystal light clusters, reflecting countless virtual lightless rays. Quartet.

When Zhao Feng and others appeared, the numerous crystal pillars standing in it suddenly gave off a powerful pressure. Then, a strong idea of ​​a stock, woke up from China.


One of the crystal pillars changed into a crystal giant and directly rushed out.


Then, there are countless crystal pillars inside, and then wake up and act.

"Unlike the **** demon spirit, the crystal giant contains a weaker blood and contains more divine power."

Zhao Feng looked at these crystal giants and immediately reached a conclusion.

"It seems to be more powerful than the **** demon spirit."

Nangong Sheng feels the breath of the other person, and his face is heavy.

Just those **** demon spirits did not reach the realm of the Holy King, but the attack was strong and reached the level of the Holy King.

At the moment, these crystal giants are like the demon spirit of the Holy King.

"Nan Gong Sheng, there is a divine atmosphere inside"

In the Nangong Holy Body, the voice of the evil spirits sounded.

The Nangong sacred face is crazy and greedy. For the divine power, he naturally feels it.

That divine power, just overbearing, seems to be stronger than the power of evil spirits. The key point is that if he can get this power, he may be able to neutralize the power of evil spirits in the body.

"Humans, we are temporarily joining forces to seek common interests."

As the holy king, the black poisonous king naturally feels the divine power inside.

If he can get the powerful power of the group, breaking through the gods is not a problem.

"This divine power leaks out and will soon attract more teams."

Purple poisonous king yin evil smile.

When the Vientiane Lord was slightly hesitant and pursued by Zhao Feng, the Vientiane Lord understood that Zhao Feng and others wanted to pursue him, and Zhao Feng wanted to get from him.

"Two Kings of the Holy King, please pay attention to Zhao Feng"

Since the two holy kings want to unite with Zhao Feng and others, it is impossible for the Vientiane Lord to leave alone.

"Well, the harvest depends on the ability."

Zhao Feng pondered for a moment and said directly.

Of course, to make this decision, Zhao Feng also passed the agreement of Zhao Yufei and Nangong Sheng.

This divine power suddenly appeared, and it will certainly attract more exploration teams. It is better to dig out the interests of the team as soon as this divine power does not attract other teams.

The black poison king and others are also very clear about this.

Once the gods come over, they wait for someone, and even a little bit of wreckage is hard to distinguish.

"This is better"

The black poisonous king reveals a sinister smile.

For the power of the gods, it does not matter if the black poisonous king uses the cards that have been prepared for a long time.

"Go together"

Zhao Feng immediately shouted.


Immediately, the six men rushed straight in from the broken mouth.

Subsequently, the black poisonous king released a small world of black filaments, blocking the broken mouth.

In doing so, it is natural to weaken the breath of divine power and gain time for themselves.

The two teams are each huddled together. Obviously, they cannot trust each other completely.


Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei joined forces to meet two crystal giants.

The three people suddenly broke out with great strength and attacked the same crystal giant at the same time. Only in this way can these crystal giants be eliminated as quickly as possible.

Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei have strong defenses. Nangong Sheng has a secondary artifact. The three men attacked one of the crystal giants in a short period of time and attacked one of them.

Blood devil claw

Purple jade impact

Breaking the sky

Zhao Feng and others took the time to display their stunts and attack one of the crystal giants.

The sacred light of the sky, in the crystal giant, violently bombarded.

"Shameless human"

The crystal giant also faced the attack of Zhao Feng at the same time, how could it be tolerated, and he would turn back when he turned.

"Fantasy Zone"

Just as the crystal giant was preparing to flee, Zhao Feng stunned his eyes and attracted his heart.

At the same moment, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, running the mysterious light, launching a deadly attack

The hand of evil

Purple Holy Light Strike


This crystal giant, under the excellent cooperation of the three people of Zhao Feng, was broken and exploded.

At the same time, in his body, scattered many bright white beads.

"This is the second product"

Zhao Feng and others, at the same time.

Killing the crystal giant, a total of three defective products, Zhao Feng and others, one person picked up one.

On the other hand, the team of the black poisonous king also successfully killed a crystal giant and got some defective crystals.

"The quality of these sub-crystals is extraordinary."

Zhao Feng's eyes flashed in the light.

Zhao Feng used a lot of sub-products to cultivate, and can see the difference between the two at a glance.

The degenerate crystal of the crystal giant's body, the energy contained is more pure and powerful, and even a faint scent of God.

"Quick solution, more crystal giants come over"

Nangong Sheng said immediately.

Kill a crystal giant and you will be rewarded with a defective product.

But there are as many as a dozen crystal giants in this cave, they are slowly waking up.

The two teams are naturally aware of this problem, and now they are only facing two or three crystal giants.

But if all the crystal giants here wake up, they will only retreat if they embrace it.


Everyone is struggling to attack the crystal giants, and even Zhao Feng has been using some attacking techniques from time to time.

Although everyone is trying to attack the crystal giant, everyone’s attention is almost on the top of the cave.

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