King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1174: Conspiracy

Originally Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi were persuading Zhao Feng to leave this place. After all, the strength of the Tsing Yi old man and the Golden Horn fire rat are very strong.

However, the Tsing Yi old man said that if they help each other, the opportunities in the cave can be divided equally, and they will come out with Zhao Feng. After the Tsing Yi old man saw their cultivation, they immediately repented and went back.

"Zhao Xiong, let's go."

Wei Ke persuaded that the two young people were the fire-wing family. Although the fire wing family is also a four-and-a-half-strength force, it is much stronger than the blue-scale people. Moreover, there is a third-order next to the two fire-wing families. Real God helps.

"Since the seniors don't need our help, then we don't mix it."

Zhao Feng smiled and Wei Ke and others returned to the ancient forest, it seems that they really intend to leave.

“The three wastes also want to cooperate with us and count them.”

A young man of the Fire Wings snorted and his eyes looked slightly different.

However, the old man’s brow was slightly wrinkled, and his knowledge swept into the ancient forest and found that Zhao Feng did not leave.

"What do you mean by this?"

The Tsing Yi old man runs the soul and directly shouts.

An invisible soul attack rushed to Zhao Feng and others in the ancient forest.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, and the thunder of the soul of the thunder surging out, blocking the soul sound wave attack of the Tsing Yi old man.

On the soul level, even if the other party is a third-order true god, Zhao Feng has a more powerful force.

"The three of us are inferior. Now we just want to watch the battle between the predecessors and the Golden Horn fire rat. Maybe we can learn something from it."

Zhao Feng’s voice is not cold or not.

At this moment, Zhao Feng three people are practicing in the ancient forest, only leaving a part of the idea to stare at the Tsing Yi old man.

"Don't worry, these three people will have to pay some price to fight off the Golden Horn fire rat. When they lose their strength, they can't cope with us."

Zhao Feng secretly gave Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi a voice.

"Well, I listen to Zhao's brother."

Wei Ke’s eyes show a firm color, danger and opportunity coexist. If even this danger is fearful, how can the martial arts advance?

The consciousness of the Tsing Yi old man condensed on Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng just easily blocked his soul attack, which made him somewhat suspicious, Zhao Feng does not seem as simple as it seems.

However, just now he has rejected Zhao Feng three people, and now to invite, I don't have much face.

"Hey, you have been here for a long time."

The old man in Tsing Yi looked cold and had a chill in his eyes.

The other two firefighters seem to get what instructions, suddenly stimulate the blood of the body, run the artifact in hand, go all out.


The Tsing Yi old man also activates the blood, and his strength is greatly increased. The horrible thunder and lightning brilliance surrounds his body and has the horrible destructive power.

It takes a certain amount of time for the Tsing Yi old man and the Fire Wings to defeat the Golden Horn fire rat with the lowest damage, but now that other people are peeping around, they no longer hide their strength. After they solved the Golden Horn fire rat, they went to deal with Zhao Feng.


The three men took out all the strength and immediately suppressed the Golden Horn fire rat.

The two people of the Fire Wings are the genius of the family, and they all attack the artifacts. The strength of the Tsing Yi old man is even more terrifying. The power of lightning is destroying everything.

"Damn, you guys"

A few golden horned rats were seriously injured and no longer were opponents of Tsing Yi and others.


All the golden horned fire rats fled directly, but the direction of escape was within the cave.

At the same time, there was a horrible divine power fluctuation in the cave, accompanied by gold and inflammation.

"There is a treasure inside."

The eyes of the Tsing Yi old man suddenly flashed a fine mans.

"Come good luck, let's go."

The fire-wing family also has some sense. There are treasures in the cave, which must be obtained as soon as possible. They have no time to manage the three people of Zhao Feng.


The Tsing Yi old man took the fire wing trio and went directly into the cave.


Zhao Feng snorted and entered Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi.

The stone walls in the cave are all rare metal ores, and they have a burning scent, and there is a hidden passage on the inside of the cave.

"It seems that below this, it should be a place of inheritance, that is, I don’t know what the inheritance is."

Ma Lingshi reveals the color of surprise.

I did not expect to encounter a place of inheritance in the ancient and desolate world.

Zhao Feng did not speak and went directly into it. Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi looked at each other and chose to follow Zhao Feng and went to the place of inheritance to try their luck.

Just entering the narrow hole, there was a horrible thunder and lightning flashing out.

"You really don't know how to live and die, but dare to follow up."

The sound of the chillyness of the old man of Tsing Yi, with the huge thunderous palm of the hand, bombarded Zhao Feng.

If it is not discovered that the opportunities in the cave are extraordinary, the Tsing Yi old man and others will definitely solve the Zhao Feng three people first, but he did not expect that Zhao Feng would not know how to live and die, but dare to keep up.

Zhao Feng had already noticed that the Tsing Yi old man hidden here immediately ignited the holy body, and destroyed and thundered the thunder.


In the narrow passage, a horrible thunder and lightning blast broke out, and the entire underground violently vibrated. The hard ore on the stone wall was shattered and fell.


The Tsing Yi old man stepped back and stunned.

His strength has been depleted, and under the carelessness, Zhao Feng has the upper hand. However, Zhao Feng’s palm has already surpassed the second-order true **** and approached the third-order true god.

"We are following up, and we are afraid of the dangers of our predecessors. Maybe we have the opportunity to cooperate."

Zhao Feng has always been a leisurely gesture.

Zhao Feng's Sheng Lei body is the most resistant to lightning, and the attack of the Tsing Yi old man has little effect on Zhao Feng.

And Zhao Feng does not need to show how strong the strength, only need to attract the attention of the other three.

"Well, don't be afraid to die, come over."

The Tsing Yi old man’s sleeves waved and flew down with the fire wing family.

Zhao Feng's strength far exceeds his expectations. It is not easy to solve them. Therefore, the Tsing Yi old man decided to temporarily let Zhao Feng.

"The Zhao brothers are so deep hidden that these strengths are comparable to the strongest geniuses in my blue scales."

Wei Ke was surprised and sighed.

"I just cultivated the Leidao refining exercises and restrained the predecessor's thunder attack."

Zhao Feng modest explanation.

Six people follow the narrow passage, and continue to go deeper down, the temperature of the space is getting higher and higher, the ore on the surrounding walls is below this temperature, the golden red is a piece, and the burning is abnormal.

Soon, everyone passed this passage and came to a huge underground cave.

The cave is surrounded by hard and abnormal metal minerals. The ground is a hot magma, but in the center of the magma there is a magnificent flame palace. The material of this palace is very extraordinary, and it has a treasure inside.

“Sure enough, it is the place of inheritance”

The Tsing Yi old man and the Fire Wings looked at the scene in front of him and looked excited.


The Tsing Yi old man and other people, Zhao Feng, flew directly to the Flame Palace.

Suddenly, at the entrance to the palace, the golden horned fire rats appeared again, staring at the fierce eyes, and the serious injuries they suffered in the battle were all restored.

"This is the inheritance of the ancestors of the Golden Horn fire rat, you have to take a half step."

One of the most breathtaking Golden Horn fire rats screamed.

At this time, there was a strong volatility in the golden palace that burned the red gold flame.

"Not good, there is a golden horn fire rat in it to accept the inheritance"

The Tsing Yi old man has a slight change in his face.

In the eyes of several Golden Horn fire rats, all the injuries have been restored. It is not easy to deal with them. Once the Golden Horn fire rats in the Flame Palace accept the inheritance power, they must be stronger.

"This little brother also has the blue-scale quasi-god, let's do it together."

The Tsing Yi old man directly looked at Zhao Feng and others.

Zhao Feng’s strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, in order to obtain the heavy treasure here, he must borrow the power of Zhao Feng’s three people.

"Since the seniors took the initiative to invite, they were disrespectful in the next."

Zhao Feng smiled mildly, but this smile made the Tsing Yi old man very disgusted.

"Do it yourself?"

The Tsing Yi old man suddenly drank and six people rushed out at the same time.

"Protection of the inheritance"

The golden horn fire rat directly stimulates the blood.

Deep in the palace, an invisible force of gold fire poured into the body of these golden horns, and their blood power increased, and their combat power increased.

"It turns out that no wonder they have to escape here."

A fire-fighting family has a slight complexion.

In this place of inheritance, the fighting power of these golden horns has increased, much stronger than outside. If only three of them are, they will not be able to deal with these ancient races.


Six people collided directly with the Golden Horn fire rat. Zhao Feng was running to destroy the Thunder, attacking the overbearing and powerful, and instantly caught the attention of everyone.

"The combat power of this son is a little stronger than the Tianjiao quasi-god of these two firefighters."

The Tsing Yi old man has been paying attention to Zhao Feng, and Xuan Guangjing has such a strong strength. It is indeed somewhat ridiculous.

However, their strength is strong, but it can help them to seize the opportunity here.

"Saint Ray's Boxing"

"Thundering the palm"

The six people joined forces, even if the blood of the Golden Horn fire rat was increased, it was still beaten back and forth.

Soon, a golden horned rat was smothered, and the fighting power of the people directly crushed the golden horned rat and approached the Flame Palace.

"Boy, the three of you temporarily hold the Golden Horn fire rat, we enter into the treasure, how do you share it with you after you get it?"

At this time, the Tsing Yi old man proposed.

"Yes, there is a golden horn fire rat in the inheritance, we must interrupt it, otherwise even if we six people join hands, I am afraid I will not get the treasure inside."

The sacred **** of the fire wing family immediately attached to the road.

"That's good, here is taught to us."

Zhao Feng promised crisp and decisive.

The Tsing Yi old man and the other two firefighters were suddenly surprised. They thought that Zhao Feng would talk to them about the conditions. I did not expect Zhao Feng to agree so directly, so that they had an unreal feeling.

"Then you have to stop these golden horns."

Tsing Yi old man can not manage so much, with the fire wing family quasi-god, directly into the flame palace.

"Zhao brothers, how do you promise them? If they have won the treasure, no matter what we do?"

Wei Ke said with some concern.

At this time, although these golden horned rats were seriously injured, the three of them were still somewhat difficult to contain.

"No matter, the treasures in the Flame Palace are not so good."

Zhao Feng showed a smile and let Wei Ke and Ma Lingshi rest assured.

Zhao Feng dared to let them go in to take treasures, naturally not afraid that they will leave after they get the treasure, and the treasures inside are really not good.

Shortly after the Tsing Yi old man and others entered, there was an angry roar in the palace: "Dare to steal the inheritance resources of the Golden Horn Fire Rat, and die."

"Not good, this golden horned rat has accepted some of the strength of the inheritance, and its strength reaches the third-order true God."

Tsing Yi old man suddenly shocked, although he is also a third-order true god, but the Golden Horn fire rat can exert more power here.

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