King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1137: Spiritual god

"The Emperor Hall wants you to turn in secrets,"

The demigod of Taishen is majestic and has a face of righteousness.

This is the real purpose of the trip to the Imperial Palace. The rest of the words can basically be ignored.

Reincarnation of the secret law of the Holy King, power can be too horrible, even the original strong God, can not resist.

And Zhao Feng’s servant, who has the omnipotence of the Vientiane, also has a one-eyed death descendant in the power of the lord.

As long as Zhao Feng finds a descendant of a god, he can thoroughly exert this secret, the power of the whole dynasty and even the mainland is not a problem.

With such a big threat, how can the Imperial Palace be left alone.

Although there is no descendant of the gods in the power of the Taihuang Temple, if you get this secret method, you may be able to study the method of cracking. Even the Imperial Palace can find descendants of the gods from the vast territory of the dynasty.

In short, the Taihuang Temple came here for the sake of its own interests, in order to maintain the absolute hegemony of the Taihuang Temple in the mainland.

Today, there are only two descendants of the gods in the main hall, and it is impossible to display the secret law of the reincarnation.

Moreover, to dominate the overall strength of the temple, even if it is another thousand years and 10,000 years, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Taihuang Temple.

Therefore, everyone in the Taihuang Temple believes that the Dominion Hall will be handed over very interestingly.

"Sorry, when the reincarnation of the Holy King blew himself and died, including the storage space, it was gone."

Zhao Feng directly replied, and the fact is true.

Four people in the Imperial Palace, the face changed, and there was a cold feeling in the eyebrows.

Even the half-god dragon emperor is looking at Zhao Feng with a deep face, and there is hidden displeasure.

He personally descended to the main hall, Zhao Feng did not give face, not willing to hand over the secret law.

"Zhao Feng, this secret method, the precious, the Taihuang Temple also knows that we naturally will not take other things that dominate the temple without any reason. In this regard, the Taihuang Temple will give corresponding resources to remunerate. In the future, the main hall will be in the mainland dynasty. Will get the biggest shelter of the Taihuang Temple..."

Next to the two gods, the holy king wearing a robes smiled and the voice was slowly moving.

The Taihuang Temple is obviously prepared, and the demigod Tai Chi and this beautiful woman are both hard and soft.

"The younger generation did not get the secret of the reincarnation of the Holy King,"

Zhao Feng sighed and continued to explain.

Four people in the Imperial Palace, the face was once again sinking.

Even the semi-god dragon emperor and the phoenix sacred king guessed whether Zhao Feng had already had three descendants of the gods. Otherwise, how could he not give the face of the emperor?

"Hey, Zhao Feng, you are hiding this secret law, is it because you want to be bad for the Dagan dynasty?"

At this time, the demigod Tai Chi looked angry.

The last time the demigod Tai Chi asked Zhao Feng to ask for the blood of the corpse was rejected. Now Zhao Feng dares to reject the demigod, including the entire Taihuang Temple.

The half-god tai chi sneer, looking at Zhao Feng is like looking at a corpse.

"Zhao has already said that without this secret law, the demigod is too filthy, what is this?"

Zhao Feng’s face was condensed and his tone changed slightly.

Zhao Feng found that the weaker his performance, the more the opponent is.

"Is it filthy, let the seat personally check it to know"

The demigod of Taishen’s mouth rises and smacks a smirk.

The semi-God Taiji said that it is natural to search for the soul of Zhao Feng.

The side of the demigod dragon, closed but not spoken, is clearly the default semi-god Tai Chi behavior.

"Check? What qualifications do you have to check my master's palace?"

Zhao Feng’s words are cold, almost a word

At this time, the main hall is not the opponent of the Taihuang Temple. However, only four people came to the Taihuang Temple. The main hall is not afraid of this level.


The demigod Tai Chi looks awkward, then anger, an invisible half-god will, into every inch of the void.

This time, the demigod Tai Chi is almost targeted, exerting pressure on Zhao Feng, without mercy.

If you change to the general Xuanguang Dacheng, under the will of the semi-god's Weili, I am afraid that even if I can't hold it for a while, I will be completely killed.


Zhao Feng snorted, and the surface of his skin suddenly smashed its numerous tiny sparkling white gold lightning.


When the semi-God Taiji's Wei Liyi came to Zhao Feng's body, he was smashed by the smell of thunder and lightning.

In the void, Zhao Feng wandered around a layer of faint lightning fine lines, and the will of the semi-God Taiji could not get close to Zhao Feng's body, let alone the impact.

Four people in the Imperial Palace, the look is slightly moving, slightly surprised.

For the power of the thunder, everyone in the room is no stranger, that is the breath of the power of thunder.

At the same time, the master of the temple, there are two other strong atmosphere.

Nangong Sheng and Kunyun were summoned by Zhao Feng and appeared directly in this secret hall.

At this time, Nangong Sheng, a long-haired purple blood, long-haired face, cold and cruel, revealing a heart-rending bloodthirsty.

Kunyun is not a general generation. At this time, although he is only the realm of the Holy King, the general demigod may not be his opponent.

"If there is no more thing, Dragon King predecessors, please come back."

Zhao Feng stood up straight and said resolutely.

This time, there is no way to offend the Imperial Palace.

But this is not to be the disaster of the main hall.

At this time, the main hall is not the original small force, but the first superpower under the two big four-star forces.

On the side of Kunyun, his heart was tight, and he did not expect that Zhao Feng actually had such a degree with the Taihuang Temple.

However, thinking of Zhao Feng's possession of resources, he can easily win over other forces in the dynasty, and he is relieved.

Four people in the Imperial Palace, the face is gloomy.

A newly risen master's house, dare to dare to stand for four thousand years in the mainland dynasty.

If you are not worried about the Youyue Dynasty, the Taihuang Temple may have taken a tough approach to the Master.

"Zhao Feng, the ruler of the entire Dagan dynasty, is the Imperial Palace."

At this time, the semi-god dragon emperor quietly, the invisible momentum, surging the world.

As the most powerful force of the Dagan dynasty, how can the Imperial Palace cover the momentum of the Imperial Palace?

In addition, even if Zhao Feng has such a helper as Nangong Sheng and Kunyun, the demigod dragon has not put it in his eyes because he is the strongest demigod of the Dagan Dynasty.

At this time, the demigod dragon showed more obvious anger.

In the hall, the extreme is suppressed, as if the air is completely solidified.

Heaven and earth, the invisible Wei Li and the luck of the dragon, climbing wildly.

And it is at this time.


Heaven and earth, a sudden shock

A horrible energy storm suddenly emerged.

Tens of thousands of miles, all the strength of the heavens and the earth, all attracted.

This huge vision of the heavens and the earth makes the Zhao Feng, Kun Yun, and the demigods of the Emperor and the Emperor in the dense hall look down.


Suddenly, the void was directly torn apart, forming a hollow black hole with no bottom.


A horrific space energy storm blew out from the gaps in the space next to the black hole.

“Let all personnel evacuate”

Zhao Feng immediately sent an order to Bi Qingyue.

Fortunately, this space black hole is in a very distant sky, otherwise the main hall below, I am afraid it has been destroyed.

"this is……"

At this time, the demigod dragon is a heavy face.

"Yu Fei"

Zhao Feng looked at Zhao Yufei's retreat.

When Zhao Feng’s consciousness was disturbed, Zhao Yufei was still unaware and had no reaction.


Zhao Feng and the Taihuang Temple and others, temporarily retired tens of thousands of miles.

Even so, they still feel that the whole body strength and blood are suppressed by infinity, and even breathing is difficult.


Suddenly, a heart-warming taboo of divine power suddenly came.


Among the black holes in the space, two figures came out.

One of the young men, the face is slightly tender, but has the look of a woman who is embarrassed, and the eyebrows reveal a arrogant disdain.

Beside him is a dim old man.

However, both of them have a common feature, that is, the body is crystal clear and transparent, with the luster of crystal white glaze.

The two appeared in the moment of this world, the whole piece of the sky trembled fiercely, as if to completely collapse.

"The true God of the wild gods!"

The **** of the half **** is shocked and stunned.

Based on his perception, the strength of the old man is probably more terrifying than the **** of the sky.

"God is coming"

Zhao Feng has a slight face.

In such a short period of time, there is actually a **** of truth in the wilderness.

“Don't these people come for the **** of heaven?”

Aside, the demigod Tai Chi looks very panic.

"Yuan Long, change the body of the blood, adapt to the vitality skeleton of this world"

The old man said to the young man aside.


The young man is slightly closed, and in the body of the blood, the flow of radiance is shining.

After a while, the vibration of the heaven and earth void slowly calmed down.

"This is... the blood of the spirits"

Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei contacted for a long time. When the man showed a trace of blood, Zhao Feng immediately noticed.

"Don't these people come for Yu Fei?"

Zhao Feng guessed in his heart.

"Master, the descendant of the blood of the Lingzu, is there"

Yuan Long immediately pointed to Zhao Yufei's retreat.

Zhao Feng, Tai Huang Dian and others who are tens of thousands of miles away are directly ignored by this old one.


The old man looked at the place where Zhao Yufei was located, pointing a little.

call out

A mysterious radiance of shining, shining on Zhao Yufei's body.

Zhao Yufei's crystal body suddenly burst into a strong ancient blood.


Kun Yun felt the realm of Zhao Yufei, and he took a deep breath.

"What is this ability..."

The semi-god dragon change is also shocking.

The mysterious old man just pointed his finger and let Zhao Yufei in the retreat directly break through the realm of the Holy King.

At this point, Zhao Yufei opened the bright eyes.

She seems to have an induction, looking at the two in the sky.

"Child, come back to Taikoo Lings with us, where is your destination"

In the sky, the old man’s voice is echoing in the heavens and the earth.

"The Taikoo Lingzu, the wild **** domain?"

Zhao Yufei Jiao Rong was slightly shocked.

Obviously, she also had some understanding of the wild gods.

According to the blood pulse, these two people are probably the strong blood of the spiritual family in the wilderness.

And the purpose of their coming to this space is to meet themselves and return to the wild gods.

The blood of Zhao Yufei’s body has a warmth, and seems to be very eager to go to the wild gods and return to the Taikoo Lingzu.

A thousand miles away, Taihuang Temple, Kunyun and others, looked shocked and embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the true gods of these two wild gods actually came to meet Zhao Yufei.

With the blood of Zhao Yufei, if you enter the wild realm and then hit the heavenly throne, I am afraid that you can directly prove the middle position.

"I don't want to go now."

Zhao Yufei hesitated for a moment and answered directly.

Subsequently, Zhao Yufei's misty eyes looked at Zhao Feng with a hint of love and entanglement.

Obviously, the region is quite wild, and Zhao Yufei is still very yearning.


Kun Yun is aphasia.

The face of the Taihuang Temple is also a stiff, kneeling in place.

Everyone did not expect that Zhao Yufei would actually refuse the welcoming of the gods and gods.

Such a bad opportunity, Zhao Yufei actually refused

We must know that the mainland’s successful breakthrough in the throne is also tens of thousands of years ago.

"What, you..."

The face of Yuanlong suddenly changed, and it was unbelievable.

The woman in this low space in front of her will actually refuse his master.

The old man looked slightly moving, his eyes suddenly fell on Zhao Feng.

He naturally can see that Zhao Yufei refused because of this man.


At this moment, Zhao Feng felt all over the body, except for the eyes of the gods, all of them were completely seen by the old man, without reservation.


The old man’s eyes fell on Zhao Feng’s left eye and he was slightly surprised.

"Human, you also go with us to the wild gods."

The old man looked sly and smiled.

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