King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1179: Phoenix nest

Soon, everyone is close to Fenglin, and every plant that makes up Fenglin is a valuable piece of precious materials, and these plants are extremely hard and hard to be destroyed.

"Thank you for your brother."

Zhao Feng smiled.

The Golden Arms and others and Zhao Feng are just a road encounter, and there is not such a deep friendship, but the other party has helped Zhao Feng to solve this trouble. This is what Zhao Feng did not expect.

"You are welcome, come to Fenglin, I have only three people in the Golden Arms, and I need the help of Zhao and the power of this predecessor."

I hate smiling and said, sweeping Zhao Feng and Tsing Yi old man.

The Tsing Yi old man did not say a word from beginning to end, but everyone did not doubt anything, because the tall man of the Golden Arm family has always been closed.

Being in the phoenix forest, you can hear the fighting sounds in many directions more clearly.

"Look, there is a phoenix nest there."

Yu hate's eyes stared at somewhere, excited.

Not far from the front, many tree vines form a sphere, which exudes a slightly hot aroma.

"Feng nest?"

Zhao Feng is slightly puzzled. Fengchao should not be the biggest opportunity in Fenglin. How could it be so easy to see.

"This is the outer phoenix nest, which is the habitat of many phoenixes. The center of Fenglin has a huge phoenix nest, which is the most powerful and beautiful phoenix, that The center Fengchao is the biggest opportunity."

The pink palace girl knows what Zhao Feng is wondering, and slowly explains.

"Human, go to die"

Just when everyone was chatting, the phoenix in the phoenix nest had already flown, spewing out several colored flames.

"let me do it"

I hate to scream, the blood of the whole body is boiling, and a golden glow surrounds his right arm.

This prawns have only the strength of the second-order true god. Yu hate one person to deal with, just Zhao Feng also looks at the strength of the Golden Arms genius.


On the right arm of Yu hate, there is a golden shadow of the shadow arm, which looks like a copper cast iron.

"Gold Killing Boxing"

Yu hate picks up his arm and directly hits a fierce and fierce golden shadow.


The prawns saw each other's strength so strong that they did not dare to sneak out. They spewed out a variety of flame filaments from their mouths to form a layer of colored inflammatory nets, which wrapped the attack of the remaining hate.


Yu Jin’s golden aperture broke through the shackles of the colored inflammatory net, but the power of the slap itself was also weakened a lot, eventually falling on the ancient vines in the rear.

What Zhao Feng did not expect was that the golden light boxing that was weakened by Yu hating did not cause much damage to the ancient wood vines in Fenglin.

call out

The phoenix finch is extremely fast, dragging countless colored flames, and entangles it into the hate, as if to cut him into countless pieces.

"Gold wave blade"

I hate to change the attack mode, the right hand into the palm, smashing out countless sharp golden wave blades.


The second-order true-spirited punctuation can't hurt the hate and flee directly.

"Go, go to the Phoenix Nest"

After repelling the prawns, Yu hate did not pursue.

After all, the phoenix tail is good at speed. In this phoenix forest with ancient trees, it is like a fish, so the phoenix finch found so many invaders and did not leave.


The crowd went directly to the place where the phoenix was.

"This is Jiuyi blood grass, purple heart golden flower..."

When Zhao Feng glanced at it, he discovered many precious treasures of heaven and earth, like a rainbow of rainbow, dotted around the interior of the Phoenix Nest.

“The phoenix tails like to use some colorful treasures to decorate their own phoenix nests, in order to gain the preferences of the opposite sex. In addition, where the ichthyaks lived, all the precious materials will be improved, the same as other places. The efficacy of medicinal herbs is good"

Yu hated and said, then took all the resources of this phoenix nest.

This punctuation is repelled by the rest of the hatred, and this phoenix nest is still in the peripheral area, the resources inside are not very precious, and everyone does not care much.

"Curious phoenix forest"

Zhao Feng feels that the world is big, no wonder, every race has its own habits and beliefs.

The habitat of the prawns should be a great place to search for resources for cultivation, and what types of these herbs are available. Therefore, Fenglin will attract so many forces and strong people.

The crowd flew directly inside, and soon found a phoenix nest. In this phoenix nest, there are two phoenixes with second-order true **** strength.

When the two sides met, there was nothing to say, and they fought directly together. This time, the women in the palace and the old man in Tsing Yi shot.

The Tsing Yi old man is strong and strong, and he will take advantage of it and crush the prawns.

"Thunderwalker, very strong"

Yu hated and the tall man, and he looked at the old man in Tsing Yi.

In the end, the two phoenixes fled and wounded, while the old people in Tsing Yi made great contributions and took away 60% of the rare resources in the phoenix nest.

"A lot of phoenix nests"

Zhao Feng’s eyes stared forward.

The closer to the center, the denser the phoenix nest, and there are at least two phoenixes in the phoenix nest, and the strength is extraordinary.


This time, Zhao Feng ran out of the San Lei body directly, along with him Tsing Yi old man and palace women.


In front of the three people, the dense filaments of the flames were strangled. Although the flames were thin, the power contained in them was not to be underestimated.

"Destroy God"

Running the golden wind thunder, Zhao Feng's fingers flicked in the air, and I saw countless golden light shining around. The flame wires encountered were cut off directly.


The destructive, invincible gold fingertips left countless cut scars on the hard old woods.

"Go, these humans are very strong"

Every time the punctatus is defeated, it will quickly evacuate and never fight.

"Zhao Xiong, good strength"

Yu hated and said, the tall middle-aged man also looked at Zhao Feng deeply.

Although Zhao Feng’s strength is not outstanding, but Xuan Guangjing’s full possession of such strength, it is indeed a bit shocking.

"This is, the water pattern of the Holy Spirit flower"

When everyone came to this phoenix nest, the woman’s gaze was fixed on the same treasure, and she suddenly exclaimed.

The water-grained holy spirit flower is said to be a treasure of waterway cultivation. The special water-grain on it is a symbol of the rules of the righteousness. It can be directly integrated into the light of the Holy Spirit and stabilize the light of the Holy Spirit, so that when it breaks through the position of God in the future, It can create a more powerful platform, and it can be said that it is a treasure of heaven and earth that can make the demigod hit a higher position. The practitioner who cultivates the ice water is the most useful.

Although the water pattern on this water-grained Holy Spirit flower is small, it is also a treasure that cannot be met.

"This treasure, let Zhao brother and this predecessor."

After the Golden Arms trio exchanged a little, Yu hate said directly.

"That Zhao is disrespectful."

Zhao Feng also took a fancy to this water-grained holy spirit flower, and brought everyone to the phoenix nest.

Zhao Feng cultivated the five elements of the righteousness, this water-grained Holy Spirit flower also has a certain effect on him, and this water-grained Holy Spirit flower can also lead those who are behind.


Not expecting Zhao Feng, there was a rush of drink in the back.


A few figures directly flashed in front of everyone, just the blue scales.

The Jinjia trio looked dull, but they did not expect the blue-scale people to stay behind them.

"Zhao Xiong, the blue-scale people want to kill you, find a chance to run."

Suddenly, Zhao Feng’s mind sounded Wei Ke’s soul.

Zhao Feng gave a slight glimpse, and then showed a slight smile, did not care.

"What are the intentions of the blue-scale people following us?"

Yu hate looks gloomy and suddenly asks.

"We just happened to pass here"

A blue-scale tribe of a third-order true **** is self-sufficient and speaks directly.

There are no other forces around here. There are eight people in the blue scales and only five people in the Golden Arms. Do they still need to be polite with the Golden Arms?

“The water-grained holy spirit flower is most suitable for waterway practitioners. I hope that all the members of the Golden Arm family can hand over these treasures to us”

Another second-order **** said, directly let the Golden Arms give them this treasure.

Yu hate and Gongyi women face a slight face, if the front is anti-marking, it should be that they suffer losses, and it is absolutely necessary for a water-grained Holy Spirit to make a big move.

"This kind of treasure is already Zhao's brother. If Zhao brother has no opinion, it is fine for you. If Zhao brother does not agree, you should not force it."

Yu hate has no domineering outside Fenglin at this time, and he will choose the right to Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, hand over things."

Hu Yan showed a hint of smirk.

"Hand over the water-grained Holy Spirit flower, you are not qualified to own this treasure"

Among the blue scales, the blue dragons were allowed to step forward, and the face was cold and they drank directly.

Blue 烨 烨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The blue scales were originally intended to secretly attack the Golden Arms and others, and do not seek to kill the Golden Arms. As long as they kill Zhao Feng, they will be shocked by the Golden Arms.

But at the moment, their first goal is to capture the water-grained Holy Spirit flower, and the second goal is to kill Zhao Feng.

"What qualification do you have?"

Zhao Feng's face was dull and there was no panic.

"The ants in the area, you are in my hands, even a move can not support"

Lan Lan was arrogant and looked very disdainful. Zhao Feng glanced at him. Xuan Guangjing was full of talks about his qualifications. He didn’t know how to be tall.

"Since you are so confident, it is better for us to make a bet. You can take three strokes. If I can't resist it, this water-grained Holy Spirit flower is yours."

Zhao Feng said with a smile, a golden blue flower appeared in his hand, and it was quietly flowing with wonderful magical rules.

Lan Lan Zhun Shen said that Zhao Feng could not hold him a move, and now Zhao Feng and Lan Hao are betting on the gods, so that Lan Lan can be expected to take three strokes, so that the blue dragon can not refuse.

The three people of the Golden Arms looked a little stunned. They did not expect to say such words, but they were very confident about Zhao Feng.

The blue scales did not have any wrinkles. They did not think that Zhao Feng could accept the three tricks of the blue 烨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换 换He offered it on his own initiative and certainly had some confidence.

"After three strokes, the water-grained Holy Spirit flower is mine."

The blue-eyed brow was slightly picked, and then confidently said.

Just now they followed the people of the Golden Arms and others and saw the strength of Zhao Feng. It is indeed very powerful. It is probably equivalent to the ordinary second-order true god, but the blue-eyed quasi-god has the record of killing the second-order true God.

Moreover, Zhao Feng took the initiative to provoke him. The blue 烨 烨 岂 岂 岂 岂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Golden Arms who had just smashed in front of them.

"If I completely block your three moves, should you also say that you don't have any treasures in the blue sky?"

Zhao Feng showed a smile.

The blue dragon is a slight glimpse, and Zhao Feng also believes that he can resist his three moves.

"Hey, then I am betting on this golden god."

The blue 烨 烨 一 一 一 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Just tracking the Golden Arms, the Blue Dragons know that Zhao Feng is good at the golden meaning of the gold, then he took out this golden god, Zhao Feng should have no nonsense.

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