King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1099: Enter all

"Zhao Feng's little brother is really making rapid progress. If he hasn't seen it for a few years, there is such a big improvement."

The reincarnation of the Holy King sat down and seemed to be ready to stay here.

However, in Zhao Feng's view, the reincarnation of the Holy King is just sitting here, in order to reincarnate the strength of the Holy King, it should not come with Zhao Feng.

“Predecessors are here alone, and this strength is amazing.”

Zhao Feng reluctantly and reincarnation of the Holy King.

Reincarnation of the Holy King has helped Zhao Feng many times. It is reasonable to say that in the face of such a strong person, Zhao Feng should be very friendly to him.

But somehow, Zhao Feng always felt that his heart had a conflict with the reincarnation of the Holy King.

"Is it because of the death of the Emperor?"

Zhao Feng thought thoughtfully.

It may be because of the death of the Emperor, Zhao Feng has always been guilty about the reincarnation of the Holy King.

Later, after Zhao Feng chatted with the reincarnation of the Holy King, they each entered the state of cultivation.

Zhao Feng, who runs the "Wan Nian Shen", has a lot of ideas and has a variety of ideas.

The first idea was used to cultivate the "Five Elements of the Thunder", and the ninth layer of the earth's wind thunder has been cultivated into the realm of Dacheng, and it takes some effort to consolidate, so that the advanced stage will be smooth and unimpeded.

The second idea is to absorb the crystal blood materials obtained from the corpse of the gods, and to cultivate the "Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body". This cultivar Zhao Feng has been cultivated to Xiaocheng Peak, and can break through to Dacheng at any time.

In order to cope with the next situation, Zhao Feng will naturally promote the sixth layer of Sheng Lei body to the realm of Dacheng.

Zhao Feng has all the resources needed for these two exercises. Whether it is in the dreams of the ancient times or in the corpse, Zhao Feng can also copy what he needs most through the left.

Only at this time, Zhao Feng did not dare to consume the vitality and willpower to copy things, he needs to ensure that he is always in the best condition.

Zhao Feng’s remaining thoughts all entered the left-handed space.

The third idea is to absorb the power of thunder in the head of God.

The number of thunderbolts in the thunder body is getting more and more difficult to get to the back.

Therefore, Zhao Feng started from the other side and began to strengthen every brand of thunder and robbery in the body of the thunder, so that the original thunderbolt brand can store more power of thunder and robbery, and exert greater power.

And the strength of the thunderbolt, ‘the thunder of blame, the power of nature will naturally be stronger.

The fourth idea, Zhao Feng is used to understand the battle between the gods and the gods.

In the darkness of the dream, the surrounding images changed again and changed into the original battle scene, just like Zhao Feng really returned to the past.

Zhao Feng is fully absorbed and integrated into the video playback of the left-handed space.

The more I understand, the more I find out that there are more skills that can be tapped, and learning never ends.

Of course, Zhao Feng still has a lot of small ideas, doing other things, such as enlightenment, deducting the third layer of "Division of the Soul", but also observing the external situation, etc.

In the entire crystal space, all the strong players are almost in the semi-cultivation state. At this last moment, improve their own strengths in order to seek greater benefits.

At the end of the crystal space, the platinum light curtain is getting dimmer.

"The power of the whole corpse is weakening, and even such powerful power in this light curtain is disappearing. Where have these forces gone?"

"It may be to maintain the inheritance in the skull, need energy."

"The power in the light curtain has weakened a few more points. If we go on, we can enter it in a few days."

The strong in the semi-cultivation state is constantly observing the outside world.

Two days later, part of Zhao Feng’s idea left the left-hand space.

In the open world, in front of Zhao Feng, there are three fruits wrapped in the crystal wall of the gods. A small hole is dug by the little thief on the crystal wall.

Three fruits, floating around Zhao Feng, a wild and heavy artistic conception, suddenly emerged from the small hole.

"There are three kinds of meanings, artistic conception of earth, thunder and gold."

Although Zhao Feng’s "Five Elements Wind Thunder" has not yet been cultivated to the Golden Wind, it does not mean that Zhao Feng can not understand the true meaning of gold.

If Zhao Feng’s understanding of the metal nature is now reached, to a certain extent, it will be smoother and smoother when the gold is refined.

The three invisible artistic forces, like a giant mountain that blocks everything, suppresses the soul of Zhao Feng, and the power of a powerful artistic conception invades the soul.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness seems to come to a wild world composed of three attributes: earth, thunder and gold.

The ground is thick and dark yellow dust, the air is filled with countless golden light, shuttle back and forth, the sky is a thunder.

In order to increase the level of perception of the mood, Zhao Feng opened the eyes of the gods.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s mind was sober, his reaction speed and ability to think were rapidly improved, and the efficiency of his understanding of these three moods continued to increase.

But as more and more artistic forces invade the soul of Zhao Feng, even if Zhao Feng opens the eyes of the gods, he will not be able to remain awake.

"This is the limit."

Zhao Feng suddenly opened his eyes and moved the three fruits to the side and sealed them up.

"The soul will far exceed the great master, and then use these fruits to realize some time, the soul will reach the level of the Holy King."

Zhao Feng is very happy.

The rapid increase of his soul will not only be the opportunity of this time, the artistic power in the vine fruit, but also the ambition of Zhao Feng himself in the soul talent.

"The power in the light curtain of Shenli has weakened by more than 60% compared to the original."

Zhao Feng left the slap at the end of the Platinum Divine Light Curtain and immediately calculated it.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng looked at several other people.

Nangong Sheng got a black fruit, and his soul will gradually catch up with his own realm, and the breath of his body is even more evil.

On the other hand, Zhao Yufei just sits here, and can directly absorb the vitality and the breath of the heavens and the earth. The breath of the mysterious light in her body is also growing stronger.

"The loss of divine power in the platinum curtain is getting faster."

Kun Yun suddenly said.

Zhao Feng looks at Kunyun, Kunyun should be robbed of something that is very unacceptable from the semi-god giant, otherwise the semi-god will not chase after Kunyun.

At this time, Zhao Feng discovered that Kun Yun’s body contained a powerful and special Lei Li.

This feeling was not there before, and Zhao Feng first noticed it.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng turned his eyes to the platinum curtain.

"It has indeed accelerated."

Zhao Feng’s tone is positive, and there is some expectation and excitement in my heart.

Gradually, more and more strong people can't help but leave the state of cultivation.

"I can go in and find out right away."

"There must be a treasured treasure in it, and there may even be artifacts in myths and legends."

"There may be a secret method of proving a higher god."

At this point, all the strong players almost ended the state of cultivation, staring at the platinum curtain.

Especially the demigod, can clearly perceive how much power is still present in the light curtain.

At a certain moment, the light curtain was extremely dim, and in front of everyone was a dimly distorted water ripple light curtain.


On the right side of the cliff, in the crystal cave where the Taihuang Temple is stationed, the Emperor's Temple and the Emperor of the Dragon King lead the rest of the strong and fly directly.

On the other side, Yudu teaches the semi-divine dragon to fly out, and his eyes are fixed on the half-god dragon, with a sulky smile.

The two great dynasties, the half gods were dispatched together, and the earth-shattering horror deterrence made the other saints and holy kings in the rear stand still in the same place and did not dare to leave.

"Zhao Feng little brother, all the way to be careful"

Reincarnation of the holy king said with a smile, then went directly.

"Predecessors are also"

Zhao Feng has a set of words.

When all the demigods entered the dimly distorted water ripples, the rest of the Holy King and the Lord also set off directly.

Zhao Feng and others are not very close, not too backward.

"Everyone is careful"

Into the dimly twisted light curtain, Zhao Feng reminded.

The foreground of the eye slowly returns to normal after a twist of rotation.

"this is?"

Zhao Feng looked at everything in front of him and looked shocked.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is standing on a light path composed of divine power, and there are many such light paths in the entire dark space around him.

At a certain moment, not far from Zhao Feng, the figure of the Lord of the Devil appeared. Then, under his feet, a light path was condensed to the center of the rotating ball of light.

"Zhao Feng"

The Lord of the Magic Yuan saw Zhao Feng, and he was unwilling and angry immediately ignited.

However, Zhao Feng is a shocked look of God who does not keep his house, completely ignoring the Lord of the Devil.

“How is it possible? One road per person?”

Zhao Feng is still in shock.

Before entering here, Zhao Feng’s eyes penetrated into the world.

At that time, Zhao Feng saw a light path.

That is to say, before the strong men of the two great dynasties have come here, someone has entered here.

There is no one in the light path, Zhao Feng does not know, the person who came here entered the light ball in front, or died.

"How is this possible? The platinum outside has no light curtain, but it is made up of powerful power. Even ordinary gods can't be hard."

Zhao Feng guessed for a while that the heart could not be calmed for a long time.

"Don't care about this first"

Zhao Feng got rid of this doubt.

Since everyone has a route, then Zhao Feng does not have to worry about encountering enemy obstacles, chasing and killing, and don't worry about Zhao Yufei or Nangong Sheng.

“Hey? No one on this road of divine power?”

Zhao Yufei was amazed and looked at the light path below her.

In the outer wall space, almost all the strong people entered the dim light curtain.

Suddenly, in the huge passage, a black man covered with black dragon scales rushed.

"Is there no problem in entering it?"

Asked about the ignorance of the black dragon.

After all, he saw with his own eyes that all the strong men of the two dynasties entered, so there was some concern about the death of the black dragon.

"no problem"

In the ruined source space of the black dragon, a white woman said faintly.

In front of her, there are many colorful light curtains, and different scenes are played in the light curtains.

"it is good"

There was a hint of excitement and cruelty in the eyes of the dead black dragon, and it rushed directly into the dim light curtain.

In the next moment, in the dark world where the two great dynasty strong gathered, the black dragon appeared, and at his feet, a light path was extended.

"Destroy the Black Dragon"

On the side of the black dragon, a stranger of the alien race looked shocked.

"Hey, you actually followed."

Further afield, a stranger and a half god, snorted.

"I didn't expect Black Dragon to remain hidden in the dark."

On the right side, the heavenly palace is half-dead and the face is dull.

The extinction of the black dragon is not the realm of the Holy King at this time, but it can pass through the eyes of the two dynasties and demigods.

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