King of Gods

: 1171 Unusual Taikoo Mystery

In the dense forests, there is a richer atmosphere of the heavens and the earth than the wild gods.

A young man with a clear-eyed appearance, with a layer of scales on his pale blue skin, his face was amazed and he walked cautiously.

“Here is the wild and ancient mystery?”

The man is slightly uplifted.

His name is Wei Ke, the ancient tribe of the ancient scorpion, the talent is very good, and in a short period of 100 years, he has cultivated into the realm of the demigod and became a native.

In the battle for the wild and ancient secrets, Wei Ke’s outcrop has occupied a place.

However, in the blue grading into which people, he is still the bottom of the existence.

"Look at the map first"

Wei Ke’s thoughts went deep into the soul world, and a piece of scattered map information came to mind.

This is the map information that the blue squad's disciples have passed into the wild and ancient mysteries. After many years of precipitation, the map information is still unable to be connected. It can be seen that the wild and ancient secrets are huge. .

Taikoo is a wilderness, the most vast mystery in the wilderness, and it will be opened once every year.

The Taikoo wilderness secret was opened last time, but for a thousand years, it is now open again.

Therefore, it is possible to enter the wild and ancient mystery. In Wei Ke’s opinion, it is like dreaming.

"Unable to determine the location"

Wei Ke’s thoughts returned to the body.

"Listen to the predecessors of the family, this place is extremely dangerous, I still get in touch with people in the family."

A fish-shaped blue token appeared in Wei Ke's hand.

This is a messaging token. Within a certain range, as long as this token appears, he can directly pass the sound.

But at this time, Wei Ke urged the token in his hand, but there was no slightest sense, that is to say, within a certain range around him, there was no blue-scale person.

"The wilderness is too big, the people of the blue scales are not alone."

Wei Ke lamented a sigh, showing a firm color, and since then he can only begin to explore.

Wei Ke carefully flew in the forest, his eyes calmly observed around.

"This is, blood soul grass"

Wei Ke's eyes lit up and flew to a certain place, staring at a red blood of the body, the reddish herb of the meridian.

Blood Soul, can promote the operation of blood and blood, is conducive to the breakthrough of cultivation, and has certain benefits to the soul. It is not very precious for the half-god.

But there is a whole piece of blood soul grass in front of you. Adding up and saying that there are hundreds of them, Wei Ke is very heart-warming.

Just as Wei Ke took the blood of the soul, there was a sudden roar in the distance.

Immediately, a **** shadow swept to him.

Wei Ke suddenly had a long sword in his hand, waving the room, and a layer of water rushed forward to the front, breaking several towering ancient trees and blasting the blood and light.

"Blood family"

Wei Ke's eyes stared at the Taikoo race in front of him, a strange race of a thick, **** liquid.

The blood family can swallow the blood of other races, and can change the shape of the body arbitrarily. The ancient people are 8,612.

"Sure enough, the Taikoo people here are all intrinsic."

Wei Ke showed a sense of surprise and his war was unabated.

This **** tribe is also a semi-deity realm, but Wei Ke is a quasi-god, more powerful than him, and the blood of the blue scales is stronger.

But at this time, more blood and light shadows rushed back here, and the huge blood and light shadow made Wei Ke tremble.

"Go fast"

At this time, in the other direction, there was a blond man with a beautiful face and a clear angle.

Zhao Feng was extremely fast, and immediately came to Wei Ke's side, running the willpower, taking Wei Ke out of danger.

After a period of flight, the figure of the **** family gradually disappeared.

"Thank you for your help in the fight."

Wei Ke smiled and said that he was full of gratitude.

Zhao Feng’s speed was at least twice as fast as Wei Ke, which made Wei Ke admire Zhao Feng. In his opinion, Zhao Feng is at least a top genius of four stars and a half.

There are many dangers in the wild and ancient mysterious world. Many races kill each other for the sake of interest. Others will not control Wei Ke at all, but Zhao Feng has taken the initiative to save his life. This also proves that Zhao Feng is not an evil generation.

"No thanks, but why are you here alone?"

Zhao Feng asked directly.

In fact, when Wei Kegang came here, Zhao Feng discovered him, but he did not manage it at the time. Because Wei Ke’s strength was not strong, Zhao Feng was too lazy to enslave.

Zhao Feng suddenly found that Wei Ke took out the communication token, which made Zhao Feng somewhat curious, so Zhao Feng slowly approached and secretly observed that the **** ethnic group was also deliberately arranged by Zhao Feng.

"Isn't you also one person?"

Wei Ke said strangely, but he immediately added: "Going into the wild and ancient secrets, all are randomly transmitted, this is no way to do it."

In Wei Ke's opinion, the sentence he added seems to be nonsense, but Zhao Feng's mind is turned upside down.

"Wild and old secrets"

Zhao Feng heard about this mystery in the trading hall, so I know some.

“Here is the wild and ancient mystery?”

Zhao Feng just wanted to ask for an exit, but he blocked this sentence in his heart.

If the dream is too ancient, it is a wild and terrible secret. Zhao Feng said this sentence and will definitely be a fool by Wei Ke.


Zhao Feng’s left squat jumped for a moment and calmed down.

"My name is Wei Ke. I wonder if this gentleman is willing to act with me temporarily?"

Wei Ke immediately sent out an invitation, and the clear eyes could not see other intentions.

The sinister danger of the ancient and the ancient world, he has only heard that, until he saw it with his own eyes, if Zhao Feng did not save, he was afraid that he had already lost his life.

At the same time of the invitation, Wei Kecai began to feel the cultivation of Zhao Feng as a realm. It seems that it is not very strong. This makes him somewhat confused. Zhao Feng’s speed is obviously much faster than him, but it seems that Xuanguang is perfect.

"My name is Zhao Feng. I just came here and I am safer to act together."

Zhao Feng showed a smile.

Originally, he only intended to get some information from Wei Ke, but Wei Ke thought simple, no malicious, directly sent an invitation to Zhao Feng.

And Zhao Feng still can't believe that this is a wild and old secret, so I will act with Wei Ke for a while to see what is going on.

If the dream is too ancient, it is really a wild and ancient mystery. The genius in the wild domain is not to plunder its own resources. Zhao Feng can't sit idly by.

For a long time, the dreams of Taikoo are the secrets of cultivation that Zhao Feng wants to plunder and plunder resources, but at this moment, it may be smashed by the countless geniuses of the wild gods.

"The Zhao brothers are extraordinary, and they are the top powers of a four-and-a-half-star force."

Wei Ke said with a smile, Zhao Feng has been treated as a friend.

"Fortunately, the forces behind it are not very strong."

Zhao Feng said vaguely that the forces behind him are not the flaming Jinyang people, and they can even be considered weak.

"Wei Ke, let's go here, I feel that there is a dangerous atmosphere in that direction."

Zhao Feng said directly.

In fact, there is Zhao Feng's territory over there, accompanying Wei Ke to explore there. It is not for him to plunder his own resources, and the Taikoo races enslaved by Zhao Feng are unlikely to attack Zhao Feng, which will make Wei Ke suspicious.

"it is good"

Wei Ke did not think much, and Zhao Feng moved in the other direction.

"How many people in the race of the Wei brothers came to the wild and ancient mystery?"

Without a few steps, Zhao Feng began to inquire about intelligence.

"The blue scales are only four and a half races, so only forty-five people come in, but my family has a powerful fifth-order true **** to come here. If you meet him, then"

Wei Ke didn't want to say it directly.

"Forty-five people, the fifth-order true God"

Zhao Feng glanced at the heart and was slightly shocked.

According to Zhao Feng’s guess, these forty-five people are either quasi-god or second-order true gods, but he did not expect that there are still five-order true gods. The fifth-order true **** is stronger than the Tianyu island master

"Be careful, Zhao Feng"

Wei Ke suddenly drank, and the long sword in his hand flooded a huge water shackle and rushed out to meet a thunder.

This Tianhuo Thunder is naturally not the one that Zhao Feng enslaved. Its strength is stronger and it reaches the peak of the first order.

Zhao Feng looks very cold, Wei Ke's strength can not deal with this fire thunder, and even dangerous, but Wei Ke does not seem to think so much.

This made Zhao Feng's impression of the wilderness of the gods a little changed. He always thought that it was quite wild, and everyone only looked at the interests and strengths.

Zhao Feng runs the golden wind and thunders directly.


Zhao Feng played a golden light thunder boxing and squatted on the thunder of the thunder of the sky fire. No one noticed that the golden meaning of the golden light in the boxing light penetrated, causing huge damage to the internal organs of the sky fire thunder.

Wei Ke's strength is not weak, much stronger than the first-order real god. Under the joint efforts of Zhao Feng, the fire will soon be killed.

And most of the precious materials on the Thunderbolt, Zhao Feng let Wei Ke take away.

"Zhao Xiong is not only fast, but also very strong."

Wei Ke showed a simple smile.

"My fellow people seem to be nearby"

Wei Ke immediately sent a message through the blue token in his hand.

After determining the direction, Wei Ke and Zhao Feng began to act, and soon met Wei Ke's family.

"You are a blue-scale person?"

A man with a brow like a sword and a slightly proud look, took a look at Wei Ke.

"Hu Cheng, this person is indeed a blue-scale person, but the person next to him is not..."

Next to the man in Huang Yi, a woman with a beautiful and well-dressed appearance said that her delicate skin has a light blue texture and she is quite a little tall.

"Hu Cheng, brother, I am Wei Ke, it is great to meet you."

Wei Ke was a little excited and stood by Hu Cheng and Ma Lingshi.

"Wei Ke, you can do it with us, but this person doesn't know which race, and only Xuanguang is perfect..."

Hu Cheng is a powerful disciple of the blue scales. Naturally, he is embarrassed to abandon other members of the family. However, he looks at Zhao Feng’s eyes, but it is extremely contemptuous.

He did not understand, Zhao Feng is the power of the people, only the realm of Xuan Guang's perfection, he ran to the wild and ancient secrets.

Among the blue scales, those who enter the wild and ancient secrets are at least quasi-god or second-order true gods.

However, after thinking about it, perhaps the race where Zhao Feng is too weak, the prospective gods and the demigods all come in and there are still more places, so I will send the people who have the full light.

"Hu Cheng, brother, Zhao Feng is the one I have just come here, his strength is stronger than me."

Wei Ke said simply and straightforwardly.

"Oh, let him join us."

Ma Lingshi smiled slightly and said directly.

In her opinion, Wei Ke wants Hu Cheng to accept Zhao Feng to deliberately say so, how can Xuan Guang's perfection be stronger than the quasi-god.

"Since Ling poetry has said this, let him join us, but when it comes to danger, you have to contribute."

Hu Cheng looked at Ma Ling's poems with a hint of fiery heat, then looked at Zhao Feng with disdain and said directly.

With Zhao Feng’s cultivation, it is estimated that he will die soon. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t work with them.

His main thoughts are placed on Ma Lingshi. Although Ma Lingshi can't compare with the first beauty in the family, his appearance is also excellent.

Hu Cheng is the strongest among the four. At that time, he can perform in front of Ma Lingshi and get her hand.

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