King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1124: Straight to the nine palaces

"Master, the nine secluded palaces in the recent period, and many powerful forces in the dynasty, and even the eight major families, in addition, the Taihuang Temple seems to have some action..."

Bi Qingyue solemnly said.

In Bi Qingyue's view, the situation at this time is already very critical. If the master does not act, it is difficult to resist the next danger.

"Got it"

Zhao Feng said indifferently, and then continued to retreat.

“In the near period, the cultivation speed of “Five Elements Wind Thunder” has improved”

Zhao Feng said with joy.

All of this is naturally because the practice of Zhao Wan’s cultivation is also the “Five Elements of the Wind and Thunder”. The insights and experiences of Zhao Wan’s cultivation will naturally enter the consciousness of Zhao Feng.

However, Zhao Wan’s practice at this time is still very low, and the effect on Zhao Feng is not great.

However, Zhao Wan can also get the training experience of "Five Elements Wind Thunder" directly from Zhao Feng, and with his inexhaustible resources, his cultivation speed is very fast.

Waiting for the day, the two people's progress will reach the same level, and the sentiments and experiences gained from the two cultivations can promote each other. In other words, Zhao Feng has almost twice the speed of cultivation.

In addition, although the first avatar, Zhao, died, it was a ghost road that could not promote the cultivation speed of Zhao Feng. However, the cultivation of Zhao’s ghost road can also become Zhao Feng’s experience and increase Zhao Feng’s knowledge.

At this point, Zhao Feng finally felt the power of "Division of the Soul".

Subsequently, Zhao Feng used a lot of ideas and participated in many aspects.

Nowadays, he cultivates the "Five Elements of the Thunder", which can improve Zhao Wan's cultivation speed.

On the other hand, Zhao Feng has already thought of how to use the power of the seal in his right index finger.

This drop of blood seal has also been in Zhao Feng's index finger for some time. The power of this drop of blood was partly used by Zhao Feng, and the other part invisibly nourished Zhao Feng's life.

Zhao Feng inadvertently discovered that the little power of the blood of God did not know when it was merged with the meat of his index finger.

"If I completely melt the power of this blood into this finger, I don't know what effect it will have."

Zhao Feng is excited.

Now Zhao Feng's cultivation resources are very abundant. If he can turn this blood into a powerful attacking means, why not do it.

With the idea, Zhao Feng began to implement.

Zhao Feng first unlocked a very small part of the seal of the Ice Emperor, releasing a trace of blood.

At the same time, Zhao Feng controls the flesh and blood in his fingers, and screams the power of absorbing the blood of God.

The whole process, although it took a lot of time, but the last good is successful.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng repeated this twice.

"This is already the limit that my life level can withstand."

Zhao Feng finally stopped.

If you force the index finger to absorb the power of the blood, I am afraid that the powerful blood and vitality will directly vent.

At this time, Zhao Feng's fingers are completely different from other parts of the body.

In front of Zhao Feng, there is an ordinary Tianjie defense armor.

call out

Zhao Feng runs the power of his fingers and slams it.


Zhao Feng's fingers directly penetrated the defense of this armor, and then numerous cracks of spiders spread around.


The defensive armor is turned into a myriad of pieces.

"There is such a power"

Zhao Feng was surprised.

The power of the index finger after the fusion of the power of the gods is far beyond the imagination of Zhao Feng.

At this stage, Zhao Feng's index finger combines one-tenth of the energy of God's blood.

In the future, with the improvement of Zhao Feng's life level, the fusion of fingers and blood is higher, and Zhao Feng can integrate more blood into the index finger.

Zhao Feng is very much looking forward to what kind of power will be when this drop of blood is fully integrated into this index finger.

"If you practice a **** technique, the power should be stronger."

Subsequently, Zhao Feng searched for **** and fighting skills in the memory and the lord of the battle hall to select the most suitable for himself.

""Wind and Thunder"

In the end, Zhao Feng chose this **** technique.

"Wind and Thunder" refers to a wide range of **** moves, but also a bit of fatal fingering, which fully meets Zhao Feng's requirements.

Taking Zhao Feng's wind and thunder, he spent dozens of days of hard work, and he was completely skilled in "Wind and Thunder" and practiced on the fifth floor.

In the fascinating world, Zhao Feng refrained from the real power of the index finger and continued to practice "Wind and Thunder".

I saw that countless wind and thunder fingers, big or small, filled the world around Zhao Feng.

At a certain moment, the force of the wind and thunder that surged around Zhao Feng suddenly burst into a dark golden glow.

"The ninth floor of "Five Winds and Thunder" arrived at the peak of Dacheng."

Zhao Feng was overjoyed and looked at Zhao Wan in the distance.

When time is tight, when Zhao Feng exercises his combat skills, it is difficult to participate in other exercises. Therefore, he will let Zhao Wan fully cultivate the "Five Elements of the Thunder".

In a month's time, Zhao Feng only operated the wind and thunder force to practice fingering, but broke through a small bottleneck. This credit is naturally Zhao Wan's.

"It's time to act"

On this day, Zhao Feng left the retreat in a quiet manner.


In the dark night, four figures gathered to dominate a place in the back of the temple.

"Zhao Feng, let's go."

Nangong Sheng had no time to wait, and his face was bloodthirsty.

"Zhao Feng, are you sure?"

After Kun Yun learned about this mission, he still hesitated.

"Is it scared now?"

Zhao Feng said with a mockery.

"Who am I worried about Kunyun?"

Kunyun immediately stood up.

Everyone disappeared in a layer of empty silver shadow.

Deep in the mainland, among the nine mountains.

Within a secret temple, there are many powerful people from the Dagan dynasty.

Everyone of these strong people is at least a Samsung force behind them, and there are some Samsung super forces and Zongmen.

"In recent days, the power of the lord temple has developed extremely rapidly, and many strong people have emerged."

"If it wasn't for the elders, Zhao Feng was just a great lord, to dominate the size of the temple, I am afraid that it has already counted the first force under the peak of Samsung."

"However, the most important thing is that Zhao Feng may have a secret method that can unite the strength of the descendants of the Eight Great Gods."

Many high-level forces express their own ideas.

They showed a strong interest in the fat of the main hall.

"According to the intelligence estimates of the Jiugui Palace, the resources owned by the Dominion Hall are at least comparable to an old Samsung Super Bulk."

Said a holy king of the nine secluded palace.

The demon teaching is the same as Samsung's super-large, but it is not old, so it can be seen that the rich resources of the owner of the temple.

"The old man is very convinced of the words of the evil king."

Next, the elders of the black cult immediately said.

At the forefront of the temple, there is a dark shadow.

"This will be a great opportunity for us to rise."

The semi-divine secluded sea said solemnly.

"Black cult, fully help the nine secluded palace"

“Jiang’s family also participated in this operation.”

"The demon teaching and the nine secluded palaces stand on the same line"

Many powerful forces present at the scene showed attitude.

Take the Jiugui Palace as the head, plus dozens of Samsung Zongmen in the room, can't you still deal with a newly raised master's house?

"Okay, after the event, the Nine Palace will not treat you badly."

Half-hearted sea haha ​​smiled.

The contradiction between the Jiugui Palace and the Dominion Hall cannot be resolved, and the strength that Zhao Feng has shown so far makes the Half God and the Sea are not sure.

Therefore, he spent a huge price and pulled many forces to help.

"You wait a moment, the people of the Imperial Palace will soon arrive."

The semi-divine sea continues to say.

The forces present were silent.

The action of Jiuguigong is undoubtedly a war that provoked the two peak forces in the dynasty. There may be several hundred sects of the size of the sect.

Under normal circumstances, the Taihuang Temple should prevent this from happening.

But the Taihuang Temple is extremely eager for the secret law of Zhao Feng’s hands.

Therefore, the Taihuang Temple acquiesced in the occurrence of this situation, but the request is that after the nine secluded palaces destroyed the master temple, if they got the secret law in the hands of Zhao Feng, they must be handed over to the Taihuang Temple.

At this time, the periphery of the Jiuyi Palace was shaking, and a terrible world of heaven and earth was under pressure and came directly.

Everything is isolated in the secret hall, so the power of presence can only detect very subtle anomalies.

"Tai Huang Hall is coming?"

A holy master said in amazement.

In the presence of nine members of the palace, the face is cloudy and uncertain.


An elder of the Nine Palace, the enchantment of the secret hall.


The sound of the devastating sound and the will of the horror were instantly introduced into the temple.

"Semi-god to the sea, come out to die"

A deafening anger came out.

"How is it possible? The person who dominated the temple has already been killed?"

The elders who were present at the scene were shocked.

"Impossible, the nine secluded spies fully monitor the main hall, they kill, we will definitely get the news the first time."

The evil king holy face is slightly dark.


The semi-divine secluded sea and all the members of the nine secluded palaces rushed out the first time.


At this time, the nine secluded palaces have been destroyed, and countless magical disciples are buried in the ruins.

"Well, a few of you, take the initiative to die, and you will not let me go out."

The half-god secluded sea is full of anger and looks straight to the four people in front of you.

The **** of the half **** did not expect that it would be the main ruler to attack, and only a few people came over.

At this time, in the temple, many elders of other forces rushed out.

"Everyone, now I will help the nine secluded palaces and kill these arrogant people."

The nine secluded palace evil kings screamed.

"There are four people in the district, and dare to kill them directly."

A saint of the magical power can not help but ridicule.

"Everyone went together and killed the four people directly. The master temple was completely finished."

The presence of many forces is both a shock and a joy.

In their view, to dominate the power of the temple, it is impossible to resist the forces of the scene to join forces.

Nowadays, the high-ranking princes directly rushed to death, which is exactly what they want.

"How could this be? This Zhao Feng..."

The demon teaches the devil's face to be deep and deep.

As far as he knows, the second sacred arrow in the hands of Zhao Feng has been used.

In the end, what Zhao Feng had to rely on, actually dared to directly kill the Jiugui Palace base camp.

"Does he really get the secret law in the hands of the reincarnation of the Holy King?"

The ghost of the Holy Ghost whispered, and then denied this idea.

If Zhao Feng really has more than three descendants of the gods, and masters this secret law, it is entirely possible to directly overthrow the Imperial Palace and unify.


All the strongmen in the secret hall rushed out.

"I didn't expect that there are so many forces colluding with the Nine Palaces, just in time."

Zhao Feng floated in the air and said with a look at the sentient beings.

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