King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1127: No more than nine palaces

"The half **** is in the sea, I didn't expect you to collude with the aliens."

Zhao Feng looked shocked, and the appearance of the alien half-god was something he had never expected.

"Oh, for the final victory, any means must be used"

Seeing Zhao Feng’s gaze on the other side of the sea, he was attracted by the other side, sneered and quickly retreated.

"Want to run"

Zhao Feng looked cold and grim, staring at the half-god, and the cold and invisible killing filled the void.


Behind Zhao Feng, suddenly a layer of purple fog was unfolding, sweeping into the surrounding area, and wrapping the half **** in the sea.


The half **** is a little secluded.

At this time, Zhao Feng was still so calm, regardless of Zhao Yufei, directly shot him?

But when his gaze swept to the side of the evil king, the half **** was completely stunned.

I saw, on the side of the evil king of the Holy King, there is an amber gold heavenly scorpion, as if inlaid in the heavens and the earth, flooding the mysterious deep golden awns, indifference overlooking the bottom.

The evil king of the king who is preparing to shoot, feels an unprecedented pressure on the whole body, and the soul trembles for no reason.

The evil spirits of the Holy Spirit were swept away, and then looked at the shackles of the sky.

"What happened? This is..."

The evil king's body and mind trembled and stood still, and the soul will be completely suppressed.

The alien semi-god in the evil king's body is only to lend his own strength to the evil king, and the main controller of this body is still the evil king.

The soul of the evil king of heaven is completely suppressed under the overlook of Zhao Feng’s cross, and even the thought of rebellion is hard to arise.

"Yu Fei, go away"

Zhao Feng has won a chance for Zhao Yufei.

At this time, Zhao Yufei stood in the same place and did not react at all.

"Oh, useless idiots"

In the small world of the evil king, the aliens and gods screamed and released a strong soul will.


A strong soul that belongs to the demigod suddenly spreads out.

Alien and half gods, completely suppressing the soul of the evil king, temporarily control this body.


The dark black spears in the sky were suddenly controlled by him.

"Go to death, the blood of the spiritual family"

In the body of the evil king, there is another cold and sullen voice.

It is at this time.

That overlooking the sacred sacred king of the evil kings, uttering a strong willpower, the heaven and earth interface are faint.

In the meditation of the golden sky, a purple vortex that is bottomless is instantly extended, as if it is a magical maze that never ends.

At the time of the shackles, a taboo force that was imprisoned and withdrawn from the soul was shrouded in the body of the evil king.

That taboo force, like the power of dominance, cannot be violated and cannot be contained.

Prepare the hands of the alien and half-god souls, directly to this taboo force to imprison, can not move.

"How is it possible? This kid's tricks..."

The alien half-god in the body of the evil king, the face is horrified, and the heart is shuddering.

You must know that the sky is in the sky, but at the same time, the souls of two people are forbidden.

How can I get it?

What he didn't know was that Zhao Feng used his skills to cross the sky and his power was stronger.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is in the projection power of the small world of the fantasy city, and the soul martial arts have gained the growth of the small world of the magic city, which can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful.

At this time, Zhao Feng did not use the gods to stare at the souls of the two, but only completely banned their souls, so the power of imprisonment is stronger.

Around the nine mountains, the other members of the Jiugui Palace and the powerful forces present in the scene, the heart was shocked and witnessed this scene with horror.

At this time, they naturally understand that in the body of the evil king, it seems that there is a half-god strong.

But what they can't imagine is that Zhao Feng has one's own strength and at the same time restrains the two gods.

In Zhao Feng’s fantasy city, the world’s projection power, the weak half-secret sea, imprisoned, the soul will be continually confused by a powerful illusion. Coupled with the thief cat and the cloud silkworm butterfly, the semi-divine sea can not break through the magical power of this small world.

A hundred thousand miles away, the unknown half-god strong in the evil king's body was imprisoned by Zhao Feng with some kind of sorrowful eyes.

At this moment, all the strong players on the scene could not calm the stormy waves in their hearts, and stared at Zhao Feng with their eyes.

"Oh, how can it be?"

In the body of the evil king, the soul of the alien and half-god is struggling, but it cannot escape the power of this imprisonment.

And at this time, another change occurred.

In front of the evil king, Zhao Yufei's body suddenly exudes a strong power fluctuation.


In the forehead of Zhao Yufei, a diamond-shaped crystal is faintly visible.

This diamond-shaped crystal was obtained by Zhao Yufei in the skull of the corpse. She has never known how to use the power of this diamond-shaped crystal.

But just now, at the time of the crisis of life and death, this diamond-shaped crystal was connected with the blood of Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Yufei suddenly burst into the golden glow of the world.

Tens of thousands of miles away, all the heavens and the earth are shaking, and they quickly gather to Zhao Yufei, as if they are worshipping a god.

Such a vision of heaven and earth, once again shocked everyone present.

"Murray, her spiritual blood, further awakened"

The alien and half-god in the body of the evil king, far from Zhao Feng, feels the amazing blood and vitality of Zhao Yufei, and his heart is shocked.


Zhao Yufei opened his eyes, a horrible power of power, and crushed the evil king in front of him.


Zhao Yufei Yu’s hand waved, and an invisible force struck the evil king.


The sacred light of the evil king's body, directly stopped running, and completely solidified.

Subsequently, the entire body of the evil king of the heavens was frozen in the solidification of the vitality.

"Yugei's blood power has further returned to the ancestors..."

Zhao Feng feels this amazing ancient blood, and his heart is delighted.

Just now, he also observed the strangeness of Zhao Yufei after careful observation. Therefore, Zhao Feng was able to fully imprison the souls of the two, lest they extract a willpower and affect Zhao Yufei.


A body of evil spirits, sealed by a layer of crystallization, suddenly took a figure.

call out

The dark gray figure turned into a dark light, instantly penetrated thousands of miles away and disappeared into the sky.

"That is, alien half god"

Near the Jiugui Palace, members of other Samsung forces were shocked.

"The nine secluded palaces actually collude with aliens"

The ghost king is very heavy.

If this alien is not exposed, but because of the existence of Zhao Feng, this alien is completely exposed, and this time, the nine secluded palace is finished.

"Oh, half gods, today, the nine secluded palace will be removed from the Dagan dynasty"

After the crisis in Yufei was lifted, Zhao Feng looked at the half-god in the purple maze, and snorted.

The half **** is in the sea, and the body and mind are shaking.

When Zhao Feng displayed the shackles of the heavens, the semi-divine secluded sea realized that the situation was not good. Now that this alien and half-god is completely exposed, the nine secluded palace is difficult to get rid of.

If the situation is good, Jiu Yougong will completely kill Zhao Feng, but you can blame everything on the evil king, and then hand over the secret law of Zhao Feng to the Taihuang Temple, perhaps to escape this robbery.

At this time, the Jiugian Palace has gone, and those who discovered the nine secluded palaces colluded with the aliens did not dare to assist the Jiugui Palace.

Jiugui Palace, has been completely finished

"Then die together... Zhao Feng"

The semi-divine secluded sea is inexplicable, and both eyes stare at Zhao Feng with infinite resentment.

A deadly crisis of destruction emanates from the body of the demigod.

"Not good, the distance is too close"

Zhao Feng faintly realized that it was not good.

With his distance from the semi-divine sea, I am afraid I can't escape the self-destructive power of the semi-divine sea.

In the hands of Zhao Feng, a black triangular iron block appeared, and the mysterious fine lines of Qingze on it suddenly shimmered with luster.

All the power in the semi-divine secluded sea suddenly exploded.

Between heaven and earth, the horrible destruction of energy swept through, and the entire nine secluded palace was completely annihilated under the self-destruction of the semi-divine sea.

Not far away, some members of the Jiugui Palace and many other high-level forces of the Samsung forces, too late to dodge, was killed by this self-destructive force.

"There are nine gods and half gods, but in the end it is this end."

"To blame can only blame her for collusion with aliens."

Other Samsung forces present at the scene immediately contacted the Jiugui Palace.

"But it's a pity that Zhao Feng is so close to the half-god sea, it is impossible to escape the self-destruction of the demigod..."

A senior of the Samsung forces said with a sigh.

But the next moment, the elder was directly stunned, and his face turned white and looked at the center of the explosion in horror.

The smoke and dust scattered, the explosion center, Zhao Feng floating, but the whole body did not hurt.

"How is this possible? He is safe and sound."

"That is the demigration of the gods..."

Many members, including Kun Yun, Nan Gong Sheng and others, are unbelievable, staring at Zhao Feng like watching monsters.

Zhao Feng looks indifferent. If there is no artifact, the ancient **** seal, if he withdraws with all his strength, he will suffer some influence.

"Since then, the Dagan Dynasty, there are no nine palaces."

Zhao Feng floated in the air, like a master, empty and clear voice, spread all over the world.

Everyone who survived the scene, shaking his heart, staring at Zhao Feng, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

"The people of the Nine Palace, if not returning, kill innocent"

Later, Zhao Feng overlooked the bottom, and Ling Xiao’s eyes swept over all the people in front.


Some of the surviving members of the Nine Palaces were present and fell to the ground.

Nangong Sheng, Kun Yun, and Zhao Yufei looked at Zhao Feng and showed a smile.

Other Samsung forces were present, standing in the same place, as if Zhao Feng did not speak, they would not dare to take any action.

At this time, the distant horizon crossed a few golden lights.

At the forefront of the group, Yu Ling Sheng Wang’s eyes condensed, and the spirit swept through the nine mountains.

They are here today to attend a secret meeting held in the semi-divine sea.

Seeing the situation at hand, the Dominion Hall seems to be fighting the Nine Palace.

At the moment, there are only a small part left in the nine secluded palace members, and the nine secluded palaces are half-sacred, and there is no trace.

Yu Ling Sheng Wang’s mind was so fierce that the nine secluded palace was defeated to the master temple. How can this be?

The nine secluded palaces are also the top-level forces of the Dagan dynasty. The foundation is profound, even if it is not the opponent of the lord, it is impossible to lose so quickly. In addition, there are many Samsung forces and Zongmen's strongmen who are united with the Nine Palace.

However, since the Jiuyi Palace has failed, the agreement between the Taihuang Temple and the Jiuyi Palace has no effect.

"Zhao Feng, you dare to openly attack the Nine Palace"

Yuling Shengwang looked at Zhao Feng and asked coldly.

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