King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1082: Stared again

Among the gods, Zhao Feng, Nan Gongsheng and Zhao Yufei are three people in the intricate crystal wall passage.

“First go to the heart of the corpse”

This is the goal of the three.

The resources and opportunities in the center of the corpse must be better than the marginal areas.

On the way, Zhao Feng opened his left eye ability from time to time, penetrated the special wall of the crystal wall, observed the surrounding conditions, and searched for treasures.

Zhao Feng three people, deliberately avoiding some small teams, when they encounter some precious resources, they will take the initiative to fight up and compete with other teams in the corpse.

Zhao Feng and other people's team is not weak, and the three people are very understanding, with the tacit understanding, the general King of the squad, they can not get them.

"I don't know how the half **** is shattered, and the battle with the giant crystal giant, what is the result?"

Nangong Sheng whispered.

Obviously, he still remembers the Divine Power Mission.

"This is not known"

Zhao Feng shook his head.

However, according to his observations, the true strength of the demon spirit of the regiment should not be weaker than the demigod.

First of all, the power of the demon spirit is strong. Secondly, it may also use a little power. In the end, the demon spirit may also have some supernatural powers in front of the owner.

The combination of various factors, even if the half-destruction of the ruined ruin, may not be its opponent.

But it is also possible that the battle between the two sides will attract other teams.

In short, the variables are too big to predict.

However, to be honest, Zhao Feng is also very eager for the Shenli Light Group.

At this time, Zhao Feng’s realm is high enough to theoretically absorb the power of God.

And that power is not like the power of the evil spirits in the Nangong Holy Spirit, and will not affect Zhao Feng’s heart.

Once Zhao Feng can use some divine power, he is equivalent to an additional card, on the material level, can play the terrorist forces such as Kunyun and Nangongsheng.

And divine power is also very helpful for breaking through the throne in the future.

Just at this time.

Not far from the corpse of God, there was a loud bang.

Zhao Feng and others were immediately alarmed. Everyone could perceive that the explosion center was far away from the place, but the power of the explosion spread here, showing the horrific power of the explosion center.

"Go and see"

Zhao Feng suggested.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng’s left scorpion was filled with a layer of pale gold ripples, and the three began to approach the explosion center.

The smell of a horrible **** is getting heavier and heavier. Everyone is getting closer and closer to the land of the explosion.

"The crystal walls here are destroyed."

Nangong Sheng looked at the side and found a trace of destruction on the crystal wall.

Zhao Feng, through the perspective of Zuo Yu, found that there were some other teams that were approaching in front, apparently attracted by the explosion.

"That is?"

Zhao Feng's vision, penetrated dozens of crystal walls, reached the limit and saw some pictures.

The crystal wall there was destroyed more than half, with a hint of divine power, leaking out from the broken mouth of the crystal wall, so that the square circle formed a forbidden land.

On the edge of the ruined wall, there are two seriously wounded holy kings and several holy masters. The two holy kings are the black poisonous and purple poisonous holy kings encountered by Zhao Feng and others when they first entered the corpse. There is also a different ethnic lord, Zhao Feng also knows, that is to step on the Lord.

It is the same as the Lord of Vientiane who was looking for Zhao Feng’s revenge for the likes of the human race.

And not far from them, there is a broken body of a different kind of Holy Lord, in which the soul has been completely annihilated.

Then, in the center of the explosion, two figures flew out.

"Breaking, this time working with you is really a big loss."

One of them is a majestic, dark-eyed elephant-like old man with a weak breath and an embarrassed look.

"The **** of the gods is so fierce, and the giant crystal of the gods detonates the power of the body. If it is not my destruction, you will die here."

The half **** shattered the golden eyes, bleak and dull.

At first, the strength of the Shenli Crystal Giant showed far more than the scope of the semi-God's disintegration. As a result, the team that was destroyed by the semi-god was chased after a distance, and encountered a semi-god like a human race.

Subsequently, the two major gods joined forces to reverse the battle, and in turn chased the Shenli Crystal Giant.

In the end, the Shenli Crystal Giants knew that they could not escape, detonating the divine power of the body, causing the situation today.

"It took so much effort and I didn't get anything."

The half **** is fierce and angry.

"Great Giant"

Members of the semi-god squad, bowed their faces and respected them. At this time, they dared not to anger the demigod.


The semi-god giant with the team members will leave.

"The half **** is huge, telling you a message, you are like a human being, the Vientiane Lord, was shackled by a human being."

The half **** shouted and said with a smile.

"What? Vientiane that kid"

The half-god was fierce and the brow was locked.

"Which strong is the Terran?"

The half **** asked.

The Vientiane Lord is not tamed with his own way, and his relationship with other members of the family is not good.

However, the Vientiane Lord has the ambiguity of Vientiane and has great growth potential. He will become a semi-god in the future, and he still attaches great importance to it.

"Oh, human saint, Zhao Feng"

The half **** is shattered and laughs, with the meaning of ridicule.

In the two wars, Zhao Feng’s reputation was still very large. When he was the Lord, he used special soldiers to defeat the Vientiane Lord and, after breaking through the Lord, repelled the Vientiane Lord who came to revenge.

This time, the owner of the Vientiane, the owner of the Vientiane, was also slain by Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng? Xuanguang Chucheng?"

The semi-god giant is like a stagnant water. Obviously he has also heard about Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng broke through Xuanguang Xiaocheng before entering the corpse, so most people don't know.

The half-god screamed and left the place with the team members.

At the same time, the demigod also took a few people and quickly left.

The explosion was too horrible. He was seriously injured with the sacred squad. If he encountered a human god, it would be dangerous.

On the other side, Zhao Feng, who observed the situation of the explosion center through the left-hand perspective, looked at the half-god and shook his body and mind.

"Go fast"

Zhao Feng immediately said that he immediately took Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei and immediately went away.

I did not expect to hold on to the Vientiane Lord, but also to spread this kind of thing.

Originally, in the corpse of the gods, Zhao Feng was worried about the nine secluded palace, and now he was stared by an alien god.

Half-god, the strongest of the whole continent's peaks, even if the semi-god is fierce and seriously injured at this time, killing Zhao Feng is still a breeze, just move your fingers.

"The explosion point, there are two alien gods."

Zhao Feng saw Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, and he was somewhat curious about the situation of the explosion center, so he said.

After listening to this, Nangong Sheng and Zhao Yufei, the face changed immediately.

After walking a long distance, Zhao Feng and others slowed down and recovered the energy consumed.

"Zhao Feng, what happened there? There are actually two gods."

At this time, Nangong Sheng asked.

Later, Zhao Feng told the two people about some of the situations he saw.

"The **** of crystal power, detonated the divine power group?"

Nangong Sheng spit a sigh of relief and felt a little pity.

However, there are many opportunities in the corpse of God, and there should be some divine power in other places.

After a few moments of rest, the three started again.


After walking a few miles, the crowd heard the front and heard a fight.

Zhao Feng left a layer of pale gold ripples through the crystal wall in front.

I saw three golden figures, flying from the crystal piles of the ruins, and flew in the direction of Zhao Feng.

"Fast chase, let the Lord of the Emperor's Temple escape, they took away many of the products and precious herbs."

In the crystal pile of the ruins, five alien figures appeared and immediately chased out.

"High Emperor?"

Zhao Feng saw an acquaintance from the figure who fled.

The Emperor of the High Emperor, not the original battlefield, protects the Emperor of the Emperor of the Nine Emperors.


Among the several aliens chased after that, there are two unusually strong breaths.

Among the white faint beams, a woman with a translucent green skin is faintly visible, charming and moving.

Behind her, there is also a middle-aged, tall, golden-haired, middle-aged man with a cumbersome huge axe that exudes heart-wrenching power.

"Run fast, maybe you can meet the human race team"

Among the people who fled with the High Emperor, one man wearing a green armor said.

Although he was the realm of the Holy King, the young man was seriously injured at this time, his right arm was shackled and his face was pale.

"It is a human team"

Another saint, seeing Zhao Feng's figure, looks happy.

But then his face sank immediately.

"Xuanguang Xiaocheng? Three sacred lords?"

The young man with the right arm broken, first saw Zhao Feng, his mood suddenly sinking, and then he felt the breath of the latter two saints and sighed.

There are a total of six people who pursued their aliens, including two holy kings. In the face of such a horrible team, what are the uses of their three ordinary saints?

"Is it Zhao Feng?"

The Emperor of the High Emperor was different from the other two, and his face was happy and immediately called out.

The two saints in his ranks are all high-level members of the Imperial Palace. They are retired all the year round and are not very familiar with the situation on the battlefield.

"Zhao Feng?"

Although the young man did not know the face of Zhao Feng, but when he went out, he also listened to the name of the other saints.

"Zhao Feng, can you help us?"

Gao Huang Shengzhu immediately requested.

For the strength of Zhao Feng and Zhao Yu Fei Nan Gong Sheng, he is naturally clear.

At this time, the strength of the three of them has improved, although he does not expect Zhao Feng and others to help them defeat the aliens behind them.

However, if Zhao Feng’s three people join forces with the High Emperor and other people, and they will retreat, they should be able to withstand the aliens behind them.

The blue armored man and the other Lord, the face was slightly relaxed, showing a hint of joy.

When they carefully observed the three people in front of them, they found that they were indeed different. At the same time, the young man recognized Zhao Yufei, who is pregnant with the blood of the spirit.

"what is the benefit?"

Zhao Feng's face is unchanged, directly said.

"What, you..."

In the ranks, the little lord of the Lord, suddenly did not hit a place.

"Zhao Feng, the same race, the crisis, to resist the aliens, this is what it should be."

The injured king of the green armor, his face slightly sinking.

If he is injured at this time, he can't help, otherwise he will not be so polite with Zhao Feng.

At this time, the latter six interracial strongmen have already chased them.

The two holy kings headed, looked at Zhao Feng and others, and the heavy look directly eased and smiled.

"I thought you found a great helper. It turned out to be only three ordinary Lords."

The alien, green and transparent woman, smiled coldly.

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