King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1088: Fierce competition

"Ghost King, let me help you."

The ghost king who is constantly cutting the crystal wire, suddenly heard this sentence, the whole body trembled.

"It is Zhao Feng"

The ghost king is complex, I don’t know how to be good.

He was very puzzled, just like a tiny crystal wire, he was so devout that he couldn't destroy it. Today, he was discovered by Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, what do you want?"

The ghost of the Holy Ghost was sinking and said directly.

The arrival of Zhao Feng did not attract the attention of other strong people in this area. After all, the area is huge, the artistic conception is heavy, and the strange rules of the righteousness are very disturbing. Moreover, the strongmen who come here at this time have only a total of About ten people.

Some people have already found the opportunities they think, and some are attracted by the battle between the two gods in the sky.

"Of course I want the fruits in front of you."

Zhao Feng tells the truth.


The ghost king said immediately.

Even if he is somewhat jealous of Zhao Feng, but for this yellow fruit, the ghost king can make everything out.

"Don't worry, if it attracts the attention of others, this fruit is estimated to be the object of the demigod."

Zhao Feng smiled.

The ghost king refused to attack the tiny crystal wire immediately. At this moment, even if he cut the crystal wire, the owner of the fruit is not necessarily him.

Unless, when the ghost king gets the fruit, he can kill Zhao Feng in an instant. Otherwise, Zhao Feng will promote the incident and he can't keep the fruit himself.

Similarly, if Zhao Feng gets this fruit, if there is no instant killing of the enemy, the ghost king will also promote the matter, Zhao Feng can not help this fruit.

The ghost king Sheng believes that Zhao Feng also understands this truth.

"What do you want to do?"

Asked the ghost king.

"We can share this fruit"

Although Zhao Feng wants to get the whole fruit, he also understands that this is unlikely.

Even if Zhao Feng sacrifices the sacred arrow and kills the ghost king, then the big movement will attract all the strong people here.

Moreover, the 戮神箭 is Zhao Feng’s biggest life-saving card. Once used, Zhao Feng is afraid to stay in the corpse.


The ghost king is gloomy.

As a holy king, and this fruit was discovered by him first, but now he wants to share this fruit with a sacred lord, which makes him intolerable.

However, this seems to be the only feasible way at the moment.

Otherwise, this fruit, he and Zhao Feng are impossible to get.

Although the ghost king of the earth hates Zhao Feng, he wants to get this fruit. If that half of the fruit can help him touch the gods, it is a breeze to kill Zhao Feng.

"it is good"

In the end, the ghost king agreed to Zhao Feng’s proposal.

It is better to get half of the fruit than anything else.

"I cover you for you, you capture the fruit."

Zhao Feng took the initiative to tell the plan.

If the two together harvest the fruit, it will definitely cause the attention of other strong people here, and then it will be troublesome.

"Okay, that's it"

The ghost king of the sacred glimpse, then laughed.

If Zhao Feng said, let the ghost king holy cover, Zhao Feng to capture the fruit, the ghost king of the king will be somewhat uneasy.

"Then start, there are more and more people coming in here."

Zhao Feng’s eyes were so heavy that he looked at the entrance and two other Lords entered here.

Many of the saints who fainted outside the huge crystals were slowly recovering their consciousness, waking up, and there were other squads that had just passed through here to enter.

Now there are only a dozen people in this space, but it will soon be more and more.

If the fruit is not taken early, and it will be discovered by other powerful people, it will turn into a big chaos.

Zhao Feng slightly opened a certain distance from the ghost king, leaning on the huge vines, began to feel the artistic power exuded in the vines.

Since it is a cover, Zhao Feng naturally wants to cover up the movements of the ghost king.

Zhao Feng's "Wan Nian Shen Yu" exudes countless ideas, blends into this space, and feels the long-distance, heavy and overbearing artistic power.

In an instant, the artistic power of precipitation in the nearby air was stirred by Zhao Feng.

I saw a huge reddish vortex, centered on Zhao Feng, slowly rotating, an invisible artistic force, pouring into Zhao Feng’s soul consciousness.

"A strong artistic conception"

Zhao Feng mentioned the spirit of twelve points and simultaneously operated the "Resurrection of the Soul".

A stranger who is closer to Zhao Feng, sees Zhao Feng’s movements in such a big depth, and looks sneer.

"This kid is really desperate, so crazy to absorb the surrounding artistic power..."

The other saints here are all running the soul of the soul, resisting the influence and invasion of this artistic power, because this artistic power is too large and deep, people can't help but be immersed in the sentiment, forgetting external.

"I see this human being, it is impossible to leave here."

Another saint, who noticed Zhao Feng’s behavior, immediately laughed.

Zhao Feng’s behavior at this time is equivalent to a king. He took the precious materials that have an effect on the Lord. His enormous efficacy is not something that the king of the district can afford.

"I am not afraid of death, but it is also good."

The ghost king also slightly ridiculed Zhao Feng’s behavior.

If Zhao Feng’s consciousness is accidentally caught in this wild mood and completely sleeps, then this fruit is his own.

However, as a party, Zhao Feng naturally knows the horror of this artistic power.

But at the same time, he also quickly realized that a new world of heaven and earth, rules and artistic conception, these forces, quickly condense Zhao Feng's soul will, and part of it, can be integrated into Zhao Feng's holy light, enhance the power of Xuanguang Shengli can.

At some point, Zhao Feng activates the thunderbolt brand in the soul of the thunder, so that the soul remains highly active, which can keep Zhao Feng awake and increase his level of perception.

Of course, at the time of the practice, Zhao Feng can also share some ideas to observe other situations.

Above the sky, the two major gods are fighting for a fruit, and because of this, there are not many strong people who dare to fly to explore treasures.

"The gods are letting go, this fruit is half of you and me, otherwise no one wants to get it."

The aliens and the gods destroy the law and threaten to speak.

Although he is slightly weaker than the semi-god in the strength, he does not seek to defeat the demigod, as long as he can contain and disturb him.

"Half God destroys the law, you still have the opportunity to find other opportunities here, but now you are gone"

The half-god and the turbid eyes of the gods suddenly burst into a strange luster.

The demigods look awkward and they are not right.

Tianshang Palace used to be the ancient hegemon of the Zongmen world in the Dagan Dynasty. Later, the rise of the Taihuang Temple, uniting many forces and establishing a dynasty, made the Tiandeng Palace gradually fall, so that is, the Tianyue Palace is still four. Xingzongmen, the second largest force of the Dagan dynasty, its vast heritage, and the Taihuang Temple have a fight.

At some point, the demigod was like a dead wood-like thin right hand, and a quaint white glove appeared, and the glove was engraved with strange runes.

The moment when this glove appeared, the richness of the heavens and the earth was a shock, and it was close to it.

A smashed white crystal crease marks, wandering in the void, condensing a illusory huge crystal mark hand, exuding the horror of the heavens and earth.

"Second artifact, the mark of the sky"

The gods are destroyed, and the eyes are slightly stunned.

If the demigod has a second artifact, then his own strength must be increased by at least 40% to 50%.

The same as the demigod, the semi-god is not a sub- artifact.

Bringing the mark of the sky, the latter half of the gods withered, the right hand waved, and suddenly the white crystal smudges of the heavens and the earth surged, forming a crystal hurricane, to crush all the postures, and to the semi-god to destroy the law.

At this moment, the Scorpio seems to have been torn apart by a crystal wreck, the terrible power of the horror.

"not good"

The semi-destroy method immediately took out a defensive-level squadron, and at the same time burned a fascinating power and exerted a defensive secret.

"The Heaven and Earth Virtual Ring"

The semi-mysterious method is surrounded by numerous black feathers, forming a black shield...

Some of the saints below, suddenly stand in the same place, watching the battle scenes of the demigod using the artifact.

Some of the Lords who are feeling the power of this space are interrupted by this huge world.

"The power of a complete artifact"

Zhao Feng sighed with a heart.

In the hands of the demigods, the second artifact can exert its full power. The semi-god with the secondary artifacts will definitely rise to a level.

This time, Zhao Feng was considered to be a close-up observation of the battle of the demigod.

However, at this time, watching the harvest of the demigod fight is far less than Zhao Feng’s absorption of the artistic power of the place.

In this state, after a while, Zhao Feng’s soul will has a clear improvement.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng’s consciousness began to be confused, as if he would fall into the vast land, Huangshan, and the violent air composed of the artistic power of the mood...

"The artistic power of this place is too strong"

In exchange for the general lord, if it is like Zhao Feng, a large amount of absorbing and accommodating the artistic power between heaven and earth, has long completely lost consciousness, and it has been silent.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s left-handed cockroach is running, and the amber luster constantly reflects the gorgeous beam, like a beautiful piece of art.

After running the eyes of the gods, Zhao Feng’s mind is clear and clear, and the efficiency of this artistic power is getting bigger and bigger.

The pale gold ripple scattered in the left corner of Zhao Feng can analyze everything and help Zhao Feng to understand the meaning and rules.

Zhao Feng feels that his mind and consciousness seems to be fully integrated into this space, and he can more clearly perceive the power of heaven and earth.

"This kid, a strong willpower..."

Zhao Feng’s sacred king, not far from the ground, was surprised.

Although the attention of most people today is attracted by the battle of the gods in the sky, but the ghost king is so close to Zhao Feng, naturally can detect the state of Zhao Feng at this time.

After using the power of the gods eye, Zhao Feng’s mind was sober, and he again spread his mind and observed the outside world.

Above the sky, the demigod is not the opponent of the semi-god, but it is completely in a passive situation, but the demigod is fully defended, and the demigod has no way to take him for a time.

Subsequently, the demigods let go of the semi-god to destroy the law, using the traces of the artifacts to attack the fruit covered with crystal walls.

The semi-god succumbs and turns to attack. When the semi-god destroys the law, he appropriately resists and puts most of his mind on the fruit.


Soon, the crack in the crystal wall of the red fruit surface expanded a few points.

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